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Indybay Feature

Mayor Gavin Newsom slates huge areas for SF Redevelopment in the Southeast Sector

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
From Cesar Chavez Street, Highway 101, the San Francisco/San Mateo County line, the whole of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, to the San Francisco Bay all this has been declared a Project Area with the blessing of Mayor Gavin Newsom without any meaningful public input. The Project Area Committee representing 94124 has no clue about a Transportation Document, the Housing Element, nor about the making of a General Management Plan or really a Project Area. Ignorant Blacks continue to sellout the community at the BVHP PAC.

Ignorant Blacks continue to sellout the City and County of San Francisco and work hand in glove with Marcia Rosen, Jesse Blout, Michael Cohen, Mayor Gavin Newsom, and the many cronies that are out to destroy the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - the Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP).

Initially the Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee had jurisdiction over the Zip Code 94124 but suddently they took over the whole of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and declared it the Survey Area and before you knew it a Project Area. The BVHP PAC is paid and fed by the SF Redevelopment Agency and Marcia Rosen its Director.

They have done the same with large areas in Zip Code 94134 by Visitation Valley including the large parcel of land on which the former Schlage Lock Company sits. They have taken over large tracts of land by Candlestick Park and the surrounding area and declared them first Survey Area and now Project Areas.

Jesse Blout who works for the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce has been working with Marica Rosen the Director of SF Redevelopement Agency a quasi-State agency to take over huge tracts of land and develop them without any meaningful input from the constituents from Zip codes 94107, 94124, and 94134.

Only Parcel A has been conveyed to the City linked to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Parcel B, C, D, E, and F under the Bay still come under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy. They all are polluted much with radiological elements. No one is talking about Cumulative Pollution.

Right now this present Cumulative Pollution is killing innocent folks that live outside this area.
Hundreds suffer from Cancer and thousands more cannot findout because they have NO health insurance.

Lennar BVHP LLC is out to build over 1600 homes in the middle of Chernobyl and Mayor Gavin Newsom is behind this project. These polluted homes will be built on Parcel A which comes under the jurisdiction of the City and County of San Francisco.

No homes should be built unless the Cumulative Pollution issues have been discussed by all to the satisfaction of the constituents of San Francisco that are very eduacated.

The Mayor talks the talk but cannot walk the walk. This is NOT a Green City - not at least Mayor Gavin Newsom is addressing critical environmental issues.

Marcia Rosen the Director of SF Redevelopment Agency thinks she will use crooks like Arc Ecology and Saul Bloom aka Donald Solomon to explain complicated abatement, cleanup, and mitigation issues. We have over 400 hotspots and all we want them is to be abated and cleaned.
It does not take $283,500 to do some outreach to know this - we already know it.

We really do not want a crook like Saul Bloom to be given $283,500 every single year for 3 years by the SF Redevelopment Agency to tell the constituents through outreach which he and Arc Ecology has never, ever done in a meaningful manner.

Not as long as he hires a drug addict to do the outreach. In the last 9 months twice his drug addict outreach coordinator has been taken to hospital for over dozing aka OD. This is fact.

It is a shame that Mayor Gavin Newsom is working with the most corrupt to hookwink the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point, Visitation Valley, and adversely affecting Zip Codes 94107, 94124, and 94134 in a very direct manner.

It is important that all of the Shipyard should first be abated to Residential Standards. That no new Combustion Turbines be placed on land that is very prone to liquefaction by Pier 80. That Mayor Gavin Newsom read the data linked to air, land and water pollution in the Bayview.

We cannot work to shut the power plants and then turn around are build Combustion Turbines which spew dangerous particualates into the air.

Thousands continue to suffer from cancer and other killer diseases in the BVHP area. Our youth are suffering because of the very harmful particulates from the power plants, the raw sewage plant, the million of vehicles that spew diesel and the many other factors in this industrial area. The last frontier.

Mayor Gavin Newson continues to collect taxes from the over 60% home owners and the over 5000 small businesses from Zip Code 94107, 94124, and 94134. However the money is not invested in the area.

SF Redevelopment has in the past used TAX INCREMENT and made money in the Bayview with the Evans Area Projects, the U.S. Main Post Office and so on.

It has not invested the money in the Bayview. Now it wants once again to hoodwink the people using TAX INCREMENT to make money declaring vast areas Survey Areas, then Project Area and stealing from the people by pushing them out.

SF Redevelopment Agency did this at Mission Bay and before that in the Western Addition. Do not TRUST SF Redevelopment - more Marcia Rosen. This woman is EVIL.

Mayor Gavin Newsom talks the talk and is into SPIN and MEDIA HYPE but he will not fight for those citizens that need help. He cannot figure out how best to run this City. His gimmicks with life style issues and a couple of other gimmicks have come to bite him in the butt.

Beware of SF Redevelopment Agency but more of Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cronies.

Shame on those Blacks in the BVHP area that continue to sellout the community. Shame of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) that works closely with SF Redevelopment to do damage to the community. Shame on Arc Ecology that has made money off the back of poor people. Shame on Mayor Gavin Newsom for knowing these facts and not doing anything about it.

Check out: for further details and the map of the Project Area.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by -
Whine, whine, whine. Finally, there is going to be real improvement in Bayview/HP. Apartments, condos, retail, light rail, Mission Bay spillover, etc. Sorry, Francisco, but you and your friends can no longer preserve a slum forever. Cities change. People come and go. That's life. NO ethnic group has "dibs" on a neighborhood. No one cares how long blacks, Hispanics, Asians, white Irish, white Italian, or anyone else has lived in an area. Would you like the Mission to be restored to its traditional Irish and German roots? Didn't think so. Move on, Francisco. Everyone else has.
by bluecollar
I liked the story and think we should hear more, rather then the yuppie liberals who line their pockets just like the repukes do.
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