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End the War, Meet Workers' Needs: Peace and Freedom Party, Candidates Submit Statements

by Dave Kadlecek (dkadlecek [at]
The Peace and Freedom Party and six of its statewide candidates last week submitted brief statements to be included in the Voter Information Guide sent to all registered voters by the Secretary of State. The statements summarize key points of the party’s program of ending the war in Iraq and transforming society to meet the needs of working people in California.

End the War, Meet Workers' Needs:
Peace and Freedom Party, Candidates Submit Statements

The Peace and Freedom Party and six of its statewide candidates this week submitted brief statements to be included in the Voter Information Guide sent to all registered voters by the Secretary of State. The statements summarize key points of the party's program of ending the war in Iraq and transforming society to meet the needs of working people in California.

The party says that voting for its candidates "means voting to stop the killing now and end this stupid, brutal war", noting that it "saw through the lies and opposed this war from the beginning" and going on to call for "immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan."

The Peace and Freedom Party's candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Controller and Treasurer give the highlights of the party’s economic program.

"Double the minimum wage", says Lieutenant Governor candidate Stewart Alexander, a salesman from Murrieta (Riverside County).

"Tax profits, not wages, to fund housing, education and health care for all", adds Treasurer candidate Gerald Sanders, an Oakland electrician.

Controller candidate Liz Barron, a retired teacher from San Jose, sums it up, "working people should control California."

Attorney General candidate Jack Harrison, an elected member of the Berkeley Rent Board, states the party’s approach to criminal justice issues, "abolish the death penalty, repeal '3 strikes,' legalize marijuana, and prosecute corporate criminals."

Secretary of State candidate Margie Akin, a Riverside anthropologist, calls for "fair elections", where all candidates have a chance to be heard, where votes are reliably and accurately counted, and where those voters' views are represented in proportion to their votes.

Insurance Commissioner candidate Tom Condit, a retired office worker from Berkeley, advocates "putting human need before insurance company profits", calling for "publicly funding and managing a single system of quality health care for all."

Other statewide candidates endorsed by the Peace and Freedom Party's State Central Committee are U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Feinland, recently retired from teaching in the Alameda school district, and Janice Jordan, a pre-law student from San Diego.

For more information about the party’s 2006 candidates, see the campaign website at "".

Candidate Statements

Margie Akin (Secretary of State):
Fair elections, stop corruption.
Stewart A. Alexander (Lieutenant Governor):
Double the minimum wage.
Elizabeth Cervantes Barron (Controller):
I believe working people should control California.
Tom Condit (Insurance Commissioner):
I advocate putting human need before insurance company profits. Let's publicly fund and manage a single system of quality health care for all, a state basic auto liability plan, and a single workers' compensation fund. I will fight discrimination based on race, sex, age or geography.
Jack Harrison (Attorney General):
I will work to abolish the death penalty, repeal "3 strikes," legalize marijuana, and prosecute corporate criminals.
Gerald Sanders (Treasurer):
I'm for taxing profits, not wages, to fund housing, education and health care for all.

Party Statement

Voting for Peace and Freedom Party candidates means voting to stop the killing now and end this stupid, brutal war. Our party saw through the lies and opposed this war from the beginning. Vote for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan!

The Peace and Freedom Party works for the needs of working people, not the rich. Vote for decent jobs for all, for doubling the minimum wage, to end poverty and homelessness.

Vote for us to support taxing the wealthiest Americans and their corporations to provide a decent life for the working people who create all of America's wealth. We need free quality education from preschool to the university level. We need good medical care for everyone. We need to protect and restore the environment.

The Peace and Freedom Party actively fights discrimination, corruption, oppression and exploitation. We believe that working people should own and run the economy for everyone's benefit. Register and vote Peace and Freedom Party for a better California and a better world.

State Central Committee primary endorsements: Jordan (Governor), Alexander (Lieutenant Governor), Akin (Secretary of State), Barron (Controller), Sanders (Treasurer), Harrison (Attorney General), Condit (Insurance Commissioner), Feinland (Senate). Please check our websites for more information.

Peace and Freedom Party Websites

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An aspect of the story about Peace and Freedom Party candidate statements that should be emphasized is the extreme inequality of opportunity for candidates to put statements in the ballot pamphlet, and on sample ballots in particular counties. To put statements in the statewide ballot pamphlet, candidates must pay twenty dollars per word. For seven statewide offices, the maximum 250-word statements would cost a total of $35,000 for the Peace and Freedom Party slate. This is an obvious impossibility for a party that represents workers and the poor - to quote a platform preamble, "those without capital in a capitalist society." For either of the big corporate parties, it is not hard at all. And this is the point of the charges: to allow only those who speak for the corporate rich to have any voice. (Some years ago, the statements were printed without any charge to the candidates. The folks with the bucks stopped that!)

For some of the candidates, the choice of four-word statements was intended to make the point that despite the intent of the powers-that-be to silence those who speak for those without money, they cannot be silenced. Each statement, no matter how long, comes with contact information including a website address. So Stewart A. Alexander, for example, is able to refer voters to his website even though his statement contains only the four enormously powerful words "Double the minimum wage."

Another hurdle the Peace and Freedom Party had to jump over was late notification by the Secretary of State's office that they were entitled to buy statements. This appears to have been connected to the Secretary of State's recent abortive attempt to kick the party off the ballot. The candidate farthest from Sacramento, Janice Jordan, was unable to have a statement because she got the word one day later than the others due to a communications problem. She just missed the deadline by a few hours, so the candidate for Governor will have no statement.

If the Secretary of State actually prints the statements by the political parties (they were omitted from the 2004 pamphlet, supposedly for reasons of space), then more Californians will be reading official statements by the Peace and Freedom Party and its candidates than ever before.

The rules and charges for candidates for State Assembly and State Senate are even more outrageous than for statewide office, and most Peace and Freedom Party candidates will be unable to afford the $5,000 to $15,000 required to print statements in each county in their districts in each language. This makes it all the more important that the statewide candidates will have statements, even very short ones.
-Kevin Akin
by toto
The current Leadership of the Peace and Freedom Party constitute the most corrupt, undemocratic State Central Committee of any of the ballot qualified political parties in California. The party is now so centralized and so contolled by the tiny little gang around Akin and David Kadlecek that Peace and Freedom will probably lose its ballot status once again. The ballot statements of its candidates are nothing but fluff to disguise the Stalinist tactics used to gain and maintain titles for a group that literally talks only to itself. Too bad.
by Dave Kadlecek (dkadlecek [at]
They say we should let sleeping dogs lie, but that doesn't mean we should let lying dogs sleep. In that spirit, I'll point out that the "toto" who posted the comment "Just words" is not Dorothy's cute little companion.

Given the absence of news coverage of the functioning of the Peace and Freedom Party's State Central Committee, the only means of determining how democratic and honest that body is or isn't is by personal observation. Neither is there any significant news coverage of the functioning of the state central committees of the American Independent Party, the Libertarian Party and the Natural Law Party. There is a little more coverage of the Green Party's state central committee equivalent, and even more coverage of the Democratic and Republican state central committees. Still, none of it is really enough for an outsider to tell whether any of the ballot-qualified parties' state central committees are functioning in a genuinely democratic manner.

Unless "toto" has spies within the leadership bodies of every ballot-qualified party in California, he can't possibly know whether Peace and Freedom's leadership is more or less democratic than the other parties. He doesn't have access to that massive spying apparatus, because if he did he'd know that any claim that the Peace and Freedom Party is "centralized" and "cont[r]olled by [a] tiny little gang" is laughable. He's just making a wild accusation out of personal or political animus.

"toto" further alleges that the Peace and Freedom Party's statements are "fluff to disguise Stalinist tactics". Of course, he doesn't say what Peace and Freedom has done that constitutes "Stalinist tactics", because that would be making a concrete charge that could be proven false or recognized as a blatant mischaracterization. "toto" prefers to make vague accusations against those he sees as his enemies.

Further, whether or not you agree with them, the Peace and Freedom Party's candidates' statements are hardly fluff. Lieutenant Governor candidate Stewart Alexander calls for doubling the minimum wage. Attorney General candidate Jack Harrison calls for abolishing the death penalty and legalizing marijuana. Insurance Commissioner candidate Tom Condit calls for state-run health, workers' compensation and automobile liability insurance.

by toto
More words from the Alameda "Bolshevik" Dave Kadlecek. Dave forgets to tell the reader(s) - if there are any to this story - that Peace and Freedom for the first time in its history has done prePrimary endorsements which excluded all the candidates from consideration. Kadlecek and his little band of Berkeley bandits wants the State Central Committee to totally control the Peace & Freedom Party, rather than the party serving the needs of the registrants. Next they will move to have the State Central Committee approve all candidates who want to run for partisan office. And it's "Ms. Toto" to you, Big Boy.
Does a party have to let its enemies determine its policies in order to be "democratic?" Mr. Tofo, the pseudonymous baiter who here shows his true affinity with his masters by calling us "Stalinists" and "Bolsheviks" in a red-baiting frenzy, astonishingly claims that the Peace and freedom Party is the least democratically run of all the parties in California. Of course this is nonsense.

It is true that we don't let Mr. Tofo run our Party, so of course in his book that means that we have turned away from the true faith. But who would let a baiting, lying, greedy twister like that play any leadership role in any party, except perhaps one of the big-money parties?

To refute the only concrete claim in his scribblings: Of course we made pre-primary endorsements. All but two members of the State Central Committee who voted agreed to make these endorsements. (And one of these dissenters led our signature campaign in the Sacramento area afterward, which I think shows that we do not punish dissenters.) This was not the first time we have made pre-primary endorsements. I have lost track, but I believe it was the fourth or fifth time. And as State Chair of the Party, I was very careful to make sure that all likely candidates were invited to submit their names for endorsement. In fact, I was careful to make sure that the not-so-anonymous Mr. Tofo, under various pseudonyms, got the call to submit names for possible endorsement.

The basic reason why Mr. Tofo did not submit his own name for endorsement was that he knew he would be unlikely to get an endorsement from anyone sane. But put formally, the reason why he was not endorsed was that he did not submit his name. He floated hints from various pseudonymous sources that he (and possibly several other people) might be running for something, but he would not come out and say it, and repeated calls for possible candidates to notify the State Chair or any other state officer of their availability did not bring any replies from that direction. It is very hard to get an endorsement when you refuse to submit your name to be endorsed.

As usual, we bent over backward to be as democratic as we could about the endorsement process. We considered every name that was submitted. We had full democratic discussion of the best course of action, and the State Central Committee made its decision. Stalinists? He's nuts. Or rather, he is paid to pretend to be nuts. -Kevin Akin
by kendra (kendra-mackey [at]
Dear Kevin, bite me
by Decoder Ring?
How many fake names do you need, dude? At least adopt a few extra lame-ass-personalities to go with your monikers. Whether you pretend to be a woman (or a man - as in the rest of your so-called-life), your dubious identity and "brilliance" just keeps shining through in every post.

No answer for reasonable questions? The answer is simple... just pretend not to have seen them, hurl unnaccurate and inappropriate insults, or make-up some even more obvious lies. Seems like you were a quick study at CIA charm-school.
by Disgusted
Will somebody take away the crayons from the Peace and Freedom Party nutballs? Please.
by Kevin Akin (kevinakin1950 [at]
Anyone offended by this tail-end of a "discussion" has my apologies. The person who keeps putting up anti-Peace and Freedom Party postings under various names, and provoking the occasional response, is someone who is indeed presently registered in the Peace and Freedom Party, but shouldn't be. He was registered Green for about six years, but made himself no more welcome there.

This guy is an agent provocateur (whether paid or not, there is some dispute), who has helped disrupt various movements and organizing drives over the years. He is either getting his jollies or obeying his masters (take your pick) by trying to disrupt the Peace and Freedom Party, with no actual base within the Party from which to operate. For this reason, he has to make up names and pretend to be lots of different people. This stuff is not particularly amusing to anyone, but when he posts foul slanders on this website, and I happen to learn about it, I normally post a response explaining how what he says is false.

It should be noted that actual discussions within the Peace and Freedom Party, whether in person or by e-mail, are normally polite and sensible, though some participants (as with all e-mail discussion groups) can be a bit verbose. This "discussion" and others like it conducted by the would-be saboteur are not internal discussions, but enemy attacks, and not very illuminating.

I strongly suspect that very few people read this material, and certainly very few of them sympathize with the slanderer. (In previous postings he has asked people to send e-mails supporting his position on one thing and another to various Peace and Freedom Party activists, and none of us has ever received such an e-mail except from the slanderer himself.)

I would prefer to limit my comments to serious announcements and other news, but when someone publishes lies about our Party I feel obligated to respond. I did not find it necessary to respond to the fake message saying "bite me," but I would note that a google search of the alleged sender reveals that the e-mail address has been used for an internet port trap, so it would be wise to avoid responding to the address.

Anyone with questions about the Peace and Freedom Party, its positions, its candidates, how it operates, or other matters, should feel free to ask me at the e-mail address I give here. Just please give your actual name. Thank you. -Kevin Akin, State Chair, Peace and Freedom Party
by disgusted
"Comrade" Akin, you are the most disgusting of all with your continuous and libelous attacks on Jan B. Tucker and your pathetic rationalizations for why everything you do has some high purpose. No sane person would want to have anything to do with the Peace and Freedom Party as it is currently constituted.
by Edith Aramint
It's obvious. Just read the comments above. Register "Green" for the June Primary and build a Million Votes for Peace by the November General election.
by Just a curious passerby?
Funny, it seems like yet another personality fragment of Tofo-Magon-Donna-Duck-Tucker-Mackey, just arrived to the conversation. Having nothing intelligent to say (even it's own defense) - it merely mumbles something about crayons, and accuses an innocent party of exposing its cover-identity to unwelcome scrutiny.
by Kevin Akin (kevinakin1950 [at]
The above comment complaining that I am picking on Jan B. Tucker must obviously have been written by Mr. Tucker himself - no one else in the world would call him "Jan B. Tucker." The comments are written in the usual Tucker style, as far from principled political thought as can be. But one thing about this little piece is a bit chilling, or at least is intended to be: the name he used.

The name is "Edith Aramint." Anyone who has been following Jan's harassment of the Peace and Freedom Party leadership would know, of course, that this is a fake name. But it is designed to draw to my attention the fact that someone is watching my familly. You see, my daughter is named Shushannah Edith Araminta Akin. By using my daughter's middle names, he is trying to frighten me. It is a tactic right out of the Cointelpro playbook.

Tucker is no more welcome in the Peace and Freedom Party than he was for six years in the Green Party, where he used similar vicious attacks and smears to try to disrupt the organization. It is interesting that he here urges people (by implication) to register in the Green Party. Does this signal an intent to switch again, since he is getting nowhere in his campaign to cripple the Peace and Freedom Party? If so, I pity the Greens. In their current situation, I am not sure they can muster the unity needed to repel pirates. But any of them tempted to embrace Tucker for some imagined factional advantage should think again.

Some years back, Tucker was active with the so-called "Jewish Defense League," a fanatical Right fascist-terrorist organization. He served as a spokesperson for them, and worked as a private detective for them. (These are not "slanders," both facts are public record.) An interesting article in the February 24 "Forward" reviews some secret FBI files that came into the hands of their editors. They show that the FBI engaged in "aggressive infiltration and surveillance" of the JDL Of course, the article also notes that reports have surfaced claiming that the JDL was "used by the FBI and the Mossad to create tensions between United States on the one hand and Arab countries, leftist groups and Soviet interests on the other." It appears that the files obtained by the paper deal only with the period of the 1970s, but it is reasonable to suppose that the heavy FBI involvement in the JDL continued during the period when Tucker is known to have been associated with it, in the 1990s. This raises the question of whether Tucker himself was acting on his own behalf in his JDL involvement. Whether he was or was not, it is important to keep his associations and past activities in mind when assessing his current sabotage attempts.

It is also noteworthy that Tucker, although critical of everyone who does anything useful, appears unwilling to present any political line at all himself. He will not say what he is for, even as he and his imaginary friends slander and attack others. Perhaps he is not for anything. Hired guns are like that sometimes.

I always sign my own name to my own comments. I would suggest being highly skeptical of claims and charges made anonymously or under false names. -Kevin Akin (2004-2006 State Chair, Peace and Freedom Party)

by Ellen Kleiger
Isn't this site supposed to be about a Green Party candidate for US Senate???
by Kevin Akin (kevinakin1950 [at]
Just another note about the false name used above: Ellen Kleiger (now deceased) did live in Orange County. She was the sister of Margie Akin, Peace and Freedom Party nominee for Secretary of State. Do you suppose that using a family name that he has no business even knowing is just intended as generally threatening, or is using the name of a dead woman intended as a death threat? He is a sick puppy, either way. -Kevin Akin
by Bob Martin
Kevin Akin goes off again without any basis in fact. His favorite target has never posted to any Indymedia site. Akin is a big reason Peace and Freedom Party will probably be off the ballot again after the November election.
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