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Iran Rejects Calls for Halt to Nuclear Enrichment

by IOL (reposted)
TEHRAN, April 12 ( & News Agencies) – Condemning reactions and calls to end its uranium enrichment work were met Wednesday, April12 , by defiance as the Islamic Republic of Iran said its nuclear program could not be stopped, still insisting it was not meant to seek the bomb.
"Iran's nuclear activities are like a waterfall which has begun to flow. It cannot be stopped," a senior Iranian official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Following the announcement Tuesday that it had produced low-grade enriched uranium suitable for use in nuclear power stations, Tehran was showered by angry condemnations from the United States, Israel, Europe and Russia.

In Washington, spokesmen for both the White House and State Department criticized the Iranian move, calling it an act of "defiance".

"Once again they have chosen the pathway of defiance as opposed to the pathway of cooperation. And we would call upon the Iranian regime to reconsider the steps that it has taken," US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters in Washington, according to CNN.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan also echoed the same stance, saying Iran should be taking steps to renew confidence in its nuclear intentions, instead of moving in the "wrong direction."

Iran's move would only result in further isolation, and the United States will have to consult with its allies on what the next step in the diplomatic standoff would be, McClellan said, reported CNN.

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