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Indybay Feature

Students Rally to Save Balboa High School

by sadie.sabot
on April 25th, students and faculty of Balboa High School turned out to call upon the school board to save their school. Your calls and emails are still needed, since the school board will be deciding the fate of Balboa on May 9th, 2006.
The San Francisco Unified School district plans to move Leadership High, a charter School, into the Balboa High School facility. This is a bad idea on all fronts, and will endanger Balboa High School. Balboa is located in the southeast part of the city, an area that is slated for so called urban renewal, at the expense of the communities that currently live there. The Balboa student population is primarily students of color from working class communities, and this attack comes hard on the heels of rampant school closures that are primarily affecting San Francisco’s African American community.

On Tuesday, April 25, over 200 Balboa Students, as well as many teachers, alumni, and family members turned out for a rally at the school board to call upon them to reject this plan, to protect Balboa High School, and to find another home for Leadership High School. It is inspiring to see a student body so energized and proud of their school, working with their teachers and community members, and engaging in the political process to save their school. This is the kind of school community we want…engaged, empowered, and unified. It’s worth noting as well that as much as half of Balboa’s student body stayed away from school on Monday, May 1s as part of the national day without an immigrant boycott/general strike.

The matter will be before the Board of Education on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, and they are expected to make a final decision. Community members who want to speak out on behalf of Balboa are encouraged to attend. The meeting is at 7 p.m. in The Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room at
555 Franklin Street, First Floor, San Francisco, California 94102. Following photos of the school’s rally at the school board last week is a sample letter to send to School board members, as well as contact information. Please take a few minutes to act on this. How the students and families in our city are treated affects all of us.
§Students arrive en masse at the school districts offices
by sadie.sabot
§lining the street
by sadie.sabot
students and teachers lined the streets, eliciting many honks and cheers of support from the evening traffic.
§Save Balboa
by sadie.sabot
by sadie.sabot
students brought many different signs, with the same sentiment: find a home for Leadership High, but not in our facility and not at our expense!
§find leadership a home, leave balboa alone
by sadie.sabot
by sadie.sabot
Is this any way to treat one of the most improved and improving schools in the district?
§Balboa will not back down!
by sadie.sabot
by sadie.sabot
§student speaker
by sadie.sabot
§student speaker
by sadie.sabot
the students who spoke were eloquent and fired up.
§teacher addresses students
by sadie.sabot
It was amazing to see how much love the students showed the teachers who were there with them.
§teacher addresses students
by sadie.sabot
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by sadie.sabot
Please speak out to the school board members and the superintendant!

School Board Members Contact Information:

Mr. Norman Yee _President_e-mail: yeen [at];
Ms. Sarah Lipson_Vice President_e-mail: slipson [at]
Mr. Eddie Y. Chin, J.D. _e-mail: echin [at]
Dr. Dan Kelly _e-mail: dkelly [at]
Mr. Eric Mar, Esq. _e-mail: emar [at]
Mr. Mark Sanchez_e-mail: msanche [at]
Ms. Jill Wynns_e-mail: jwynns [at]

I was unable to find phone numbers for individual school board
members, but you can leave a brief message for the entire board at
this number, the person I spoke to was friendly and said she is
keeping track of numbers people calling on this issue: 415/241-6427 ( Esther
V. Casco,_Executive Assistant to the Board of Education)

The acting District Supervisor, Gwen Chan, also needs to hear from you
about this. Her telephone number is 415/241-6121.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please pass it on to other folks.

My sample letter, feel free to cut and paste it as you wish, use if verbatim, or write your own:

Dear School Board members:

I am aware of the plan to move Leadership High School Into Balboa High

This is a bad idea on all fronts, and will endanger Balboa High
School. Over the past ten years, the performance of students at
Balboa has improved and Balboa is known as a high school that is fast

As an example of how much this school has improved and how strong it is, on Tuesday, April 25, over 200 Balboa Students, as well as many teachers, alumni, and family members turned out for a rally at the school board to call upon you to reject this plan, to protect Balboa High School, and to find another home for Leadership High School. It is inspiring to see a student body so energized and proud of their school, working with their teachers and community members, and engaging in the political process to save their school. This is the kind of school community we want…engaged, empowered, and unified.

In order to make room for Leadership, the following programs will be
moved and possibly removed: Peer Resources, which teaches and develops
skills such as conflict management and interpersonal communication;
the College Room, which helps students, many of whom are low income
and the first in their family to attend college; Roots, a program for
students who have been incarcerated or who have incarcerated parents;
United Playaz, a program helping at risk youth get out/stay out of
gangs; and the 20 year old Teen Health Clinic. All of these programs
are vital resources that help Balboa students cope with and rise above
the challenges they face.

The students at Balboa mostly claim Sunnydale, while Leadership High
students mostly claim Lakeview. This means that there is a high
likelihood that violence will break out in the facility if both
student bodies are forced to share it.

Another way this action will impact Balboa is that teachers will be
displaced from their rooms and become "roaming" teachers, which means
they will have no permanent classroom, and no place to store their
materials. This will obviously have a negative impact on teacher's
ability to do their jobs well, which will hurt the students again.

Finally, Balboa is a school that has been steadily improving. Test
scores are improving, and Balboa has six "small learning communities"
which have been labors of love from the teachers who spend many extra
unpaid hours integrating classes and collaborating with one another to
improve student's academic experiences. If classrooms and teachers
are consolidated, the pathways will not be able to exist in their
current forms, it is likely that the quality of the programs will
suffer and the programs may ultimately be completely eliminated.

All concessions that come with moving Leadership into Balboa are
expected to be made by Balboa High School. Leadership High School
gains immensely, while Balboa will lose immensely. Charter schools
may have a lot to offer to some students, but they should not be
elevated and privileged at the expense of public schools.

If Leadership High School cannot continue to operate out of it's
current facility, it is up to the school district and the school board
to find a solution that does not depend on taking away needed
resources and academic opportunities from students who are from
communities who are always being taken away from. The current plan
that the district is attempting to enact pits the two schools against
each other and makes it look as though either way, one of these
schools is going to have to suffer.

If our elected officials and our public employees are unable to think
creatively enough to come up with solutions that will be beneficial
for all of the students in the district, then we will replace them
with people who can.

Yours sincerely,

by Chris Crass
Those pictures are wonderful.
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