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Indybay Feature

Bizarre Tectonics

by b
the attack on america culminates in destruction of the land by the british agents bush and their german air force accomplices...
the northeast activity of last few weeks is gone beyond odd its bizarre

in 3 years of watching i have not ever seen any earthquakes  in NE USA
to speak of, now a regular line forms from north of maine in
STRAIGHT  line down to new madrid fault zone in west TN

then the activity from NW, which began as a flutter of 5000+ EQ's off
coast of seattle two or so years ago, is picking up speed, definition,
an power -- I expect AZ and NM to start getting real weird EQs
shortly...that flutter has already made it to TX and MO once, and like
everything in this 4th world resurrected technology, the energy is
pulsed, which is very indicative of many things

this is all artificial in conjunction with ENMOD by insane clowns in
DC most notably DUH-bya

this fits their end-time scenario and if it does not happen, why, they
will MAKE it happen, its how they have always been, they live in a
dream world and try to structure reality around their sick fantasies

look for big tec action next few months unless radical change is
accomplished in DC and even then it may be too late the process cannot
just be stopped, because pulsing sets up subsidiary reactions and
energy events

you heard it here first...notice the daily EQs up around idaho now --
these are just starting in last few weeks

the new USA flag at firstgov has only 3 stars i wonder why that is?

we will see i am sure


the attack on america culminates in destruction of the land by the british agents bush and their german air force accomplices...
by b
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