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Indybay Feature

Last Push for Mayday

by deanosor (from sources) (deanosor [at]
Gathering in the Mission
SUNDAY April 30th
Last Push for May First General Strike

Mission Village Market
18th and Alabama

Banner Painting, Sign Making, Rhythm Practice
there will be materials but please bring more, especially banner material, cardboard and poles.
Bring extra pots and pans and spoons to this location all day.

Legal Update
Join lawyers and law activists for an update on the legal issues surrounding the demos on may first. Walking out, striking, being an immigrant on the streets...
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by shaker
Conservative blogger - Mac Johnson has an article and an idea about May 1 - "Conservative Go Shopping Day." ... the Dark Ages are upon us ... but, don't give up ... respond please ...

I'm posting the link to his page and the article in question just below. I myself am too old to combat the young fool myself ... but, others should get out there and respond to this guy ... post about it, email him ... and so on ... write to legitimate labor leaders ... etc. ... So, just below is his post about May 1, 2006.

---- start Mac Drivel ---

A Day Without Illegal Aliens? It's a Start!
by Mac Johnson
Posted Apr 27, 2006

May 1 is going to be "A Day Without Illegal Aliens."

This is supposed to frighten you.

Click to Download
Why? Because you are an American -- weak, pampered, spoiled and allegedly
incapable of taking care of yourself. You need the illegal alien servant
class just to survive.

Those who want amnesty for immigration criminals -- illegal aliens,
pandering politicians, ethnic grievance agitators and the politically
correct media -- have swallowed their own propaganda and believe that the
American economy is totally dependent for its greatness on unskilled illegal
labor and the corrupt underground economy it fosters.

So on May 1, the ridiculous, old socialist "workers' holiday" known overseas
as "May Day," they intend to punish the American people, and intimidate
Congress into passing a "guest worker" amnesty, by marching in the streets,
boycotting American stores, and shutting down the corrupt businesses that
have illegally employed them.

What a mistake. This will not paralyze the American economy -- but it will
paralyze the underground economy and the greedy businesses that profit from

If you have ever wondered which local businesses hire illegal aliens and
which ones hire legal residents and play by the rules, then on Monday, May
1, you will finally know.

Those businesses still functioning on May 1, dubbed "A Day Without Illegal
Aliens" by the scheme's organizers, will be the honest ones. They'll be the
ones who hire only legal immigrants and American citizens, obey our labor
laws, collect their employee's taxes, and pay their workers a fair legal

The ones without employees will be the crooks, the corrupt schemers that
have fueled the chaos on our insecure borders by providing
no-questions-asked jobs to anyone willing to sneak into our country, work
off the books and in the shadows, and accept substandard pay and conditions
that no American could be legally made to tolerate.

That's why movements have popped up all over the country to use this
fabulous opportunity to fight illegal labor and the crooked system of human
smuggling, document forgery, tax evasion, and sweat shop wages that have
grown up around it.

I originally proposed calling May 1 "Conservative Shopping Day," since so
many of my fellow grassroots conservatives were disgusted with our open
borders, illegal labor, and the march towards amnesty in Congress. But this
goes well beyond one political movement.

Almost everyone I have spoken with -- conservatives, liberals, moderates,
independents, Democrats, Republicans, legal immigrants, and native-born
citizens alike -- are disgusted with the current widespread corruption of
our economy and laws by illegal labor. They are disgusted in no small part
because illegal labor is a national corruption that is openly condoned by
the leadership of both political parties, who are much more eager to harvest
campaign contributions from crooked business interests and votes from
amnestied immigration criminals than they are to enforce our laws, secure
our borders and protect the wages of working Americans.

In the spirit of putting aside partisan politics and joining together with
all Americans that are opposed to illegal labor and demand that our laws be
enforced by government, I encourage you to consider Monday, May 1 -- the
threatened "Day Without Illegal Aliens"? -- to be a day of action for all
Americans. Conservative Shopping Day is for everyone opposed to illegal
immigration and out of control borders.

It is a day to fight for the rule of law, without having to beg our elected
"leaders" to listen to their own voters. The strategy is simple and direct:


This will not only reward the law-abiding and allow one to avoid the
corrupt, but it will also send a powerful message.

The planned boycott of American stores and businesses by illegal aliens and
their enablers is designed to demonstrate the "purchasing power" of illegal
workers and to cause a frightening one-day shock to American retail sales.
It is being adopted and echoed by foreign supporters of illegal immigration
as well. In Mexico, a nation that has become dependent upon the billions of
dollars that illegal workers inside the United States send home each year,
it is being called "Nothing Gringo Day."

Through this contrivance, the illegal labor lobby hopes to appear more
powerful and to frighten retailers into supporting amnesty, which is being
dishonestly called a "temporary guest worker program" in Washington.

By making a point to do as much shopping as possible on May 1, Conservative
Shopping Day, Americans can stop this scam in its tracks. If the issue is to
be decided by a demonstration of "purchasing power," then let's demonstrate
the purchasing power of 300 million legal American residents. The purchasing
power of 11 million illegal workers and their bosses and sympathizers will
pale in comparison.

Conservative Shopping Day: Five Things You Can Do to Fight Back
1. Buy, buy, buy. Make your regular purchases for the week or month, but
make them all on May 1. Nobody needs to go broke, just to buy on one
particular day. If you've been putting off a purchase, put it off no more.
Besides, you know the clerks will all speak English if you shop on May 1. No
more painful pantomime just to find out where the paper towels are.
2. Eat out. Contrary to pro-amnesty propaganda, most food service workers
are American citizens -- but these workers do suffer much more from illegal
labor wage competition than most. Get out and treat yourself to a nice
meal -- one that serves up a big steamy bowl of justice for a change.
3. Take notice of which businesses can still function. These are the ones
playing by the rules and deserve long-term support. Come back again and
again. Avoid those that mysteriously close or are obviously understaffed.
4. Tell your friends. Send them this message or make up you own. Call it
whatever you want and credit whomever you wish. All that matters is that
people get out and shop.
5. Tell your congressman how much you enjoyed a day without illegal aliens.
Write or call; it is one of the greatest powers you have. Elected officials
figure that if you care enough to call on an issue, you care enough to vote
on it. You can e-mail your senators and your congressman. And you can also
call your senators and your congressman.
Conservative Shopping Day -- Monday, May 1.
A unique opportunity to do something good by doing something fun.
Mr. Johnson, a writer and medical researcher in Cambridge, MA., is a regular
contributor to Human Events. His column generally appears on Mondays.
Archives and additional material can be found at .

--- end Mac Drivel ---

Now, one could maybe say some of the following ...

1.) "Oh so now, you are really advocating for a living wage for service sector workers?! ... did you do any of the following before:
a. - oppose Bush's repeal of the Davis/Bacon Act ...
b. - condemn the real job destroyers like Jeff Skilling, GM execs and so on
c. - expose the lies and low-wage shinanigins of Walmart
d. - fight against sweatshops and demand truth in labelling - made in ... Guam? ...
e. - support any service workers on strike or support the SEIU ... ?

If you answered no to all of the above, maybe you don't really have any legitimacy to complain about anything related to American service workers .. maybe you don't know what the hell you are talking about."

"2. Why not demand a good living wage for workers everywhere and just be in solidarity with workers ... rather than pull this "for all the other waves of american immigrant workers except for the more recent Mexican ones" bull crap. I mean, your name is Johnson - that is not a Native American name. That is probably a Swedish or Anglican name. In the scheme of time on planet earth - you just got to America fool. Sit down and shut up if you don't have something nice to say about your neighbors. Technically, you are not a native - you are a boat person. So, cool it with the racist rhetoric about your fellow immigrant workers, learn your history and join the workers who are demanding better conditions and better rights for themselves - rights that the immigrants who fought a revolution against the British described as inalienable. Your rhetoric now is hypocritical and foolish - not American."

I suppose someone could say something like that. So, get to it people ...
cheers, the shaker

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