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Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Athough Michael Zwebner's and Mohamed Hadid's UCSY press release 'starring' the President of Israel and Israeli Minister of Agriculture Mr.Katz was also posted in my previous indymedia article titled,' Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money laundering',I felt it appropriate to repeat it again here juxtaposed with another Zwebnerand Mohamid Hadid press release stating,
''Michael J. Zwebner announced today that
both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund...''

Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids Zwebner penny stock fraud 'UCSY'

Needless to say besides the main goal at the time of using the tsunami anbd tsunami victims and a legit Israeli relief organization to fraudulently claim 'airwater machines' were being sent to tsunami victims with the sole purpose of a Barnum and Baily sensationalism that would sale more of the 'company's' worthless U.S.penny stock shares, Zwebner also used the tsunami to solicit donations for himself !

And now the rumor is that even the supposed $25,000 each supposedly donated by himself and Mohamed Hadid(who not long ago claimed bankruptcy) has been used as tax tax write off and you can be sure no one received or used any 'airwater machine' at the area of the tsunami nor anywhere else to my knowledge,including at the supposed,' "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv''. Am I wrong ? So just what was the source of this water that Mr.Katzav and his colleagues Mr. Zwebner and Mr.Hadid rave about so ? Does anybody know ? Certainly the Israeli Army nor U.S. MILITARY IN IRAQ NEVER BOUGHT REGARDLESS OF ZWEBNER'S FRAUDULENT PRESS RELEASES.

Mr.Zwebner has used both the Iraeli Army and the U.S. Military in Iraq to promote his non-existent ,non working 'airwater machines' for the sole purpose of selling worthless penny stock shares and I dare suspect to launder money with those worthless shares.Yes it is humorous even farsical in a way but in the end who is the joke upon ?

Is it upon both U.S. and Israeli soldiers who are used to promote the fraud under the false claim that both the Israeli Army and U.S. Military are buying this fraud when they are not ?Is the joke upon dead Israeli and American soldiers who are used in the frauds of Michael Zwebner,his suspected Muslim terrorist aiding pal Mohamed Hadid and their aleged Israeli ally,Moshe Katsav, President of Israel ? I don't get it.

I do see it is related to the issue I wrote of recently about ,'SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks',however.

And as long as Israeli President Moshe Katzav or any other Israeli politician or military officer allows his name to be used to promote a penny stock fraud to benefit Mohamed Hadid,Michael Zwebner or any other con artist or even possible terrorist or sympathiser,whose sole purpose is to dump worthless U.S. or other shares on defrauded investors and possibly aid money laundering, it is unlikely the same will not continue in the UAE and Dubai.It will only be when an Israeli President or Prime Minister untainted by such fraud diplomatically protests to the United States about the use of worthless stocks,penny stocks whose shares are unaudited so you can't trace the flow of money in particular.

A link to Gary Weiss' blog below,(who wrote ,'The Mob on Wall Street'),quotes an a U.S. SEC official,Paul Atkins, who estimates penny stocks alone account for at least $58 billion dollars in fraud from illegal pump and dump scams.However what this supposed knowledgeable SEC official failed to estimate or even mention is that those shares are also used to launder money, temporarily driving up the share price as the stock is promoted by fraudulent press releases,such as Moshe Katsav was used by Mr.Zwebner for,followed by 'insider' dumping of shares to rake the laundered money back in along with a profit taken from naive investors who were caught up in the scam.How much additional money does that represent ?

SEC Commissioner Flops On Microcap Fraud

I wish say nothing bad of Palestinians nor Arabs nor Israelis,the only bad is from scam promoters and scheisters such as Mr.Hadid and his British-Israeli partner in fraud Michael Zwebner. And because the President has allied his name and reputation with theirs I have little good to say of him either.And Israeli Minister of Agriculture 'Mr. Katz' has some explaining to do as well as he is also mentioned in the fraudulent promotion of Michael Zwebner's
'airwater machine' scam to illegally pump and dump worthless shares upon the public in both U.S. and German markets and or offshore boiler room operations.

And I wish to say bad about Americans and others such as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. of Baltimore and the 'world wide web' who has used Dubai for penny stock pump and dump scams and possible money laundering and his fellow Beltway or Washington,D.C. scum.Founder of the National Taxpayers Union and of the Clinton
killed Vince Foster political smear campaign among others.I wish to speak bad of who the U.S. SEC allows to use worthless and unaudited U.S. penny stocks IN BOTH KUALA LUMPUR AND DUBAI FOR MONEY AND POSSIBLE MONEY LAUNDERING THAT MAY BE EITHER JAMES DALE DAVIDSON OR CIA CONNECTED !!

Does the President of Israel believe he sets a good precident by 'touting' or allowing his name to be used in the promotion of a worthless fraudulent penny stock run by a British-Israeli with past mafia connections and an International Palestinian with Saudi
ties ? Mr.Hadid,long before SAAR was linked
to possible terrorist and Al Qaeda, was able to raise capital 'from thin air' to out bid and out trump even Donald Trump the New York and New Jersey and Las Vegas real estate mogul and purchase a Colorado ski resort right out from underneath him.How ? Saudi money.You can do your own additional investigation on that one.My point is,is this the kind of company the Israeli President should be keeping ?

I'm not saying all Saudis are bad,no I'm just saying given the politics and brainwashing to hate we all suffer today encouraging fraud with US. penny stocks that can be used for money laundering anywhere in the Middle East is bad and the U.S. SEC,CIA,etc. are equally to blame.Same for Israel.This is money laundering and those doing it are often dangerous to the average citizens or inhabitants of the region where they undertake the fraud to accrue illicit funds.

As a final thought although much was made at first on the raid of the Muslim charity in Herndon,Virginia as well as the Saudi and Mohamed Hadid,, connected poultry operation in the U.S. state of Georgia I don't believe in the rush to war in Iraq by our mad King George Bush that anything was ever done except a cover up just as our Securities Exchange Commission covers up for many penny stock scams run by the far right in Dubai or Kuala Lumpur,etc.. The Saudis still own their large real estate holdings purchased by their intermediaries such as Michael Zwebner connected Mohamed Hadid, I believe.Whether the money made annually goes to terrorism or not I do not know.Whether they plow it back into real estate or stocks,I can't say.If they use some for terrorism or to launder money though
U.S.penny stocks in Dubai courtesy of their good Beltway connections I could not say.
Whether it is put to good or evil who can say ?

Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products

Wednesday March 17,9:51 am ET

President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company''s Display Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards

TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004-- Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company''s display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company''s unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel''s Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company''s display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company''s products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air.

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East

Tuesday January 4,12:24 pm ET

MIAMI, FL--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 4, 2005 -- Universal
Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) subsidiary AirWater
Corporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that
both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally
donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund.

Mr. Zwebner stated, "There is no better way to show an example than to
do as one preaches. I am very pleased to be joined by our very good and
generous friend Mohamed Hadid in donating $25,000 each to the AirWater
machines fund. We hope others too will join us and help us to send as
many machines as possible to the areas affected by the recent disaster,
and that we can bring clean drinking water to the survivors. We will
continue to make all our best efforts in this emergency endeavor."

Repeated from previous press release: "The situation in the Far East
affected areas is very critical. Unless clean drinkable water is made
available immediately, many survivors of the recent disaster will get
ill from lack of water or from drinking contaminated water. Many people
have not had clean drinking water for days, and the problem is getting
worse by the minute. We are now in high level discussions with many aid
organizations as well as government officials of the affected
countries. We intend to do all possible to respond further by
manufacturing AirWater Machines around the clock and getting them
delivered to the affected areas. But we need help. So we are therefore
asking anyone and everyone to come forward and donate and or sponsor
AirWater Machines for this emergency. In addition, due to the lack of
energy supplies in the affected areas and time being of the essence, we
will also be needing funds to purchase oil fired Generators to power
our machines. We welcome all help in this regard too. Our intentions at
this time are to make available drinkable water to as many people as

''The 555 Grove St. address has also been used by the International Institute for Islamic Thought, a nonprofit that U.S. investigators have linked to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. Mr. Mirza is listed in business records as an officer of numerous companies, including Sterling Management Group, MarJac Investment Inc., and Hadid Holdings Inc. ...''


New York Times
Washington Post

Raids Seek Evidence of Money-Laundering

WASHINGTON, March 20 — Federal law enforcement officials today raided 15 organizations and individuals in Northern Virginia and a chicken farm in Georgia, all of them, the authorities said, suspected by the Treasury Department of laundering money for Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

The raids were the first to be coordinated by the Treasury Department's counterterrorism task force responsible for stopping the flow of money to terrorist organizations in the United States and abroad.

The department announced the raids in a single-page press release that gave the number of targets but provided little other information about them or the nature of what the authorities sought.

People close to the Treasury investigation said, however, that among the main targets was a commercial building at 555 Grove Street in Herndon, Va., where the SAAR Foundation, a Saudi-financed charity that is now defunct, had an office until recently. No representative of the foundation could be located for comment.

The Grove Street building, about 20 miles from Washington, also houses offices of several other Islamic charities and individual Muslims who, officials said, are being investigated for the possibility of money-laundering activities.

One other place searched today was the office of the International Islamic Relief Organization at 360 South Washington Street in Falls Church, Va., another Washington suburb.

That charity has a parent, the Muslim World League, that officials said was also searched. Corporate records show that the Muslim World League, which is financed in part by the Saudi government, is based at the same address as the relief organization, in Falls Church, but that it has used the Herndon building as a mailing address.

Last October, the Treasury Department listed another Islamic charity financed by the Muslim World League, the Rabita Trust, as having connections to Al Qaeda.

Search warrants were also served today, officials said, on the International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is at 500 Grove Street, across the street from the SAAR Foundation. Officials said the government had been investigating the institute for at least three years.

An employee there, Tarik Hamdi, whose home was also raided today, was mentionedin the New York trial resulting from the bombing of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. A battery for a satellite phone was carried to Afghanistan by Mr. Hamdi that year; this phone, a prosecutor at the trial said, "is the phone that bin Laden and others will use to carry out their war against the United States."

Neither Mr. Hamdi nor anyone else connected with the institute could be reached for comment today; a call placed to the lawyer for the organization late in the day was not returned. But in the past, officials of the institute have denied that any of its money supports terrorist activities.

Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Customs Service, one of the agencies involved in the raids, declined to comment on them. So did Frank Shults, a spokesman for the office of the United States attorney for Northern Virginia. The Treasury Department's press release said no further information about the search warrants could be disclosed.

But officials and others familiar with the inquiry said the government was collecting bank records and other financial information about several groups, including the SAAR Foundation, which, though officially dissolved in 2000, until recently maintained an office at the 555 Grove Street address.

Officials said SAAR had been financed in large part by Suleiman Abdel Aziz al-Rajhi, a Saudi banker and financier who is said to be close to the Saudi ruling family. Mr. Rajhi, among other things, is said to have an indirect financial interest in Piedmont Poultry, in Gainesville, Ga., which federal agents also raided today.

The Treasury Department said the raids had involved more than 150 agents and officers of the Customs Service, the Internal Revenue Service and several other Treasury agencies. Local police departments in Virginia assisted.

The Treasury Department statement said the offices and residences that were targets of the raids had been searched, and material from them seized, without incident. It said federal investigators had begun processing the resulting evidence.

The statement also noted that no one was arrested during the raids and that affidavits filed in support of the seizures were under court seal.

Steven Emerson, a terrorism expert, focused on 555 Grove Street in his new book, "American Jihad: Terrorists Among Us." In the book, Mr. Emerson listed several charities at that address, including the SAAR Foundation and Safa Trust, which was also raided today, as organizations that had financed groups and individuals connected to terrorism.

In an interview, Mr. Emerson said he believed that the raids were aimed at helping the government collect information about how money that finances terrorism is laundered through Islamic charities in the United States. Such cases are very difficult to prove and prosecute, he said.

Officials confirmed today that the government was seeking information about possible money-laundering not just for Al Qaeda, but also for what the State Department describes as other terrorist groups.

These include the Palestinian military group Hamas, which claims responsibility for the scores of suicide bombings in Israel, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which is also suspected of having raised money for its activities through humanitarian groups operating in the United States.

In 1996, Congress passed a law making it a crime to raise money for terrorist groups, even if the money is not directly used to support terrorism.

N.Va. Sites Raided in Probe of Terrorism
By Tom Jackman

Federal agents yesterday raided 14 sites across Northern Virginia, many with links to the Middle East, seizing boxes of documents in an ongoing investigation of the funding of terrorist groups.

No arrests were made, and none of the businesses was closed down.

Government sources said the investigation is looking at charities and other organizations that may have contributed money to international groups that sponsor terrorist activities.

Federal officials said the search warrants in Virginia and one in Georgia were issued as part of Operation Green Quest, being conducted by a counterterrorism financial task force created by the Treasury Department in October. Affidavits giving the reasons for the searches were sealed and were not provided to those who were searched.

Agents from the U.S. Customs Service, which heads Operation Green Quest, and officers from nine other federal agencies and from police departments swooped into locations in Herndon, Falls Church and Leesburg and other sites in Fairfax County about 10:30 a.m. Federal and local officials would not disclose exact locations for any of the searches.

But Customs agents were busy loading up boxes throughout the afternoon at two offices in Herndon: at the International Institute for Islamic Thought and at MarJac Investments, both on Grove Street. Shortly before 4 p.m., the investigators drove a large U-Haul truck into a parking lot near both.

Ahmed Totonji, a vice president at the institute, said he was surprised by the federal interest in his firm, a nonprofit Islamic think tank that has been in Herndon since 1981. He said no one had told him why it was being searched.

"We have no knowledge of this kind of thing going on," Totonji said, "and we will cooperate 100 percent."

The institute has branches in 12 countries in addition to its Herndon headquarters and describes itself as "an intellectual forum working from an Islamic perspective to promote and support research projects, organize intellectual and cultural meetings and publish scholarly works."

But the institute also has been linked to controversial groups in the Middle East. It has made large financial contributions to the World Islamic Studies Enterprise in Tampa. In November, the Justice Department called the Tampa group a "front organization that raised funds for militant Islamic-Palestinian groups such as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hamas. The PIJ, designated by the Secretary of State as a terrorist organization, has claimed responsibility for several acts of terrorism."

Until the mid-1990s, the World Islamic Studies Enterprise was an academic institute affiliated with the University of South Florida. Federal agents searched its office in 1995 and eventually froze its assets.

Tax records show that the Herndon institute made contributions to the group until at least 1994.

Steven Emerson, a journalist and author of the best-selling "American Jihad," said yesterday's raids were part of a money-laundering investigation launched by the federal government since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"It is part of the ongoing problem of nonprofit humanitarian groups commingling their funds with support for terrorist groups," he said.

Federal agents yesterday also raided the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences on Miller Drive in Leesburg. Taha Al-alwani, president of the school, said authorities arrived at 10:30 a.m., confined employees to the lobby and began searching computers and financial records. They said little except that they were there to examine the school's finances.

Each employee was interviewed separately about his job, and when staff members asked to use the restroom, they were escorted by armed agents. The school, which opened in 1996, was the first in the country approved by the Pentagon to train Muslim chaplains. Nine of the military's 13 Muslim chaplains have studied there.

"I'm very upset, because after all our loyalty and service to our country, here we see ourselves in this position," Al-alwani said.

Agents also seized documents at MarJac Investments Inc., in Herndon, a consulting firm that has offices in Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Canada and Chile.

Operation Green Quest was created to identify and shut down the sources of terrorist funding by using the Treasury Department to freeze accounts, seize assets and prosecute those assisting terrorists.


SEC Commissioner Flops On Microcap Fraud

SEC Commissioner Flops on Microcap Fraud

Securities and Exchange Commissioner Paul Atkins yesterday challenged the SEC to do a better job of fighting microcap fraud. When I read about the speech on Reuters, I felt pretty good. The guy seemed to "get it."

But then I read the text of the speech on the SEC website, and I wanted to throw up.

Atkins noted that the dollar volume of the microcap market is enormous -- $57 billion -- and not adequately policed by the SEC. Terrific. I describe in detail in Wall Street Versus America how the SEC does a crummy job of pursuing stock fraud. The reason, Atkins says, is the culture of the SEC enforcement staff:


U.S. Trails Va. Muslim Money, Ties

Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid,Wilhemina
Entertainment fraudulent stock transfers,etc. :

Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud. Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud.

Wilhelmina & Trans Continental Media Shuffle ripoff Pearlman sues Defrawy, Anthony Toma, Mickie Parris while Dieter Esch fires Ray Lata and Deidre Kilmartin in Criminal Cover Up, many paid to keep their mouth shut New York City New York *UPDATE ..This Reader has done the homework: Pearlman lawsuit is an acknowledgement that the amount of fraud involved is close to $100 million and as accurately portrayed

Lou admits that their criminal background made no difference to him if they bring in the bucks. What he cares about is the negative press. That is when he had to take action. What thinking people in the press should be asking is why Pearlman is not suing those people involved closely in the scam or were officers in the company like the following: Mohamed Hadid, Rafiah Kashmiri, Cortes Randell, Neil Eric Mauskapf, Anthony Ruben, Michael Zwebner, Roger Serrero, Geoffrey Button, Tom Weinard, Paul Glover, Richard Walk, Jeremy Schuster, Herbert Becker. Many of these people got paid hefty severance packages to keep their mouth shut. How ethical is that?

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary Millennium Electric T.O.U., Inc., Ships Exclusive PV Solar Powered Mobile Oil Tanker "Pump" for Immediate Use by the Israeli Army

Universal Communications Systems Inc. Closes Transaction to Supply 18 AirWater Machines to the Israeli Army June 18, 2003

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Secures First Order for AirWater Machines for Immediate Delivery to US Army / Coalition Forces in Iraq

Universal Communications Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Receives "Approved Vendor Status" from US Government/Military

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Announces a Major Breakthrough and Secures First Official Order for Two AirWater Machines for the US Army

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Completes Construction of Special Sized AirWater Machines and Ships First Two Units to U.S. Army/Coalition Forces in Iraq

Out Of Thin Air

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary AirWater Corporation's Activities in Sri Lanka Dubbed Huge Success and Service to Humanity at Official Handing Over Ceremony

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Hosts Official Visit by Sri Lankan Ambassador to Israel at the AirWater Production Facility

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Together With Company Chairman, File Suit Against Turner Broadcasting System, CNN and Wolf Blitzer for $100 Million

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Charles Schwab:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
by First
First, "anti-zionists" talk about how much they resent being called, "anti-semites". Then they go on to say something really anti-semitic. Its a pattern.
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