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After Peak Oil, is Peak Empire next?

by DLi
Finally, after years of debate, most mainstream scientists agree that the era of Peak Oil is indeed upon us, meaning that the high point of world oil production will soon--if indeed it hasn't been reached already--decline, perhaps even precipitously. Yet, mainstream scholars & pundits have not come to the same conclusion in regards to the increasingly desperate & barbaric U.S. Empire...
After WW II, the American juggernaut was the envy of the world. Its economy was the undisputed leader, its political institutions were admired--by most, if not all--for its stability & fairness, AND the U.S. Dollar was the standard medium of exchange. The list of positives was long & seemed to outshine the negatives by a wide margin.

Now fast forward to the Empire after the pivotal events following Sept. 11, 2001. Seizing the opportunity of the century, the NeoCon masters(and current caretakers for the 'pre-emptive' Empire) have taken the Empire toward a self-inflicted 'Abyss of Evil.' Illegal invasions, sadistic tortures, warrantless spying of its own citizens, running Trillion-dollar deficits in military spending, giving Billions of tax cuts to the richest 1%(the horrendous list of evils seems infinite and accelerating). But in Iraq, the Evil Empire has finally seen its own demise up front & personal, as some 10,000 part-time 'coalition of the willing' mujahedeens have now brilliantly fought off the Mightiest Killing Machine" of the USA(over 200,000 in-theatre troops & excluding some 20,000+ private security mercenaries, and using massive tonnage of WMDs on the Iraqi population) to a virtual standoff...

Does any objective observer NOT see the coming of Peak EMPIRE?
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