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Private firm revealed to be spying on antiwar groups in California

by wsws (reposted)
The Los Angeles Times recently revealed that a private corporation, SRA International, contracted by the California Office of Homeland Security (OHS), has compiled reports on demonstrations staged by political protest and antiwar groups in the state. The state monitoring of political opposition in California is representative of the broader assault on democratic rights taking place throughout the United States.
The Times wrote in articles published July 1 and 2 that it had obtained 2 of approximately 60 reports, which were prepared on a daily basis since March 2006. Political activities reviewed in the reports include an animal rights rally in San Francisco, a Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom gathering at a courthouse in Santa Barbara in support of an antiwar protester facing federal trespassing charges, and an antiwar demonstration in Walnut Creek. The reports also contained summaries of news articles about the Iraq war, animal rights activists and terrorism.

The reports were shared among the California attorney general’s office, the Highway Patrol and the OHS through the State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center, an organization the Times referred to as an “anti-terrorism partnership.” The OHS is a state agency that works in coordination with the federal Department of Homeland Security.

News of the existence of the reports prepared by SRA International was only made public on July 1 through the Times article. According to the newspaper, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer’s office already knew of the monitoring at least two months ago.

The immediate response of both the state attorney general’s office and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office was to distance the state government from any implications of wrongdoing.

Lockyer spokesman Tom Dresslar told the Times, “When people exercise their first Amendment right to rally, march and protest, they should not have to worry that intelligence officials are watching them or their activities are in any way being painted with the terrorism brush.... Collecting information on protests has no legitimate anti-terrorism intelligence function. None. No intelligence agency has any need to maintain this kind of information.”

If the monitoring was of such concern to the attorney general, one might ask why it was that nothing was said to the public of the reports until their existence was leaked to the Times.

The governor’s communications director, Adam Mendelsohn, told the Times that Schwarzenegger had “no information and no knowledge that this was happening” and that “the governor feels that this particular information gathering is totally inappropriate and unacceptable.”

According to the Times, OHS officials maintain that such information was included only in the two reports obtained by the newspaper. Last Thursday, Schwarzenegger’s office released in a review to the media more than 80 intelligence reports prepared for the OHS in an effort to demonstrate the limited and aberrant nature of the program of state spying on protesters.

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by jerry brown spied as mayor
Jerry Brown should be asked about this.
As mayor he knew about this.

Now Brown wants to run as Attorney General.

But he spied on protestors. Ask him if he knew.

by deanosor (deanosor [at]
I was trying to figure out what this company does specifically, so i went to their website. And they are one scary little fucker. Everything is so vague and has a gloss of technical language without actually saying what any one person actually does. The best i could figure out is that they are the infrastructure and support group that allows Big brother to run. By the way, they're headquarted in Northern Virginia, and have offices thruout the U.S. except there are no offices of this billion dollar company in the Bay Area.
by urgent
their fear of ''animal rights'' is related to the forced drugging inn ''mental'' institutions. the forced drugging and torture of animals is the same thing they do to people. even fatalities and damage happens from those ''drugs'' which are actually deadly chemicals. that's why that power structure wants to go after ''animal rights'' peoples. they want to perpetuate slavery for animals AND humans...
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