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Indybay Feature

SF Planning Department will host a meeting with SF Redevelopment Agency

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
On March 2, 2006 the SF Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) and the SF Planning Department will meet in joint session to listen to comments on the Certification of the proposed Bayview Hunters Point Redevelopment Projects and Zoning Environmental Impact Report. So far the process has been disgusting with the SFRA holding meetings without the proper documents - case in point lack of transportation studies. The Final EIR fails to address many vital adverse impacts all linked to Quality of Life issues. Issues like Community Benefits, Health and Safety issues.

Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cronies - heading the group Marcia Rosen, Jesse Blout, Michael Cohen, and a host of other crooks are forcing a play so that certain documents like the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) can be certified so that millions of dollars can be collected using the Bayview Project Area for Tax Increment purposes.

The SF Planning Department failed the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point by not following through the many Planning Workshops linked to the Eastern Neighborhoods.

Then the SF Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) failed the constituents by not having a through Blight report. The whole process of the Blight Report linked to the Draft EIR was a mess.

SFRA failed to have workshops and focus groups to explain to home owners in the Bayview that pay millions of dollars of property taxes about drastic changes in the Survey Area which became the Project Area - now ready to be grabbed by the SF Redevelopment Area (SFRA).

The Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee (BVHP PAC) is a farce. Many of their recent elections did not take place and for years the BVHP PAC meetings were null and void. A fake election means meeting and actions that followed that have no credibility and are illegal.

The BVHP PAC was created to handle survey areas in the Bayview not the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. And never to over see such an expanded area as in now called the Project Area. Some of the areas are in zip code 94134.

The SFRA did this to garner TAX INCREMENT and annexed the Shipyard and expanded further to change its boundry bounded by Cesar Chavey Street, Highway 101, the San Francisco/San Mateo County line, Hunters Point Shipyard, and the San Francisco Bay.

This is a very huge area and it does not have a EIR that really deals with transportation issues and detail traffic studies.

There is no real report about air, land, and water pollution.

It does not take into effect the proposed vehicular traffic on the proposed new Islais Creek Bridge.

It does not address the Raw Sewage Plant and the proposed 3 Combustion Trubines spewing particulates.

The over 400 toxic sites that have not been abated. The numerous sites linked with Shellmounds and the Ohlone - Cultural Resources.

Community Benefits in the area. Play grounds, Open Space, many Quality of Life issues.

July 20, 2006 is the dead line for the EIR and related doucments to come in and be signed by Mayor Gavin Newsom - who is leading the charge and selling out the community. Once the SFRA gets the Tax Increment it will use it for whatever purpose. It has done it before.

It could use it to develop Treasure Island and fail to address any significant issue in the Bayview Hunters Point Area. The main media is saying nothing. The SF Chronicle and Examiner do not know what is really happening.

Mayor Gavin Newsom is working with crooks like Dwayne Jones who does not live in our City. Jesse Blout and Michael Cohen with Marcia Rosen the Director of SFRA to use sly means to gain Tax Increment to carry out their devious ways. The same players were involved at Hunters Point.

There is NO significant Black population that understands the PLOYS of the SFRA. There are a few Blacks that are sellouts. Most of them are at the BVHP PAC.

So far only Espanola Jackson has attended the key meetings at the SFRA and SF Planning Department to explain some critical details. Time will tell.

Do not trust SFRA and the ploys of Marcia Rosen.

Please attend the March 2, 2006 in Room 400. Call (415) 554-5184 for detail information.

E-mail linda.avery [at] if you have pertinent questions about the issue at hand.

Francsico Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by s. nafici
the info for the meeting can be found here:
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