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Indybay Feature

Mayor Gavin Newsom and SF Redevelopment Agency out to steal Bayviw Hunters Point

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) is out to wipe out huge sections of Bayview Hunters Point. Over 2,528 acres are slated to be a Project Area with real Imminent Domain enforcement to be used to run out constituents that really do not understand what is happening to their community. Marcia Rosen, Jesse Blout, Mayor Gavin Newsom and an inept, corrupt, and illegal Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee is working with SFRA to adversely impact thousands. There has been no meaningful dialog and the community as a whole is at risk.
On March 2, 2006 at 6 pm in Room 250 there will be a joint San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) and the SF Planning Department meeting to declare the fate of over 2,528 acres in the Bayview Hunters Point Area.

At this meeting the fate of over 2,528 acres in the Bayview Hunters Point will be affected by Emminent Domain. It is critical that the SFRA plan be shot down and that Mayor Gavin Newsom be held fully responsible.

Over 40,000 people will be directly affected.

Also, the dumb, inept, arrogant Sophie Maxwell the District 10 Supervisor is doing nothing on this matter - she is hand in glove with the evil intentions of SFRA.

The real threat of Imminent Domain hovers around and sits on all of Bayview Hunters Point and beyond. Some evil forces are out to harm thousands of poor people. Crooks have lined up to develop huge tracts of land using SFRA as a tool.

Mision Bay was a failure. Prior to that the Western Addition. And now comes SFRA wanting to steal land and make millions using Tax Increment.

The huge monies made using Tax Increment will be used to develop Treasure Island.

We do not need SFRA to develop Bayview Hunters Point. Especially not Jesse Blout, Dwayne Jones, Larry Florin, Marcia Rosen, and Mayor Gavin Newsom.

The Navy will not sell Treasure Island for a dollar as it did Parcel A on Hunters Point. The City and SFRA wants money and they are using Bayview Hunters Point as a ploy to make money using Imminent Domain and Tax Increment.

Imminent Domain is now the talk of the City and even the Republican Party has the issue on its current plantform. The Republicans want to pass legislation to stop Imminent Domain be used to steal Private Property.

Here in San Francisco with the blessing of Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Democratic Party - the SF Redevelopment Agency is out to harm thousands of people. Where is Nancy Pelosi on this one? Where are the Democracts on this one?

There has been NO talk about Community Benefits by SFRA lined to the Bayview.

There has been no talk of Parks, Open Space, Recreational Facilities, Child Care, Health and Safety Issues, the clean up of over 400 toxic hotspots, the Raw Sewage Treatment Plant sitting in the middle of Bayview.

The power plants, there has been talk of placing 3 Combustion Turbines in the Bayview by Pier 80 and within the Project Area. Millions of vehicles spewing particulates. The last industrial area and they has been no proper planning.

The Housing Element and the Transportation Document have not been included in the discussion.
Some Blacks are working with SFRA to sellout the community. This nonsense must stop.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the Final EIR is faulty. No through traffic studies, no talk about Community Benefits, to talk about real clean up of over 400 hot spots. No real mention of Cultural Resources.

All the land once belongs to the Ohlone and was stolen. In the 1950 the land was taken using Emminent Domain for the War Effort. Now, once again the tool is being used to provoke and adversely impact over 40,000 innocent folks.

It goes on and on the SFRA has no intention to help but to destroy what is left of the last frontier.

Home owners pay taxes in the Bayview and have got nothing much. Now, the SFRA wants to come into their backyard to steal their property.

Meetings are held at the last minute without noticing - the March 2, 2006 is a case in point. This matter must be tabled for at least 6 months.

Marcia Rosen should be ashamed of herself - she is the Director of SFRA.

Mayor Gavin Newsom has NO idea what he is dealing with - he never did. He came once to play basket ball and now he is no where to be found. He should come and address the folks and tell them the truth.

The Mayor is working hard behind the scenes to develop the area around Candlestick Park that is prone to liquefaction and other areas such as Hunters Point with Lennar BVHP LLC.

The meeting on March 2, 2006 at 6 pm in Room 250 at City hall is critical. All of you should attend the meeting to save the last frontier.

Call (415) 554-6979 for details about the meeting at San Francisco City Hall.

Call SFRA at (415) 749-2457 and register your protest if you cannot make it to the meeting.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
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