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Indybay Feature

Urgent Action Alert: May 15 - Help Stop the Resurrection of Auburn Dam!

by Dan Bacher
I urge everybody concerned about the resurrection of Auburn Dam to attend this meeting in Auburn on Monday. Here's the action alert from Susan Hopkins of Friends of the River.
Help us Stop the Resurrection of the Auburn Dam!

We need you Monday, May 15th

For years, proponents of an Auburn Dam have tried and
failed to gather the support and funding to build a dam that
would flood 50 miles of the American River, cost billions of dollars
and detract funds from the much-needed Folsom Dam and levee
improvements, and create what could be a seismic time-bomb that could
drown Sacramento.

But now they're at it again. An essential roadblock to the
success of the Auburn Dam has been finding a legitimate local partner
to share the cost of building the dam with the federal government: no
agency or organization has been that foolhardy.

The American River Authority (ARA), a joint powers authority, has
publicly expressed interest in stepping up to be that local partner.
The prospect of sponsoring the proposed Auburn Dam will be on the
agenda of their May 15th meeting in Auburn.

We need as many supporters to attend as possible to send the clear
message: the Auburn Dam is a bad idea and the public is prepared to
fight it.

During the public forum part of the meeting, we need people to stand
up and say:

Auburn Dam is too expensive; A price tag of $3 billion and

Auburn Dam is too risky; It steals financial and political
resources from much needed flood control improvements throughout the
Central Valley and it will be built on a system of earthquake faults.

Auburn Dam is too damaging; It will drown thousands of acres
of important wildlife habitat and 50 miles of river canyons that
provide outdoor recreation for more than a half million people every

Meeting Time: 3:00 pm, Monday, May 15 (We will gather outside at
2:30 pm).

Location: Placer County Administrative Office, 175 Fulweiler Avenue,
Auburn, 5603

(Click link for map:

Please RSVP to us at shopkins [at]
<mailto:shopkins [at]> if you can attend.

We need an impressive turnout! Let's squash this bad idea
before it gets off the ground again.
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dams eventually fracture
Thu, May 11, 2006 4:45PM
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