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Virginia Student Calls for Apology From Sen. Allen for 'Macaca' Slur

by Democracy Now (reposted)
Republican Senator George Allen of Virginia ignited controversy last week when he singled out a student volunteer for his opponent's campaign at a rally and referred to him as a "macaca." The man Allen was referring to was SR Sidarth, a Fairfax County native of Indian descent. The term "macaca" refers to a genus of monkey and is used as an ethnic slur. Sidarth joins us from Virginia to discuss the incident.
All eyes are on Virginia's Senate race that pits Republican incumbent George Allen against Democratic challenger Jim Webb. The race was catapulted into the spotlight last week after controversial remarks made by Senator Allen at a campaign rally before a mostly white audience at Breaks Interstate Park in Southwest Virginia. During his speech, Allen singled out a volunteer for his opponent's campaign who was taping the event.

* Sen. George Allen (R - VA), speaking at a campaign rally, August 11, 2006.

The man Senator George Allen was referring to is SR Sidarth, a 20 year-old volunteer for Jim Webb's campaign. He was born in Fairfax County, Virginia and is of Indian descent.

The term "macaca" refers to a genus of monkey and is used as an ethnic slur in some cultures. Webb's campaign soon posted the clip on, producing a string of front-page stories. Allen said afterwards that he had meant no insult, that he was sorry if he hurt anyone's feelings and that he did not know what "macaca" meant. Allen's aides then said it was a play on the word "mohawk" for Sidarth's partly shaved head. Webb's campaign was skeptical of the explanations with his communications director saying "I think it's reaching, at best."

Regardless, many political analysts say the controversy has affected the Virginia race with Allen dropping in the polls. The incident has also brought what some call Allen's history of racial and ethnic insensitivity into the fold. We will discuss that in a minute but first, the man at the center of the controversy joins us. SR Sidarth is a senior at the University of Virginia and a volunteer for the James Webb Campaign.

* SR Sidarth, a senior at the University of Virginia and a volunteer for Jim Webb's campaign.
* Mark Potok, director of the intelligence project for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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