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Charles Schwab,New Jersey Star-Ledger,legislature & known stock fraud Gary Valinoti

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
The fraud(stock manipulation and illegal pump and dump activity erroneously attributed to 'naked short sells' and 'FTD' or 'fails to deliver' by the criminals) is massive,Beltway connected and may include money laundering with penny stocks and other stock shares in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Paradoxically Gary Valinoti is a pal of David Patch who in turn is James Dale Davidson connected.Davidson is founder of the Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union that funded the effort to smear New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine.And James Dale Davidson orchestrated the Richard Mellon Scaife funded 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign against Bill Clinton ! Small world ain't it ?!
New Jersey Star Ledger and legislature conned by known stock fraud Gary Valinoti ?

The fraud(stock manipulation and illegal pump and dump activity erroneously attributed to 'naked short sells' and 'FTD' or 'fails to deliver' by the criminals) is massive,Beltway connected and may include money laundering with penny stocks and other stock shares in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Paradoxically Gary Valinoti is a pal of David Patch who in turn is James Dale Davidson connected.Davidson is founder of the Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union that funded the effort to smear New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's election bid. And James Dale Davidson orchestrated the Richard Mellon Scaife funded 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign against Bill Clinton ! Small world ain't it ?!

Star Ledger and New Jersey legislature conned by known stock fraud Gary Valinoti ?

Note,opinions above and those below my quote from Gary Weiss' blog site are by me,Tony Ryals,and not Gary Weiss.He is too clever to get taken in a penny stock scam using a Stanford University patent to run an illegal pump and dump operation as I was.

On the other hand this has led me to a deeper and more radicalized analysis of what I have come to see as a far right wing criminal enterprise whose frauds
use the internet, particularly Yahoo ! and ragingbull of
Lycos, to scam Americans into buying worthless shares.That increases the share price so the insiders can dump these mostly unaudited unregistered and generally worthless shares.

Unscrupulous brokers onshore aid to 'ex-patriate' money stolen from onshore retail investors to offshore accounts and even avoid taxes on what they have stolen from defrauded Americans.This not only defrauds Americans but decreases taxable revenue
in the U.S.These have included Charles Schwab as well as smaller brokerages such a VFinance of Florida,etc.The massive fraud erroneously blamed on naked shorting is what I term 'share-money laundering' for themselves and their far right causes.

The fact that the SEC,even in this age of computers and rapid machine calculations and 'IT' or internet
tech people such as the fine CIA connected folk at SRA International who created Mantas AML or anti-money laundering software,for some reason have not been able to create a simple system to monitor the flow and dumping of penny stock shares.

But then again they didn't even notice 'up to 30 million shares' in one Schwab account in 2002 that was dumped in mass as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. internet cyber fraud tout machine promoted the Stanford patent and all those shares were dumped.Not to mention the Schwab LOM of Bermuda account that as you can find at link at bottom from the Royal Gazette of Bermuda even the SEC couldn't ignore although I'm sure they will do their best to go light on the criminals and insure defrauded investors never see a penny.

Unregistered and unaudited shares have been used to mask and conceal the flow of money so money laundering would be involved including in Dubai or Kuala Lumpur etc. (Bellador Group) and CIA may be involved just as they may be involved in the UAE - U.S. ports deal.

Friday, February 24, 2006

First I quote from Gary Weiss' blogspot titled,'The Short Selling Hysteria Continues

While critical of the purposeful deception and fraud perpetrated on the New Jersey legislature and the Star Ledger by Gary Valinoti and his gang of 3 who showed up to willfully manipulate and deceive them just as they manipulate penny stocks and deceive investors, Gary Weiss feels that the Star Ledger is still a comendable paper.

I have not had chance to read it for myself except the one article Gary Weiss refers to but so far his credibility in taking on the 'anti-naked shorting mafia'
as I call them has itself been commendable and I'll take him at his word.

Gary Weiss' blog,,
brought to my attention today that ,'New Jersey's largest newspaper, the Star-Ledger, read today that the scourge of naked short-selling has descended on Wall Street. Word of that came from a man in a position to know -- New Jersey's next state treasurer, Bradley Abelow, at his confirmation hearing before the state senate Judiciary Committee in Trenton.........

The only problem is that Abelow didn't say that. As a matter of fact, according to the archived audio feed of the hearing, he said the exact opposite: "The issue of fails to deliver of securities are endemic and occur as a matter of course and that my experience is that everyone at the DTCC and its participant firms work diligently to clean them up."

As Abelow had patiently explained to the committee,
"fails" occur for a whole bunch of reasons. They are routine. Happen as a "matter of course." Sometimes, he explained, FTDs(fails to deliver shares) happen because the transaction is off by a penny. It's something that anyone who knows a blessed thing about the subject, including the regulators, have explained again and again and again............

Now, I don't mean to beat up on the Star-Ledger, which is a damn good paper that regularly takes awards away from the big guys in New York. If I had covered the hearing for a daily paper and if I hadn't been writing about this stupid "naked shorting" issue for the past ten years, I probably would have gotten confused about the subject myself. What was particularly confusing to the uninitiated was that Abelow was preceeded by four "witnesses" who spewed sheer baloney on the subject without contradiction....................................

DTCC has the thankless task of overseeing the stock-loan system that is at the center of the naked shorting non-scandal, so it has been regularly a subject of screwball lawsuits that have been monotonously tossed out of court. The stalking continued in Trenton yesterday, with Abelow hounded by the aforementioned four witnesses, and by some particularly brainless questioning by one state senator. "Have you ever, for your own account, engaged in naked short selling?" a legislator named Gerald Cardinale asked the dumbfounded Abelow.

One of the "witnesses" who came to serve up baloney was Gary L. Valinoti, former CEO of a sad, blameless company called Jag Media Holdings that he claimed was an innocent victim of naked short-selling. Valinoti forgot to mention that he too is a victim -- of SEC charges that he engaged in "unregistered sales and transfers of securities of [Jag Media Holdings] in violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933." He settled the charges last September without confirming or denying the allegations.

None of the press coverage mentioned Valinoti's little run-in with the SEC, while providing a forum for the idiotic nonsense spewed at the hearing by the naked-shorting cultists.

Gary Weiss

I could only glance at the New Jersey Star Ledger paper as it turned my stomach. Gary Valinoti who I thought lives in Florida also attended a Washington , D.C. NASAA scam 'symposium' a short time back set up by Ralph Lambiase and played the victim and Lambiase like the New Jersey legislature and the Star Ledger did no background to see he,who claims to be a victim instead victimized his own investors in endless pump and dump fraud and the dumping of unaudited shares that even the SEC slapped him own the wrist for all the while claiming his penny stock fraud JAGH or Jag Media Holdings was 'naked shorted'.

It is so obvious in retrospect that all this is because the SEC encourages this massive criminal penny stock enterprise NOT to disclose shares they and their partners are dumping and probably laundering money with ! Why ?

And he and David Patch have used the world wide internet and their scam websites,of which ragingbull could be considered the largest or hub fraud website to lead to other scam websites such as Gayle Essary's FinancialWire and David Patch's that coincidentally replaced James Dale Davidson's or Agora Inc.'s's NAANSS or 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling' fraud that touted Genemax etc.,a known penny stock pump and dump that probably used Charles Schwab and LOM of Bermuda among other entities for their massive share dumping and manipulation.

And now Yahoo gives, or National Coalition Against Naked Shorting,,and etc.and free range to promote the same fraudulent scam against its readers or even threaten lives ! Why ?

Gary Valinoti's own strangely and coincidentally began the illegal pump of Charles Schwab shares a day before the London bombing with the false rumor of a buyout from whatever major banks or brokerages he felt would start a buying frenzy on Schwab stock and it worked.Reuters also picked up on the rumor although they should have known better.

Valinoti and jagnotes also sponsered the rumor Warren Buffett would buy NFI to much less effect.But at least he gave the fraud his best shot on jagnotes.

And Schwab is a prime example of a broker who aided the naked short fraud,particularly before selling their 'market maker' business to CSFB by allowing Endovasc to dump 'up to 30 million shares' as Davidson touted through Agora Inc.and remained totally silent as James Dale Davidson and attorney John O'Quinn accused them of 'naked shorting'.Why ?

Yes this is a Beltway fraud in very large part which is why it's so sad to depend upon SEC to do a thing about it.Even worse to realise an email to the SEC is an email to the CIA's and NSA's 'IT',SRA International.
And the CIA through its In-Q-Tel 'non-profit' corporation is in the penny stock pump and dump business itself !!

And Ralph Lambiase and whoever at NASAA who have aided and abetted the naked short fraud out of ignorance or for whatever reason show there is little hope on the state level.Even Georgetown University aids the fraud through James Angel and Georgetown is VERY SEC connected through Securities Exchange Commission employees who are also Georgetown employees.

I thought the connection between Bellador Group of Dubai and Endovasc shares being dumped from Kuala Lumpur or Nicosia or Kuala Lumpur by Mr.Taylor would be a wake up call to the SEC.SEEMS MORE IT WAS ANOTHER COVER UP CALL.

I might email another complaint to the SEC but I might as well mail it to SRA International the government's 'IT' monopoly and a CIA IN-Q-Tel operation for all intents and purposes.

And the fact that SRA International shares have been pimped by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai only adds to my hopelessness and cynicism.

And ragingbull lycos has even signed deals with Gary Valinoti's Jag Media to promote scammy companies together ! No wonder ragingbull deletes accounts and posts of defrauded investors and virtually controls the ragingbull message boards for the penny stock mafia.

This is significant when W Bush wishes to sell your port to UEA and Dubai and claims they have cleaned up their banking and money laundering when in truth I know for a fact our own far right in cohoots with Bush administration have the green light to launder money and defraud their fellow Americans ibn sleezy stock scams based in Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,etc..

Even shares of the publically traded SRA International,
the government's foremost 'IT' or internet technology provider that the CIA's In-Q-Tel is a major share holder of and that the NSA uses to spy on us and the CIA uses to provide Bush his daily briefing has had its shares recommended to its clients offshore in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur by the known boiler room Bellador Group!! And besides gaining from the sale of shares corporate insiders to SRA International receive hundreds of millions of dollars from nearly every branch of our government. which allows them to inflate share price as insiders dump more shares
and perhaps launder money themselves in Kuala Lumpur.

They nor the SEC nor the CIA seem concerned that Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur has taken an active interst in promoting their shares and they are a known
boiler room and money laundering operation !!

And the SEC does nothing of course.Even ex SEC attorney Brent Baker of Utah has now left the SEC and works as well well paid attorney to Patrick Byrne of who fuunds and it's life threatening mafia on Yahoo's NFI and OSTK message boards etc.

Along with his father Jack Byrne billionaire insurance
magnate Patrick Byrne put well over $1,000,000 into smear campaigns against Edwards and Kerry on their on !! Brent Baker ex SEC attorney was the one who spyed on me under guise of being attorney against James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc. Instead he was working hand in hand to help their penny stock fraud and assure I was defrauded.Scum.

Connections to Bush administration as well as CIA,
and Agora Inc. of James Dale Davidson founder of Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National
Taxpaxers Union also suspected.

Got a complaint or care to 'whistleblow' to the SEC or the GAO,or the FBI or the DOJ ? Well if you do the guys
at SRA International who do their IT are all ears,for their CIA investors and the NSA that is.

Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey, Asa Hutchinson,
Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and dump account ! :

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