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America's Attack Dog

by Gary Sudborough
An alternative view of Israel's attack on Lebanon
Whenever the United States needs assistance in establishing full military control over the oil-rich Middle East, it can always depend on Israel, its faithful attack dog. The United States desperately wants to control Iran. Iran is rich in oil and lies directly between the permanent US military bases and huge fortified US embassy now under construction in Iraq and the US and NATO bases in Afghanistan. Also, unlike Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Iran has a government which does not follow Washington's orders.

Under the previous despotic police state of the Shah, Iran did follow US desires and privatized the oil resources, allowing American and British oil companies to make huge profits. However, the Shah was overthrown in 1953 and Mossadegh nationalized the oil. This is an intolerable act to the US government, so strongly influenced by the political power of some of the richest corporations on Earth. The CIA organized a coup which overthrew Mossadegh and brought the Shah back to power. Naturally, the oil was once again privatized. Unfortunately for the oil companies, the Shah was overthrown again by a growing fundamentalist Islamic movement led by Ayatollah Khomeini. Once again the oil was nationalized and relations between the US and Iran have been hostile ever since that time.

One should analyze why the nationalization of oil is so important to the United States and to the large oil companies. When John D. Rockefeller built his empire on oil, he realized that the most profit could be made by having a vertical monopoly. That is, the oil companies should own all the operations from the oil rigs through the refineries to the distribution and sales operations. When oil is nationalized it eliminates one of these profit-making steps and foreign governments profit from the sale of their oil. If it is a country like Saudi Arabia, which spends these profits on supporting the US stock and bond markets and helping to finance the growing US deficits caused by wars and military spending, there is little US protest. On the contrary, if the country is Venezuela and utilizes the sale of its nationalized oil to benefit Venezuela's poor people by bringing them medical care, building schools, providing clean drinking water and sanitation and elevating their standard of living, the US government grows very upset, the CIA plans coups against Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and a torrent of derogatory corporate propaganda is launched against him. He becomes a communist, another of those corporate bogeymen like terrorists.

Air America commentator Randi Rhodes believes that the reason for the Iraq war was that Saddam Hussein intended to trade oil for Euros instead of the dollar and also that the large oil companies wanted to keep Iraqi oil off the market for a time to substantially increase its price. I don't disagree with this theory, but when this oil is eventually sold, companies like Exxon-Mobil, Shell, British Petroleum, Chevron and others want ownership and a vertical monopoly to increase their profits. They hate nationalized oil with a passion.

The hostility toward Iran has nothing to do with its fundamentalist Islamic leadership. The CIA used fundamentalist Islamic groups like Al-Oaeda to drive the Soviet Union from Afghanistan and to fight the Serbs in Bosnia. The US also is very friendly toward an exceedingly fundamentalist, undemocratic regime in Saudi Arabia. The most ridiculous thing in the world is when George W. Bush talks about bringing democracy to the Middle East. He even lectured Vladimir Putin about Russia becoming democratic like Iraq. Notice that when a group which is a hindrance to US and Israeli influence comes to power in democratic elections, as Hamas and Hezbollah did, all this talk about democracy flies out the window.

In the spring of 2006, columnist Seymour Hersch revealed US plans for an attack on Iran. However, the weapons of mass destruction excuse used for the Iraq invasion was not so easily accepted by European governments, Russia and China in relation to Iran. One can easily see the double standard in allowing the despotic regime in Pakistan, which came to power in a coup, to possess nuclear weapons, while complaining and threatening sanctions and war over any nuclear development by Iran. Of course, Pakistan follows orders from Washington, DC and Iran does not. It makes a world of difference.

Israel has now massively bombed the cities of Lebanon, supposedly over the capture of two Israeli soldiers. The problem is that these captures have occurred many times in the past and have simply resulted in prisoner exchanges with Hezbollah. What was different this time? It is obvious that this operation had been planned long in advance by Israel. History if full of examples of nations using either fabricated incidents or actual minor hostilities for the start of wars planned for completely different reasons than the stated ones. Now, all the American news channels, especially Fox, are blaming Hezbollah for the destruction of Lebanon and always state that Syria and particularly Iran are backing Hezbollah. Notice that after all the death and destruction in Lebanon, this provides an additional excuse for either Israel or the US or both to attack Iran and Syria besides the supposed nuclear program in Iran. Nothing is mentioned about the large shipments of American weapons to Israel and Turkey, only the aid to Hezbollah from Iran. In fact, the United States has been recently shipping large numbers of bunker-busting bombs to Israel, undoubtedly those with depleted uranium warheads, which will add to the devastation of the region. This could escalate to a situation where just before the congressional elections in November, George W. Bush launches a war against Iran and depends on American patriotism to get his Republican cronies reelected and improve his poll ratings. I hope I am completely wrong because Iran has some advanced weapons and could probably sink American warships. If that happened, would the United States use nuclear weapons? It is a very frightening scenario.

It is exceedingly ironic and sad that Israel is using two techniques that the Nazis used against them and other occupied people in World War II. One of these war crimes is bombing civilian infrastructure and denying water, electricity, medical care and sanitation to people. The other crime that was practiced by the Nazis and now by Israel is collective punishment. All Lebanese are paying dearly for the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah. When two Czech exiles executed the Gestapo chief Reinhard Heydrich, also called "Hangman Heydrich," the whole village of Lidice in Czechoslovakia was obliterated from the face of the Earth by the Nazis. It seems Israelis do not learn any more lessons from their own history than do Americans. Of course, Israel denies it is attacking civilians, just as the United States denied using white phosphorus on Fallujah and bombing the city into rubble or torturing prisoners at Guantanamo. These criminals and their lackeys in the corporate media lie like they breath.

The United States is so powerful over Israel that it could end this slaughter in Lebanon with a phone call. Israel is accomplishing aims which are in accordance with the objectives of the administration of George W. Bush. Notice how Condoleeza Rice is proceeding at such a leisurely pace to the Middle East. Does anyone remember the last time something like this happened? When Israel invaded the refugee camps on the West Bank like Jenin and was conducting a mass slaughter of Palestinians and bulldozing houses, Colin Powell stalled and stalled on his way to the area in order that Israel be allowed to accomplish all its murderous objectives. I doubt if any Americans remember this bit of history. As Gore Vidal states: "It is the United States of Amnesia."

When I see the world being driven to the precipice of disaster by the greed of a very few oil barons and their responsibility for the pictures of wounded and burned children and a thousand other crimes, I am furious, but also despondent. I realize most people don't understand the world as I do and are completely deceived by corporate propaganda and the attractive news models who tell lie after lie with a smiling face. I wonder if these corporate whores ever think what repeating everything put in front of them is costing their children. Probably not-that requires intelligence. I am also depressed by the lack of outrage among people who are dissidents in this nation. It is as if the CIA sprayed a vast cloud of valium all over the country. There should be hundreds of thousands of people in the streets protesting these Israeli atrocities and there aren't. The corporate propagandists have turned reality upside down. By their arguments, it is not the United States, Britain and Israel who are the imperialists, but Syria, Iran and Hezbollah. Those fighting imperialism have been transformed into imperialists. I would like to think it is just the heat, but I am afraid Zionist propaganda has had an effect. I would change some of the words of the Communist Manifesto to "Working people of the world unite. Before we allow ourselves and the environment to be destroyed and commit an unpardonable sin against future generations."

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by Thomas Flatt
This article is eye-opening. And I am thankful that it is published despite all world-wide propaganda and supression of news that contradict the economic interests of the oil barons and their helpers in the US and in their vassals.
Peace for Lebanon
by Gary Sudborough (freewu2000 [at]
Those are American bombs falling on those Lebaness men women and children. And we are send them more!! How is this different from our claim that Iran is helping Hizbollah? Our bombs are willfulling out killing them ten to one!
by Brian Berne
This is an interesting piece of hyperbole which part of me wants to believe. However the author has done nothing to back any of his/her claims, despite implying a deeper understanding than the rest of us. Many of us are aware that the media in the U.S. only report what they want, and they report honestly only if it suits their own interests. But I did not know before reading this article if Israel is committing atrocities on American orders or if she is simply defending herself, and I still do not know....
by Peace
Thank's Gary for your mind-opening article. Greed of few people, especially the ones in power and corporate barons, has created all the chaos which only them benefit.
They create chaos everywhere from Africa, Middle East, Latin America.
No wonder people will react to the imperialist intent of this people
Hopefully, many American realize the blind support they give to current government that lead to their bankrupcy.

by pdiddy
Your premise is that the U.S. wants to contol Iran because it is rich in oil..I thought I read that Iran is poor in oil resources relative to other middle eastern countries...isn"t this why Iran continually says they need atomic power??
which is it?? It is also very convenient that the "attack dog" arranged to have it's own soldiers kidnapped on it's own territory...
the basic premises of your entire argument do not hold up to reality..
try a new worldview..
by Greg Z
I've read a number of idoitic articles in my day this one's got to be at the top three. You don't see how US/Israel relationship is different from Iran/Hezbulah? I hope you don't live in America, as living here would be incredibly hypocritical. You’re so lost in your sensationalist rhetoric that you’re starting to believe it yourself.
This article is completely correct.

The Zionists have BECOME Nazis. This is standard human behavior - if someone is messing you up, become like them.

Today the Zionists have a "get out of jail free card". It's called "New Anti-Semitism" - look it up in Wikipedia for yourself. You won't believe it.

It says that ANYONE who criticizes Israel or Zionism is now AUTOMATICALLY an "anti-Semitie" because "you can't criticize America without criticizing Americans, therefore you can't criticize Israel without criticizing 'Jews' because Israel is the 'Jewish homeland' and Zionism is the ideology to create a 'Jewish homeland'."

This argument is so pathetic it's amazing how many otherwise intelligent people accept it. By this EXACT SAME LOGIC, Hitler could have justified the Holocaust! None the less the Zionists have gotten this definition inserted into dictionaries such as Websters and also in the hate speech laws of the European Union.

The intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy of this position should be obvious to all. Zionists have no intellectual honest and no shame.

Therefore the only thing those who would see peace in the Middle East can do is to ADOPT the label "anti-Semitic" and make it mean what the Zionists want it to mean - criticism of Zionism and Israel, not criticism of Jews.

As a long-time resident of San Francisco, Anton LaVey, once said, "If you've got the Devil's name, play the Devil's game."

by Ronen
It all started when out of Lebanon a terror organization that is part of the Lebanses government attacked Israel with NO REASON. What is the purpose of this attack, what are they trying to achieve??? They want to eliminate Israel.

How would you react if someone wanted to kill you for no reason???

Stop for a moment and think - why do they hate Israel so much???
by Mati
Excellent article. The only persons who don't agree are the stupid blind americans whom the whole world can't stand due to their ignorance and arrogance. And remember it is not just the muslims who think you lot are morons, just look at your president, sicko of the century.
by Inquisitor
You conservative idiots! If liberalism is a mental disorder, does that automatically make Ann Coulter the most sane person on the planet? You really don't understand the underlying reasons for the modern Christian-Fascist movement. Do you really think US policies in the Middle East had no part at all in the creation of either Hamas or Hezbollah? When you truly understand the Christofacist movement and its history, you'll come to realize that these control freaks won't quit until your name is Jonah and you're praying five times a day to televangelists.
by Richard Steven Hack
Iran has plenty of oil. What they also have is plenty of population. The need to use oil for energy generation is rising at 5% per year. Therefore in tweny years or so, they will be spending all of their oil in generating energy for their economy, and thus be unable to export much to generate revenue.

Therefore Iran needs nuclear energy to enable it to continue selling oil on the open market for revenue.

This is confirmed by reports published by US analysts.

Get a clue before running your mouth.

by Duby Lolo
What is the author's hidden agenda that makes him lie so blatantly?
Hizbulla's attack (which preceded any Israeli aggression whatsoever) was accompanied by a barrage of Katyusha missiles into Northern Israeli towns. Only then did the Israeli response begin.

Moreover, the reason for Israel's defensive action is not only the freeing of the two kidnapped soldiers but more importantly perhaps, to expel Hizbulla terrorists from the border area and
to destroy their long range missile capabilities to the extent possible.

True, civilians are being killed. but who's fault is that? As far as the author is concerned, not the Hizbulla terrorist gang, not the Lebanese government which has allowed the gang to abuse Lebanese sovereignty, waging a war of terror from Lebanese soil. No, the author claims Israel is to blame.

Lastly, a reminder: Israel withdrew from every last inch of Lebanon in the year 2,000.
How does the auther justify the unprovoked attack of last week?

Hey Gary, grow some integrity.
by Lee M. VanNatter
For some reason, the frightened Far Right of America think they are the only ones in the parade who are in step, and that all the rest of the World, except for Israel, are out of step. So instead of getting into step with the rest of those in the parade, they expect all the others to get into step with them.

The Republican Party of America has wrapped itself in the mantle of far right, ultra fundamentalist Christianity and assigned itself the role of defender of The Faith, thus gaining the support of the frightened Far Right televangelists. And woe be to anyone who opposeth them. Whosoever doth not support the entire agenda of the Frightened Far Right shall be cast into the Fiery Pits of Hell where he (or she) shall burn forever and forever.

Crazy? You bet Bush is crazy and so is this entire country. Now I'll catch hell from all my fellow Americans for daring to write this, but somebody has to speak out with a voice of reason.
by Apun Bola
Stop the Killings. That's all.
by Scott Jeffries
If Israel is truly the aggressor, why only attack Lebanon? Why doesn't Israel attack Jordan, Egypt, and Syria also?

Why are Katyusha missiles in Lebanon? Are they a "defensive" weapons? or are they just there to antagonize?
by KingDave
It's always good to get a point of view outside the standard Western media outlets. There are many good points in the article. I wish it was less emotional; there are a few sentences that could not possibly be true although they are obviously based in reality. Anyway, thanks for helping open some eyes.
by citizen
Thank you for putting out the truth. I wish more people have a sense of justice and get themselves educated rather than being brainwashed by the US media and government. But more so, I wish at least all the muslim people should try to see the truth and stand united in the face of atrocity.
by Bill
Excellent article can't find better then this. I hope there are a few more bright people like this gary in US to let people know what the truth is. The only persons who don't agree are the stupid blind americans whom the whole world can't stand due to their ignorance and arrogance.
by Lorraine Paul
A concise article stating the main features of the war. Further points could have been made such as that if Israel is ONLY targetting Hizbollah why is it that people from all nations are fleeting from Lebanon? People who are merely visiting relatives or holidaying. Israel is fast losing the moral highground with its indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, roads and other aspects of the Lebanonese infrastructure.

As for Israel 'doing nothing' to deserve having their soldiers kidnapped, how did all those 'suspected terrorists' come to fill their prisons?
by Krister Ardern (soulguage [at]
i completely agree with you, i cant believe israel is getting away with this and no1 is doing anything about it. whats sickens me the most is that they are blaming iran and syria, undoubtedly the next targets on Bush's hitlist. i wonder when the world will stand up to bush and american oil merchants and their government ties and say no, your f**king nazis. the way america is going about controlling all the oil reserves in the world with such open showing of their motives is appauling. how no-one is saying anything on world media is not on. there should be reports on all major news channels that technically the israel-lebanon war started by israel and planned well in advance of the taking of two soldiers (which is the poorest excuse iv ever heard when israel currently holds hundreds of lebanese soldiers) is against international law and its leaders should be held responsible. they should be locked up for war crimes, just like saddam hussein. wake up world, in 30 years america is going to basically control the world with cronies and americanised governments.
by homer simpson
Rhandi Rhodes is truly a disgusting person. Only the one percenters in America listen to AAR and the Ed Schultz Show.
by bookliz
Dear Duby,

It is not realistic to say Israel has not displayed aggression against Lebanon. Are you considering the past weeks\months or years? Israel has a long (decades) history of attacking Lebanon, and Lebanon has a long history of attacking Israel.

Who "started" the fight is a matter of opinion, and depends which attack, in which year, you want to count as "the first."

Regardless - what we "expect" is that when two miltary targets are kidnapped - the response is not to murder civilians and destroy the infrastucture and economy of a country full of people that had nothing to do with it.

Further, the important question is how to stop the violence - not who started it.

At any rate, while it is fine, and perhaps even admirable for you to disagree, it is not reasonable to call someone a "blatant liar" because your understanding of history, and cause and effect, differs from theirs.

I believe your viewpoint is based on a one-sided and very limited understanding of the political and economic situation in this region, and I would urge you to educate yourself to viewpoints other than the "party line."

Anyone who is truly interested in "enduring" peace would do so.
by Chuck
This is a superb article, very simple and very accurate... Bravo
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