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Faulty and fake Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on Bayview Hunters Point

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
The Environmental Impact Report linked to Bayview Hunters Point is fake and faulty. It does not address traffic studies and the ever growing and changing truck routes that are adversely impacting a large residential and industrial area. Makes little mention of Cultural Resources the land of the Ohlone. Once the Chinese had a Shrimp Industry and history NO outreach to the Asian community. No current data on air pollution it is the worst ever. Not a word about Open Space, Community Benefits, and so on. Very little of Health and Safety issues factors that impact thousands in the Bayview Hunters Point.
The Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be heard today in Room 250 at City Hall before a joint SF Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) and the SF Planning Commission.

The meeting will be held at 6:30 pm and all those that care about EMMINENT DOMAIN please show up to show your support for those that will be adversely impacted.

The EIR proposed up the SFRA is fake and faulty. No traffic analysis and no plan to abate and mitigate the over 400 toxic hotspots.

No plan to offer the community help linked to Open Space and essential Community Benefits.

No real data on pollution and the Bayview Hunters Point which is now very polluted. The air, land, and water is daily bombarded by dangerous toxins and particulates.

No plan to get rid of the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatement plant which has been placed right in the middle of a residential area and pollutes a wide area.

The land belongs to the Ohlone and there are many Cultural Sites - these sites are Sacred Burial Grounds - they are named Shellmounds. The EIR fails to take this important factor into consideration. An important factor of any EIR.

Before BLACKS came to Hunters Point there were the Chinese and the Shrimp and Herring Industry. Today Asians as well as Latins make a large percentage of the population. There has been NO outreach to this population.

The Samoans make up a significant part of the population the Samoans have been left out by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.

This plan is all about Tax Increment.

The plan is get as much money from the land equity in the Bayview Hunters Point and then SFRA can do what is wants with the money. They can for example invest the millions on Treasure Island. They will give themselves a raise and higher corrupt folks to work for SFRA.

Shame on Mayor Gavin Newsom, Marcia Rosen the Director of SFRA, Jesse Blout, Michael Cohen, Dwayne Jones all sellouts. Sophie Maxwell the Distrtic 10 Supervisor and a host of other cronies that are on the BVHP Project Area Committee a body that has had no legal election in years.

It is time the community understand that if they do not stand for those facts that are right and if they do not stand for their own rights now - soon they will be ploys and the SFRA will take them to the cleaners.

Do not trust the SF Redevelopment Agency. The meeting in today March 2, 2006 at 6:30 pm at City Hall in San Francisco in Room 250. Dress warm and speak up for the people.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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