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Indybay Feature

Anarchist Photographs of May Day in Sacramento

by sactoanarcho
A crowd of (police estimate) 15,000 to (organizers estimate) 40,000 marched in sacramento. Here are photographs from an anarchist contingent to the immigration rights mayday march and rally.
15,000 to 40,000 people marched from southside park and downtown and converged upon the state capitol in one of Sacramento's largest rallies ever. It is most definately Sacramento's largest May Day march in the history of the city. The day was extremely positive for everyone, despite the fact that police singled out and targeted the peaceful anarchists as soon as they entered the capitol grounds. They were surrounded, photographed, videotaped, and at least one independent journalist covering the blatant harassment was detained and forced to give ID. (The reason for that detention was for failure to show ID. Papiers, bitte!) Regardless, many connections were made and the police were publicly humiliated in several instances by the crowd. The faces in these photographs have been blacked out to prevent law enforcement from collecting political information on participants in the anarchist contingent.
§one of the many anarchist banners
by sactoanarcho
§en route from southside
by sactoanarcho
by sactoanarcho
§police getting nervous
by sactoanarcho
§beautiful painting
by sactoanarcho
§another anarchist banner
by sactoanarcho
by sactoanarcho
§marching with banner
by sactoanarcho
§young anarchist
by sactoanarcho
§protection from the sun
by sactoanarcho
§black flag waves, sinister capitol looms
by sactoanarcho
§en route on capitol mall
by sactoanarcho
§flags en route
by sactoanarcho
§chp begins to surround peaceful anarchists in the crowd
by sactoanarcho
§this fat one calls for backup
by sactoanarcho
§this ugly one fondles his tazer as he creams his pants
by sactoanarcho
§this one is ugly beyond belief
by sactoanarcho
§this one wasnt held enough as a child
by sactoanarcho
§here are the pigs with binocular cameras spying on the crowd
by sactoanarcho
§more photos
by sactoanarcho
little does this piglet know, he is about to be speared through the face by the giant on that horse
§more photos
by sactoanarcho
more spying!
§more photos
by sactoanarcho
videotaping anarchists having a picnic. the world is now much safer.
§more photos
by sactoanarcho
surrounding the anarchist picnic. who farted?
§peanut butter and jelly for the people!
by sactoanarcho
hundreds of peanut butter and jelly bagel sandwiches were made and passed out for free to anyone who wanted one. water was also given to marchers to avoid dehydration.
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by Pro
Argh. When did these guys show up? I completely missed the anarchists.
by @
we are never hard to find. just follow the cops to see whose civil rights they are grossly violating and you'll likely find us.

by @
we are never hard to find. just follow the cops to see whose civil rights they are grossly violating and you'll likely find us.

by cutty MFer
so if y'all wern't wearing masks at the Demo, why'd ya "black block" yer faces on here, seems silly.
by sactoanarcho
if everyone wore masks, then why would i need to black their faces out? people are not afraid of showing their faces at the rally. i as the photographer decided not to make political intel gathering any easier for the pigs, and blacked out anarchists faces.
by are you saying
it seems like you're saying that anarchists are the people most likley to have their civil rights violated? is that what you mean?

by sactoanarcho
i just got ahold of a list of all of the chp officers that were assigned to follow anarchists throughout the rally at the capitol. perhaps they are a part of a political intel unit? perhaps theyre just assholes. its hard to tell the difference.
here they are (in no particular order):

M. Presley 16351
D. Bowers 17611
T. Massetti 13956
TM Scott 14212
John Mfsud? 14309
D.L. Scneider 14135
K. Boscovich 16554
Sgt. Robert F. LaPord 12201
(no nametag, refused to give name) 15321
P.S. Mulderrig 11867
(name covered by arms) 12552
by @
i believe my comments pertained to demonstrations wherein the cops often violate the civil liberties of anyone who vociferously expresses a view contrary to that of the state apparatus. The Maoist’s and closet Stalinist’s are so mainstream the cops know they pose no real challenge to their authority; however, when the anarchists arrive at a demonstration we are immediately targeted for harassment. Why? Because we are a direct challenge to their authority. We propose a system wherein the community unites to govern itself, dispensing the police because they are only in their position to uphold laws that protect the state and corporate interests.

If we get rid of the police we rid our communities of part of the problem.
by anarchists are always suspect
Good thing the faces of protesters were blacked out by this photographer. Take pixs of well written signs with inspiring messages, not some kid's mugshot. Am really sick and tired of Democrats and other statists taking photographs of peoples faces at political protests and displaying them all over the imc websites. Then u wonder why some people wear face masks at protests? Police and other feds are sometimes obvious in the crowd, and people can obscure their faces to prevent the feds from getting a good shot. This is completely undone by certain photographers that post close up facial images on imc. If you are proud of speaking out for your beliefs that's really great. Just remember not everyone feels the same way that u do and they don't operate under the best of intentions. Maybe some people don't care about police surviellance and possibly being on a "Homeland Security" watch list, but respect people by not making obvious pictures available. The Democrats, Republicans, Socialists and various "leftist" capitalists are all possible police informants and won't hesitate to turn in any anarchists if they feel it is neccesary. That is because in some form these groups are all statists at heart and cannot imagine living without police, government and other forms of authority, no matter how "nice" or "egalitarian" they tryo to make them..

Immigrant rights should not be co-opted by the democrats. Having the UFW as a leftist extension of "big daddy" Bill Clinton that won't say hardly a word about pesticide exposure to farmworkers yet holler on about "work, work, and more work for those hard working immigrants" just indicates the Democrat led UFW is the other side of the imperialist coin as the Republicans. One side (Republicans) tells immigrants to leave, and the other side (Democrats) tells everyone that immigrants are "willing to work harder" than other workers and should be given the 'right' to work at wage slavery. Both these arguements leave out the fact that indigenous Mexicans were doing just fine before Columbus and his band of imperialist pillagers brought over wage slavery and their modern equivelent NAFTA, WTO, etc...

Socialists and other hardline statists defend the use of pesticides and industrial agriculture as the outdated model of the Soviet Union. They truly belive that industrial agriculture is needed to sustain current human populations. Other free thinkers like Vandana Shiva don't agree, citing farmers in India and the world over who can outproduce pesticide dependent industrial agriculture. The response of the Cuban people to the pesticide embargo is proof in the western hemisphere. Hardline socialists seem to ignore this victory by the Cuban people over outdated Soviet pesticide dependency and instead play up Cuban government's random ventures into biotech. The accomplishment of urban organic gardens (huertos intensivos) in Havana was mostly done without much help form a centralized government, and indicates more anarchist organizing than communist statism. The community garden in LA is under attack by real estate mogul developer Ralph Horowitz is another example of community operated organic gardens. This is the sustainable model of farmworkers of the future, possibly the reason Horowitz and other developers are always destroying them for profits. Free thinking immigrants rights movements like the Zapatistas are pushed towards the margins of the socialist dominated immigrants rights industrialization process. The Zapatistas desire a "world in which many worlds are possible and exist", similar to pre-Columbus indigenous culture. This dream that anarchists share with the Zapatistias may not become reality if either the neo-conservative Republicans or neo-liberal Democrat/socialists maintain their grip on power..

General strike (mayday) followup. If the Democrats and other "immigrant rights" organizers resume business as usual for the remaining 364 days of the year until next mayday, all efforts were for naught. If you live in the Sacramento or San Joaquin Valley (or elsewhere), please make some changes in your life to avoid purchasing any fruit and/or vegetable product that uses pesticides/herbicides/etc.. and attempt to obtain organic produce, or from growers who vouch for their produce being without pesticides. This involves a change in lifestyle, beyond a one day boicott. Yes, organic produce can be more expensive, and obtaining organic certification is very difficult for small farmers. This is another fundamental flaw of capitalism, the economy provides subsidies to industrial pesticide dependent agriculture and small organic farmers are punished by forcing them to charge more to remain in business. Farmworkers can be treated much better on pesticide-free small organic farms where they will be treated as family instead of the industrial plantation style agribusiness where they will resemble modern day slaves, no matter how loud the UFW hollers about workers rights. Breathing pesticides/herbicides is correlated to increased rates of cancer in farmworkers and nearby residents, and no amount of statist health care coverage can remove the pain of breast (or other form of) cancer caused by exposure to pesticides/herbicides..
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
The comment from “anarchists are always suspect” titled “problems when marching with democrats” criticizes IMC photographers for showing anyone’s face in a photo. The writer is concerned with Homeland Security gathering intelligence from these pictures. The writer states: “Police and other feds are sometimes obvious in the crowd, and people can obscure their faces to prevent the feds from getting a good shot.”

News flash: if you are at a demonstration and Homeland Security wants your photo, they are going to get it. Unless you wear a mask or put a bag on your head, there is no way in hell you can avoid having your photo taken by Homeland Security, if they want your picture. Seriously, do you have any idea of the video surveillance technology they have available. To suggest that IMC photographers do not take and use photos of people at demos, because it might benefit homeland security, is ridicules.

Showing photos of people engaged in the struggle for peace, social, and economic justice is empowering and validates the work they do. People enjoy seeing their pictures and the photos of their friends in the newspaper and on Indymedia. To obscure and hide the work people are doing would be to play into the right wing reactionary agenda of ignoring this powerful movement for social change.
by Re:
I sortof agree but it doesnt hurt if some people want to hide faces (although it protects people from being fired from their jobs if an employer recognizes someone more than from the government). The purpose of protests is mainly to get public attention and being paranoid about coverage hurts the main purpose of protests..... but some pics are about as good with faces blacked out as not so it really depends on how the photos get across the point.
by ...
anarchists are especially targeted, police have specific training on what they supposedly look like... what they do at rallies, picture and media indentification...etc.
when posting political pictures on a public forum, it is a good idea to protect individuals that stand out - those that represent a minority, a subculture, the young, and with less resources backing them. these people's rights are a lot easier to oppress & take away than deal with the threat of a rich white suburbanite's high-profile lawyer.
by Bliar
It is good to see anarchists in Sacramento. After growing up there and feeling that the bay was the only place that I could tap into my true political thought, it is nice to know that there are the right kind of radicals in the capitol of the greatest state to one day be independent of the US.
by joshua grissy (jgrizzy89 [at]
I thought the whole point of Anarchism was to not have organization and not be under any rules set forth by the government... Yet, here are people claiming to be Anarchists and are abiding by the rules of the government to free protest as well as making an organized effort to show that they are Anarchs.... Makes no sense to me... I mean, I'm no Anarchist (no offense), but I do believe they have the right to be one and I would defend their rights to the death, but I always thought that what I said above was true about Anarchism and Anarchists.... If somebody could help me understand this, that'd be great.... Adios!
by u are heros
you are a heros peaple we are in lebanon we are with you , we are a small group of communist liberataire for connecting us plz on
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