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BCA E-Alert March 2006

by Breast Cancer Action

Hello! It's time for another installment of Breast Cancer Action's monthly e-alert-- a collection of news, notices, and action alerts for people concerned about the breast cancer epidemic. Welcome to any new e-alert members!

Hello! It's time for another installment of Breast Cancer Action's monthly e-alert-- a collection of news, notices, and action alerts for people concerned about the breast cancer epidemic. Welcome to any new e-alert members!

SPREAD THE WORD - if you like this e-alert, please help us by sharing it with your friends and family. Forward this message and let them know that they can subscribe at

WE PUBLISH A SNAIL MAIL NEWSLETTER TOO - We just can't get enough of you ...and hope that you can't get enough of us! If you're not already on our mailing list we'd love to send you our bimonthly newsletter filled with information on treatment, diagnosis, politics, and true prevention updates. Check out the archives: You can subscribe online at


In this issue...

1. NEW AT BCA: February/March Newsletter Now Online; BCA Updating Spanish Language Resources
2. IN THE NEWS: Long-awaited Study Results on Diet and Breast Cancer Released; The High Cost of Cancer Drugs; Groups Sue EPA Over Human Pesticide Testing
3. SAVE THE DATE: National African American Breast Cancer Conference, April 7-9, Houston, TX; National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund Annual Advocacy Training Conference, April 29-May 2, Washington, DC; ASCO Annual Meeting, June 2-6, Atlanta, GA; First National Conference on Precaution, June 9-11, Baltimore, MD; Health Care Community Meetings, Various Dates and Locations Nationwide
4. TAKE ACTION: Nominate a Drug Ad for the Bitter Pill Awards
5. FAQ of the MONTH: What is the Precautionary Principle?


1. NEW AT BCA: February/March Newsletter Now Online; BCA Updating Spanish Language Resources

Hot Off the Virtual Presses: February/March Newsletter Now Online

The February/March 2006 issue of the BCA Newsletter is now online and includes reports back from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, a discussion of digital mammography, and a guest column by BCA board member JoAnn Loulan. Check it out at

BCA Updating Spanish Language Resources

BCA is in the process of updating our list of Spanish language resources, available at If you know of additional national organizations that have resources available for Spanish speakers, please let us know so that we can include it on this list and in a future issue of Saber es Poder. Please submit additions to Brenda Salgado at bsalgado [at]


2. IN THE NEWS: Long-awaited Study Results on Diet and Breast Cancer Released; The High Cost of Cancer Drugs; Groups Sue EPA Over Human Pesticide Testing

Long-awaited Study Results on Diet and Breast Cancer Released

In early February, results of the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial made headlines, saying that a low-fat diet and certain vitamin supplements might not be protective against cancer and a variety of health problems. To look at the study results, visit Health advocates across the country expressed concerns about this message and further news reports examined the complexities of the issue, available at
The National Women's Health Network provided an excellent analysis of the results, including the following:

Even though the reduction in dietary fat that women in the trial were able to achieve did not result in an overall reduction in breast cancer incidence, the results do show that a lower fat diet had some benefits, including:
- A low-fat diet reduced the risk for breast tumors that were positive for the estrogen receptor and negative for the progesterone receptor.
- Women who started the study with diets that were exceptionally high in fat significantly reduced their risk for invasive breast cancer when they switched to a low-fat diet.
- The inclusion of women of color in this study is a positive step forward in understanding women's health issues in minority populations.

To read the National Women's Health Network analysis, visit

The High Cost of Cancer Drugs

A recent New York Times article examines the issue many are faced with when deciding on a treatment plan for cancer: the astronomical cost of medications. The article specifically deals with Avastin, a drug that is FDA-approved for colon cancer, but which has seen promise in breast and lung cancers as well. The drug's maker, Genentech, plans to charge $100,000 a year for Avastin for breast and lung cancer patients, a price that few are able to pay. Some doctors have been reluctant to prescribe it, and patients to take it, because of the high price. Even those with health insurance could face up to $20,000 in out-of-pocket co-payments. These kinds of costs are among the many reasons that BCA supports universal access to health care. Read the full story at

Groups Sue EPA Over Human Pesticide Testing

Thank you to those of you who took action and recently wrote to the EPA about human testing of pesticides. Despite receiving over 50,000 public comments, the Bush administration issued federal rules governing tests that expose humans to toxic pesticides. Several groups, including Pesticide Action Network North America, San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Natural Resources Defense Council, are suing EPA for approving human pesticide testing rules. The groups filing the suit state that the rules violate a law passed by Congress in 2005 mandating strict ethical and scientific protections for pesticide testing on humans. To read an article on the lawsuit, visit


3. SAVE THE DATE: National African American Breast Cancer Conference, April 7-9, Houston, TX; National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund Annual Advocacy Training Conference, April 29-May 2, Washington, DC; ASCO Annual Meeting, June 2-6, Atlanta, GA; First National Conference on Precaution, June 9-11, Baltimore, MD; Health Care Community Meetings, Various Dates and Locations Nationwide

National African American Breast Cancer Conference, April 7-9, Houston, TX

This 8th Annual Conference, organized by the Sisters Network, will aim to provide a broader scope of knowledge that addresses the breast cancer survivorship crisis affecting the African American woman. Participants will include African American breast cancer survivors, nationally recognized medical experts, elected officials, community leaders and the general public from across the nation. The conference is the only annual national African American Breast Cancer conference to specifically address the impact of breast cancer among black women. For more information and to register, visit

National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund Annual Advocacy Training Conference, April 29-May 2, Washington, DC

The National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund (NBCCF) organizes this annual advocacy training for breast cancer advocates to learn from each other, help one another, and re-charge their batteries for the challenges ahead. Attendees will participate in three days of plenary sessions and interactive workshops on cutting edge breast cancer research, quality health care efforts and public policy developments. The conference culminates with a day of lobbying on Capitol Hill to promote NBCC's legislative priorities. For more information and to register, visit

ASCO Annual Meeting, June 2-6, Atlanta, GA

The 42nd annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting will take place at the Georgia World Conference Center in Atlanta from June 2-6. The ASCO meeting is a medical conference for patients, advocates, researchers and physicians to come together and learn about the latest research in oncology. For more information and to register, visit

BCA is looking for local volunteers to help us at our patient advocacy booth at ASCO. For those volunteering with us, there are perks! You will be able to participate in a number of ASCO advocacy programs including an Advocacy Reception and a mentor program with ASCO guides. Please note that BCA cannot pay for your travel or accommodations, so we are looking for local volunteers. For more information, e-mail Brenda Salgado or call (415) 243-9301 x 14.

First National Conference on Precaution, June 9-11, Baltimore, MD

The precautionary principle charges us to take action to protect public health when there is credible evidence of harm, rather than waiting for absolute proof. Join with groups across the U.S. who are applying the precautionary approach to environmental hazards by shifting the focus from "what level of harm is acceptable" to asking, "how can we prevent harm in the first place?" This national event will bring together people working on conservation, disease prevention, environmental justice, environmental health, green purchasing, precautionary business practices, toxic and nuclear pollution prevention, worker safety and more to build a stronger movement to protect our health and environment. More information is available on the Be Safe Network website at or by contacting Anne Rabe at anne [at] or at (518) 732-4538.

Health Care Community Meetings, Various Dates and Locations Nationwide

These community meetings, sponsored by the Citizens' Health Care Working Group, are an opportunity for the public to provide information about their experience with health care benefits, coverage, and financing. The federally-funded, bi-partisan Citizens' Health Care Working Group will gather information across the country to make recommendations to the President and Congress. Participation is encouraged at these hearings to ensure that voices for quality, affordable healthcare for all in the U.S. are heard loud and clear.
The following meeting dates and locations have been scheduled; for updates and more information, please check the Citizens' Health Care Working Group website at

March 6 - Providence, RI
March 9 - Miami, FL
March 11 - Indianapolis, IN
March 18 - Detroit, MI
March 25 - Phoenix, AZ
March 31 - Upper Valley, NH
April 8 - Des Moines, IA
April 10 - Philadelphia, PA
April 19 - Sacramento, CA
April 22 - New York, NY


4. TAKE ACTION: Nominate a Drug Ad for the Bitter Pill Awards
Nominate a Drug Ad for the Bitter Pill Awards

Last month, we asked you to take action to change the laws around direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs. This month, we're asking you to participate in The Bitter Pill Awards by nominating the most outrageous DTC campaign you've seen. The Bitter Pill Awards use humor to highlight the serious problems caused by drug industry marketing, particularly direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs. DTC includes television, radio, magazine and internet ads that target consumers directly, rather than targeting doctors. The drug industry spends more than $4 billion a year advertising brand-name prescription drugs to consumers. For more information and to nominate an ad, visit To learn more about BCA's perspective on DTC advertising, visit


5. FAQ of the MONTH: What is the Precautionary Principle?

The precautionary principle is a policy approach that asks us to take action to protect public health when there is credible evidence of harm, rather than waiting for absolute proof. It's the common sense idea behind adages like, 'look before you leap' and 'first do no harm.' The precautionary principle calls for us to seek out the safest ways to accomplish our activities while recognizing the limits of our scientific knowledge. It's a concept that can guide how we make decisions about environmental and health issues, and give us the power to reduce and eliminate our exposure to toxic chemicals.

Current U.S. environmental laws and regulations that guide the decisions we make about public health and the environment focus on managing risks rather than preventing harm. The Precautionary Principle shifts this kind of decision-making to a more comprehensive approach that looks at alternatives to a current activity, stresses meaningful public participation, and looks at all of the costs (economic, health, environmental) that are involved in a project or activity.

For example, in a traditional risk management model, a local Recreation and Parks manager would ask, "How much arsenic is okay to allow in arsenic-treated wood playground equipment?" Following a precautionary principle approach, the manager would ask, "Do we need to use arsenic treated wood at all?" and, "What are the alternatives to using arsenic treated wood"? Risk management asks, "How much harm is allowable?" while the precautionary principle asks, "How little harm is possible?"

To learn more, visit the following websites:

Bay Area Working Group on the Precautionary Principle:
Science and Environmental Health Network:
Be Safe Network:

-- YOUR INPUT WANTED: Is there a question you want answered, or an issue that you want BCA's opinion on? Send it to pojea [at] and we'll try to answer it personally or feature it in a future e-newsletter!


That's it for this edition! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about this listserv.

Thanks for your continued support of BCA. Until next time,

Pauli Ojea, Community Organizer
Toll free at 877-2STOPBC (278-6722)

Our members are the driving force behind our efforts to end the breast
cancer epidemic. Because Breast Cancer Action does not accept funding from
the government or the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, we need
your support. You can donate on-line at, or call 415-243-9301, or
toll-free at 1-877-278-6722. All gifts are deeply appreciated.

Breast Cancer Action has received the highest four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s premiere evaluator of charities. To view the details of our rating, visit

Breast Cancer Action is funded in part by a grant from the California Wellness Foundation (TCWF). Created in 1992 as an independent, private foundation, TCWF's mission is to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education and disease prevention programs.
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