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Indybay Feature

Modesto: Help Shut Down 'Save Our State'! Saturday, June 24th!

by DAAA Collective (modanarcho [at]
Help shut down anti-immigrant xenophobes in Modesto!
Counter Rally Against Anti-Immigration Racists!
Shut Down Save Our State!

When: Saturday, June 24th
Time: 11AM (Save Our State rally starts at 12Noon).
Where: Briggsmore and McHenry, Modesto CA
Bring: Signs, banners, friends, neighbors, your community!

On Saturday, June 24th, Save Our State, a group of mostly white anti-immigration advocates, will be holding a rally in Modesto. They are calling for increased militarization of the boarder, deportation of all 'illegal immigrants', no amnesty for undocumented workers, and also an end to what they see as the influence of Chicano culture on mainstream America.
While these groups claim to not be racist, many of their rallies have been supported by Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. Furthermore, groups like Save Our State claim that Mexican and Chicano culture is a 'œcesspool', and blame immigrants for crime, murder, and drugs. Ever since immigrant workers have been asking for a minimal of things like drivers licenses, groups like Save Our State have opposed these civil rights advances, because they recognize that it is a step towards Chicanos gaining political power.

Militarizing the boarder will only result in more deaths of workers trying to cross in the hopes of a better life, as they flee poverty brought on by NAFTA and other economic forces. It is also these same economic factors which cause poverty and crime, not the immigrants which are used in near slave like conditions, working to keep the economic machine of America humming. The message of Save Our State is racism, that Chicanos should have no self-determination over directing their own lives, their communities, and their workplaces. But we also have a message, that racists are not welcome in our town, and that we will oppose them wherever they show their faces!

Organized by:
Aztlan Rising
Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians (DAAA) Collective
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