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Indybay Feature

US Debt

by Ted Rudow III (Tedr77 [at]
Debt is one of the worst addictions in the world today, and has snared millions of people who'd never think of becoming addicted to anything else. But easy money, the chance to borrow against what they hope they'll earn in the future, has hooked both people and nations, with devastating effects.
The people, the borrowers, are servants to the lenders—virtual slaves to those who've loaned them the money. And the richer people become, the more they make, the more they borrow, and the harder they often fall in the end!
It's the same with the U.S., only more so: The more money it has made, the more it has borrowed, and the harder and more devastating the fall will be in the end. There IS a crash coming, no matter how often the feel-good economists predict that all things will continue as they are, just because they have been for the last several decades. The world's economy is a house built on the sand of debt, and a storm is coming, and great will be the fall of that house (Matthew 7:24-27).
Ted Rudow III,MA

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