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Indybay Feature

‘Migrant March’ Caravan Denounce Border Protection Act

by Vida en el Valle (reposted)
When longtime San Diego Latino marketer Enrique Morones read about the death of Guillermo Martínez Rodríguez at the hands of a Border Patrol agent on Dec. 30, he knew he had to do something.
Morones is no stranger to the issue of illegal immigration from Mexico into the United States. He is the founder and director of Border Angels, a non-profit organization that leaves water in the desert during the summer and blankets and food in the mountains during winter for immigrants trying to cross the border.

He is also the director of border issues for the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, and has debated immigration issues with Lou Dobbs on CNN.

But Morones knew he had to do something different in response to what he describes as "the last death we will tolerate."

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