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Weekly Summary of israeli War Crimes

by Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard (intifadaalard [at]
This is a summary of israeli war crimes committed in Palestine for the week ending 15 March 2006. 2mins, english
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Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

No. 10/2006

09- 15 Mar. 2006

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

· IOF stormed Jericho Prison: IOF arrested Ahmed Sa'adat, his comrades, Fu'ad al-Shoubaki, a number of political and criminal prisoners and a number of members of Palestinian security forces; and two Palestinians were killed and at least 50 others were wounded by the IOF gunfire

· IOF continued to shell Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip; 3 Palestinian civilians were inured in Beit Hanoun.

· IOF conducted 34 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

· Houses were raided and 65 Palestinian civilians, including 6 children, were arrested by IOF.

· 9 houses were transformed by IOF into military sites.

· IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT; a Palestinian woman gave birth at Qalandya checkpoint near Ramallah; and IOF arrested 6 Palestinian civilians at checkpoints in the West Bank.

· IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall in the West Bank; IOF shot dead a Palestinian civilian near the Wall to the west of Ramallah; IOF resumed land leveling in Dahiat al-Barid area, north of Jerusalem; IOF confiscated 220 donums[1] of agricultural land in Bethlehem; and IOF used force against Palestinian civilians demonstrating against the construction of the Wall.

· Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property in the OPT; 5 Palestinian civilians were injured; and IOF started to establish a police station to the east of Jerusalem, and a settler road in the center of Hebron.


On Tuesday morning, 14 March 2006, IOF stormed Jericho Prison in the West Bank to apprehend Ahmad Sa'adat, Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council; a number of activists of the PFLP who are accused of assassinating the late Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi; and Major General Fu'ad al-Shoubaki who is accused of smuggling weapons. During the operation, IOF bombarded the prison and governorate complex before and after bulldozing the buildings inside. The bombardment included tank shells and missiles fired by helicopter gunships. The operation ended with the detention of the aforementioned as well as scores of political and criminal prisoners, security guards and members of the Palestinian National Security Forces, who use the governorate building as their headquarters. In addition, 2 Palestinians were killed; a prison guard and a prisoner detained on criminal charges. At least 50 Palestinians were also injured.

This operation came shortly before holding to the Israeli elections on 28 March 2006. Palestinians are used as a fuel for the election campaigns of competing rightist parties. This operation was initiated 15 minutes after the sudden withdrawal of American and British monitors charged with guarding Saadat, in accordance with an agreement brokered by the United States. Israeli, American, and British officials attempted to deny any prior coordination among them. However, the Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, stated to the Israeli daily Haaretz after the operation that Israel knew before hand about the time of the monitors’ withdrawal from Jericho Prison. Further, he stated that the army had been prepared for over a week to storm the prison and kidnap the prisoners. PCHR had previously stressed that no party, whether the IOF, Palestinian National Authority or international community, has the right to formulate an agreement that violates international humanitarian law. This position was stated in reference to the agreement regarding Sa'adat’s detention in Jericho Prison (see PCHR's press release on 4 June 2002). Thus, PCHR raises questions over the international community’s role in enforcing past and future agreements to which Israel is a party.

Israeli violations of international law continued in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) during the reporting period (9 – 15 March 2006):

Killing: On Tuesday morning, 14 March 2006, IOF killed two Palestinians during their raid on Jericho Prison. One of the victims was a guard of the prison and the other one was a criminal prisoner. In addition, 50 Palestinians were injured. On Wednesday evening, 15 March 2006, IOF shot dead a Palestinian civilian in Kherbat al-Misbah village, west of Ramallah, near the Annexation Wall.

During the reported period, IOF shelled Palestinian communities in the Gaza Strip. On 9 March 2006, a man, his wife and their child were injured when an artillery shell hit their flat in Beit Hanoun.

Incursions: IOF conducted 34 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During these incursions, IOF raided houses and arrested 65 Palestinian civilians, including 6 children. IOF also arrested dozens of Palestinians from Jericho Prison. In addition, IOF transformed 9 houses into military sites. IOF used undercover units and trained dogs during these incursions.

Restrictions on Movement: IOF have continued to impose a comprehensive siege on the OPT, in violation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinian civilians. IOF declared that they would impose a total siege on the OPT from Saturday morning, 11 March, until Wednesday evening, 15 March 2006, for the Jewish Purim. However, they later declared that the closure imposed on the OPT would continue until Sunday morning, 19 March 2006.

IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on the Gaza Strip, transforming it into a large prison. Rafah International Crossing Point on the Egyptian border, the sole outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world, has been partially reopened. The crossing point was closed on 14 March 2005, shortly before the end of the work day as international observers withdrew from the crossing point. During the reported period, IOF repeatedly closed al-Mentar (Karni) commercial crossing, east of Gaza City. The crossing has been closed since 14 March 2006. Many goods have disappeared from the local markets in the Gaza Strip. On 12 march 2006, IOF closed Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing. IOF have also continued to close Sofa crossing, northeast of Rafah, since 14 February 2006.

IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on Palestinian communities in the West Bank. They have imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the West Bank as they imposed a total siege on the OPT for the Jewish Purim. During the raid on Jericho Prison on Tuesday, 14 March 2006, IOF closed al-Karama International Crossing Point on the Jordanian border. The crossing point was reopened on the following day. IOF positioned at various checkpoints in the West Bank have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. During the reported period, IOF positioned at various checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 6 Palestinian civilians, including two children. A Palestinian woman gave birth at Qalandya checkpoint, south of Ramallah, as IOF denied her access to the hospital.

Annexation Wall: IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank. During the reported period, IOF handed notices to a number of Palestinian civilians in al-Walaja and al-Khader villages and Beit Jala town near Bethlehem, informing them that 210 donums of their agricultural land would be confiscated. According to local sources, these areas of land were confiscated for the purpose of the construction of a section of the Wall. Contrary to Israeli security claims regarding the purpose of the construction of the Wall, the acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in interviews published on Friday, 10 March 2006, that Israel plans to impose a border on the West Bank. IOF also used force against a peaceful demonstration organized in Bal'ein village, west of Ramallah, in protest to the construction of the Wall. Four Palestinian civilians were injured, and a number of other civilians suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Illegal Settler Activities: Israeli settlers in breach of international humanitarian law continue to reside in the OPT and have launched a series of attacks against Palestinian civilians and property. During the reported period, Israeli settlers from "Beit 'Ein" settlement to the northwest of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, damaged areas of Palestinian agricultural land in the village. Israeli settlers from "Sousia" settlement to the east of Yatta villag, south of Hebron, attacked Palestinian civilians, houses and animal farms in the village. Three Palestinian civilians, including two women, sustained bruises. Israeli settlers living in settlement outposts in the center of Hebron, and "Kiryat Arba" settlement east of the town, attacked Palestinian civilians and their property. Two Palestinian children were injured. During the reported period, IOF started to establish a settler road linking between "Ramat Yishai" settlement outpost in Tal al-Rumaida neighborhood and "Abraham Avion" settlement outpost in the old town of Hebron. IOF started also to establish a police station as part of the settlement project known as "E1" plan, which links "Ma'ale Adomim" settlement bloc with East Jerusalem. The plan includes constructing 3500 housing units for settlers by annexing Palestinian lands in east Jerusalem area and separating the Palestinian territories by blocking any geographical contiguity.

The full report is available online at:

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Public Document

For further information please visit our website ( or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email (pchr [at] or telephone (+972 (0)8 2824776 – 2825893).

*Office Hours are between 08:00 – 16:00 hours (05:00 GMT – 13:00 GMT) Sun – Thurs.


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[1] 1 donum is equal to 1000 square meters.
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by Learn what words mean
Use a dictionary and find out what the word "war crime" really means. Then after that, try to use it correctly because the above article mentions no"war cimes." Perhaps someone is using words they don't understand for enmotional shock value.
by charismatic megafauna
You mean arresting people isn't a war crime?!
by didja hear
Mothra was defeated. Yes to UCD. No to mango pickles.
Tootie Fruity, oh, rudy....(I just put that in to confuse everyone)
by charismatic megafauna
Yup, I was the one who had to check it for the lad (because obviously my connection is gonna get that stuff). Congrats. You see, not a COMPLETELY hopeless cause.
by the usual suspects
show up here and bust out their dictionaries and smarmy wisecracks

smart bunch, those eternal zio-defenders. nothing personal for them, it's just clearcut rationality that guides their pro-Israel vigilence across the internet

they can't let criticism of Israel or it's policies or actions go by without chiming in

Israel is perfect after all and can do no wrong. just post anything that doesn't praise their apartheid land of milk and honey and they'll tell you
by charismatic megafauna
"they can't let criticism of Israel or it's policies or actions go by without chiming in "

I don't necessarily speak for everyone else (though I think quite a few would agree with me), but I'm open to criticism of Israel. I do it myself, just as I criticize something in just about every other government. What I take issue to is unnecessary demonization of Israel. Using extreme terms like "war crime" frivolously, referring to such things as arresting criminals, is in fact demonization and should be condemned.
by really now?
And do you jump to the defense of other countries' governments, say such as the US, when people who are down on their policies use what you seem to be calling hyperbole in their criticism? Perhaps you can point us to a case here on Indybay where you have done this.

I can't recall seeing anything like that around these parts across all of the varied threads, just kneejerk defense of Israel by all the usual one-trick pony suspects. Kneejerk defense of Israel. Hey, they're picking on Israel, so let's gather the team for another round of kneejerk defense of Israel.

There's a lot bigger wrongs going on in this world than syntax to spend your time condemning (actions generally are more deserving than words, for instance), but you found your one point that to you somehow discredits this entire post, and you're sticking to it.

Kneejerk defense of Israel.
by charismatic megafauna
"And do you jump to the defense of other countries' governments, say such as the US, when people who are down on their policies use what you seem to be calling hyperbole in their criticism? Perhaps you can point us to a case here on Indybay where you have done this."

Eh, don't look at the anti-war page much. I have my priorities: Israel (without us, this would be ALL criticism here), women, environment. However, I criticize people whenever they use terms like "nazi" without cause and such things. When people go overboard on the Bush hating (I mean, I really dislike his actions too, but some people are just silly)

As far as picking out one point-- its called studying for finals and not having time for this bullshit. Speaking of which...chemistry is waiting.
by disingenuous
obviously, you do.

there's always time for kneejerk defense of israel, especially without really defending its actions but attacking the critic's language instead

still no pointers to your other hyper vigilant defenses of other governments being the unfair targets of hyperbole

at least you admit to your "priorities", with Israel as job #1, and I'll give you a nod for that. that's all I was saying, was how you guys pile on and will use any angle (even semantic quibling) to defend the actions of Israel. of course, self-righteously condescending and smarmy comments are another. just about any approach to kneejerk defending Israel besides actually dealing with the criticism itself
by charismatic megafauna
obviously, you do.

No, I really don't. You really want to know my schedule? Well, right now, I spend a half an hour to an hour with my nose buried in my chem book and shovel thin mints down, take a 5 minute break to check IndyBay, and respond quickly.

still no pointers to your other hyper vigilant defenses of other governments being the unfair targets of hyperbole

As I said, I don't spend time on IndyBay on anything other than the Israel, women, and environment sections, and these days, I've only had time for Israel. Terribly sorry. Rest assured that it happens in my actual life.

at least you admit to your "priorities", with Israel as job #1, and I'll give you a nod for that.

The priorities I listed were my IndyBay priorities. In actual life, my GP stuff comes first-- I'm TECHNICALLY (the thought makes me laugh) an elected official of the Green Party (well, starting over the summer, but I still go to the meetings and such). But yeah, Israel ranks pretty high up there, sometimes competes for number 1. After all, you are talking to someone who's been toying with the idea of enlisting in the IDF. Either that, or I wouldn't mind doing some work with Kadima over there, or some sort of binational (Israel and Palestine) work at some point. Or, waiting for an opportunity to do something other than donating and signing petitions to save the right to choose over here. Or just going into conservation biology. You see, I'm young, naive, and idealistic, and aching for an active way to help.

there's always time for kneejerk defense of israel, especially without really defending its actions but attacking the critic's language instead

It's not language, it IS content. In this case, my criticism of using a term like "war crime" for everyday actions of any government is representative of the demonization of Israel, which is a serious issue. In fact, in the same way that defending Israel may take away my time to do other things, the emphasis on Israel takes away from the good of the Left. I just like to put things in perspective.
by guess
"everyday actions of any government"

as Israel likes to compare itself with European or North American countries, fancying itself at or near the pinnacle of modern Western civilization, name the countries in those two continents that did similar things this past week

which one enforces an apartheid-like situation on millions of non-citizens within its territorial control through the brutal use of the force of its military, the IDF you want to be a part of?

perhaps you could name the US (its actions in Iraq now) but you don't jump to its defense if someone calls Bush or the US war criminals. maybe you think they are not. just kneejerk defense of Israel. it's only doing normal things that happen everywhere, and gosh-darn, why do you have to use such harsh language about it? ho-hum on the suffering of millions of non-citizens
by In any other country
In any other country, a criminal that assasinated an elected official would have been extradited and summarily executed. No other country would have permitted this killer to sit in a pretend jail (televisions, kitchen etc) run by his buddies. Of course Israel doesn't have the death penalty. Tookie would still be alive there. Think about it.
by Israel's way
no, in Israel that happens every week. hence the weekly war crimes list

who are you fooling with you're death penalty talk. israel kills men, women, and children all the time, without even conducting a trial to prove guilt, the kiddies being worthwhile collateral damage. if those rotten palestinians would just accept israeli domination, once and for all, israel wouldn't have to be in the killing business, right?

and now, unfortunately the US is taking on Israel's tactics world wide, running around and assassinating whomever it feels like with little accountability

after 9/11, a French paper declared something to the effect of "We're all Americans now"

if they knew then what we all know now, it would have been more accurate to say the whole world, especially muslim countries, are now America's Palestine. thanx, papa israel for the lessons on how to keep a people down
by just wondering
>In any other country, a criminal that assasinated an elected official would have been extradited and summarily executed.

Should the guys who killed Heydrich have been extradited, and put on trial?
by Can't distinguish
Am I writing to idiots that can't distinguish a war from an assasination? Its a yes or no question.
When Israel does anything criminal, that's because it's "fighting a war for its VERY SURVIVAL (mewling violins)"

When Palestinians do anything criminal, it's because they're cockroachy terrorist SCUM (snap snarl chatter-squeak-squirm)!!!

Got it?

Don't ever forget now!

BTW, this is the first time I've entered this thread. Been seeing me in your Cornflakes much, zios?
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