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Lee Kaplan Caught Posing as an Arab

by Ehud A.
The sloppiness of Lee Kaplan, who has made a career of smearing Jewish peace activists and the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, is finally catching up with him.
I was reading some back-and-forth between "Defender of Western Civilization" Bill Levinson and Nadeem Muaddi, a Christian Palestinian, and an organizer of the upcoming Fifth National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement, to be held at Georgetown University.

It seems as though Muaddi wrote a book review of "Witnessing for Peace" by Bishop Munib Younan back in July. His review is titled "A Call for Christian Martyrdom." "Martyrdom" is a highly charged word in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If you would like to read Muaddi's take on the concept of martyrdom, do so here:

First of all, Muaddi writes:

"Living in a region of the world where occupation, oppression, apartheid, and suicide bombings have become the unfortunate norm, Bishop Younan’s claim that the “theology of martyria” is a “concept misunderstood” is not only refreshing, but long overdue."

Muaddi equates suicide bombings with occupation, oppression, and apartheid. He calls all four of them "unfortunate." Perhaps "unfortunate" is an understatement, but by regarding them all in the same vein, he makes clear his opposition to suicide attacks.

He then writes:

"Muslim fundamentalists have mistakenly “tied” the concept of “martyrdom to death”. "

So he sets parameters for what he does and does not consider "martyrdom" worth advocating. Any sort of "cult of death" is not on his agenda.

Bill Levinson, either mistakenly alarmed by what he perceived as a call for Christians to kill and die, or else simply eager to discredit pro-Palestinian activists by any means necessary, wrote an article denouncing Muaddi for encouraging suicide bombings.

Israpundit, which is hosting this article, is gracious enough to provide space for discussion. The first comment, available on the same page, is Muaddi's response. He informs Levinson that he is seeking damages for libel, since Levinson appears to be deliberately misrepresenting Muaddi's views. Muaddi closes with this:

"Your actions are not only morally reprehensible, but illegal. You will be hearing from my attorney soon."

Springing to Muaddi's defense is a commenter using the name Chaim:

"Is this guy for real? Bill, what level of education have you reached? Read the guy's article; nowhere can you infer that he's trying to recruit Christian martyrs at this conference. That's just assinine to suggest that, and Israpundit how dare you post such garbage."

Then, in defense of Levinson, we get Abu Abubu, who says:

"I honestly doubt that Chaim is real. It's probably Muuadi under a Jewish name. Levinson's article hit the nail on the head, though."

So then, Levinson directs us here (,
where he says he responds to Muaddi's "insults and threats."

Muaddi responds again. Then Abu Abubu:

"You have to excuse Nadeem. His referring to Bill Levinson as "little Billy" is classic in Arab culture. He has to belittle Bill as a man and talk to him as if a boy in order for Nadeem to dissemble his endorsement for terrorism properly and to cover his lies. (. . .)

As an Arab myself, I know you Nadeem: Kus Eumek. You are dissembling to destroy Jews and to dismantle Israel, the best friend the Palestinians ever had. (. . .)

Again, a dare: Write a public article and say you condemn any manner of suicide bombing, shooting , knifing, rock throwing against the people of Israel as a solution to the conflict. No conditions. Noo euphemsisms like "legitimate resistance."

You won't do this, because you use Arabic-style rhetoric referring to murder as "resistance" and "right of return" as dismantling Israel. And it kills you when one of your own like me points it out."

Abu Abubu makes the following claims:

-He is an Arab.

-He is frustrated by Arabs who use Jewish names so as to pretend that any Jews other than crazy and stupid ones sympathize with Palestinian grievances.

-He is frustrated with Arabs in general, who either are anti-Semitic, or supporters of terrorism, or both. But not him. In fact, not only does he oppose anti-Semitism, he opposes all opposition to Israel, since Israel is "the best friend the Palestinians ever had." And he's in a position to know all of this, because he is an Arab.

The assertion that "Israel is the best friend the Palestininas ever had" seemed to me like the kind of thing Lee Kaplan would write; in fact, the entirety of Abu Abubu's comments are reminiscent of Mr. Kaplan's style.

Israpundit, I found out, moderates posts from first-time commenters, presumably to filter out spam. In order to determine whether a person is leaving his or her first comment, the site requires commenters to leave an e-mail address. So many things online require an e-mail address that it helps to have multiple addresses, so that our personal or business mailboxes are not overrun with stuff we don't want, be it spam, listserv stuff, or hate mail. The minute I ran my cursor over Abu Abubu's name, the e-mail address listed with it jumped at me. I had seen something very similar to it before.

The e-mail address is TheHussar [at] A google search of that address brings up this page:

It seems as though Abu Abubu was not thinking back five years when he used that as his throwaway address. Way near the bottom of the page, on June 28, 2001, the guest book is signed as follows:

Name: Lee Kaplan
E-mail address: thehussar [at]
Where you reside (City/State/Country) : :California
Ancestor/Family a member of 11th Kentucky Cavalry CSA?:Not Sure
How did you like this website?:neat
Other Comments: Was wondering if this unit carried henry rifles
Thursday, June 28th 2001 - 09:08:41 AM.

Mr. Kaplan is not an Arab. I contacted Mr. Kaplan for comment. He denies having posted as Abu Abubu, or even having seen those comments before I pointed them out. He does, however, praise Abu Abubu's comments as being "well-written." He, of course, cannot deny that Mr. Abubu's given e-mail address belonged to none other than Mr. Kaplan. However, he claims that the address is one of many that are collectively used by the entire staff of his newly updated website, He says that it was probably "one of the Arabs with" who used the name Abu Abubu, but when pressed to provide more information and vindicate himself once and for all, Mr. Kaplan declined, citing privacy concerns.

Mr. Kaplan's claim seems suspect; first of all, the e-mail address in question was used by Lee Kaplan before the ISM itself even existed, even before the September 11th attacks. Certainly a high-profile site like his --if it even has any need for multiple e-mail accounts-- can set some up other than old personal accounts of its individual members?

Secondly, Abu Abubu makes arguments which are racist in nature; he epitomizes Arabs, ascribing to them the nastiest traits imaginable, using one of the meanest vulgarities he can, and then claims that he is within his rights to do this, because he is an Arab himself. This is the exact same behavior that Lee Kaplan, under his own name, decries about Jews: Jews who support Palestinian rights are anti-Semites (or mentally ill individuals) who "use" their ancestry to legitimize anti-Semitism. While I understand Mr. Kaplan's supposed concern for the privacy of multiple Arab members of StoptheISM, I can't help but suspect that they don't exist; or else, if they do, they would have enough self respect not to post comments which demean the entirety of all Arabs but themselves.

Mr. Kaplan's failure to convincingly explain this preponderance of evidence makes it quite clear that --assuming he would not get caught-- he pretended to be an Arab so that he could make comments he could never say under his own name. This sheds light on some of Mr. Kaplan's ulterior motives for his campaign to discredit everyone and anyone who has ever criticized the occupation. It also calls into question the integrity of his tactics.
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by TW
That Lee Kaplan lied upon being caught of course means absolutely nothing
by They must really fear
They must really be afraid of this guy to mount a smear campaign and re-post a deleted article. Who is he?
by .123
This guy sounds like a nut. He was going to International Solidarity movement meetings as a fake volunteer a couple of years ago. Apparently he can't control his personality enough to truly infiltrate anything for long.
by Ehud A.
Deflect all you want, Mr. Levinson. If you have proof against Muaddi, then good for you. Likewise, I have proof that Mr. Kaplan acted in a similarly dishonest way, and no matter how much you and he and he-talking-in-the-third-person-about-himself bring up other things, neither of you have been able yet to rebutt the evidence. If Kaplan simply admits that he lied, then maybe, just maybe, I'll take his articles and his "research" seriously. Otherwise, continue with deflection and name-calling.
by Bill Levinson (kitchener "at"
Ehud, I wonder how poor Nadeem feels about your using him as cover from behind which to wage your pathetic and hopeless struggle against Lee Kaplan while he (Muaddi) takes yet another brutal public relations beating. If I were him, I'd really consider getting out of this controversy or even changing sides (as I once recommended to Charlotte Kates). Come on, Nadeem, join the side that is going to win anyway and have the pleasure of working with people who won't (unlike Ehud here) shove you out in front of them as the public-relations equivalent of cannon fodder.
by Lee Kaplan (stoptheISM [at]
One of our subscribers asked me to look at this page.

Ehud, of course, did not print my comments sent to him verbatim, and accuses me of "lying."

As I explained, and he sort of did with an ellipse, Stop the ISM has several emails we have used in the past for our work. The email address he "found" was an old one I used when I was a Civil War cavalry reenactor (many years and many pounds ago). Since I seldom use it, it's one of Stop the ISM's accounts now.

AbuAbubu Amir is an old ditty. The email was indeed sent by one of our Arab activists who works with Stop the ISM. Ehud demanded this person's name and I declined due to death threats received in the past by some of you "peace activists."

Of course, Ehud took my declination as meaning I lied. Pathteically, it's the only kind of smear he could come up with on Indymedia after I got him and Tzedek kicked out of Hillel at UC Berkeley. Indymedia also accused Nonie Darwish and Walid Shoebat of being "fake Arabs" created by me. Guess what? I work with many Arabs who support Israel and oppose the kind of communist/anarchist totalitarianism Ehud so loves to champion. Visit their websites: and, as well as

By the way, Nadeem Muaddi has been going into Israpundit under multiple ID's posing as Jews including luscious movie actress Rachel Weiz whose parents were Holocaust survivors, so it's funny Ehud uses him for support of his "investigation."

Ehud, let me help you. I HAVE posed as a Pakistani undercover to reveal what the ISM is really all about in my article Solidarity with Terror and on other occasions. Tzedek and JVP are part of the ISM. So even if your revelation was of any insignificance at all except to you and some of your acolytes, who gives a damn about your "investigation."? Get a life.

Ehud, the Jewish quisling, the helper of Arab murderers in the PLO, is grasping at straws. There was no lie and Ehud is most likely his own cheering section.

Ehud, if my work disturbs you, y'ain't seen nothing yet, baby.

It's gratifying to know I disturb his disturbed mind so much.

by Beleagered & Maligned
The title of this thread presumes to expose Lee Kaplan for having atttended an ISM training session disguised as a Pakistani. This is hardly news since Kaplan wrote extensively about his experiences in an article on a well-read website.

ISM members are frustrated because Kaplan reported that the ISM trainers routinely teach initiates how to circumnavigate Israeli law.

This resulted in ISM members being denied access to Israel and the West Bank as well as some members getting kicked out of the country.

My major problem with the ISM is that it pretends to be a peace organization when its real purpose is to villify Israel (by hook or by crook) and to support "legitimate resistance" by the Palestinians which translates as supporting further violence and war.
by Bill Levinson (kitchener "at"
I have no idea of who Abou Abubu or Abdul Abulbul Amir is but there is nothing wrong with posting to news or discussion groups under pseudonyms. People do it all the time, even in It is not considered Internet abuse.

Posting as "Lee Kaplan" for the purpose of impersonating him, as one visitor to IsraPundit did a while ago, or signing people up for unwanted E-mail newsletters, as Nadeem Muaddi was caught doing, IS Internet abuse. The details and proof are here.

Perhaps Ehud A. should pick his fights more carefully, along with those whom he drags into the fights with him (Muaddi).
by Ben Thair
Lee Kaplan has set up numerous front-groups, each designed to make it appear as though he is part of (head of) a *real* organization. But the reality is that the groups are just empty shells with several members, at best. And those members overlap between groups!

Kaplan and his "groups" serve up a steady diet of subterfuge and lies, hoping to confuse the issues and trying to distract and discredit activists.

He is just a waste of time. He is only as effective as we allow him to be. Ignore him when you can. Expose him when you must. But waste no more time on this idiot than is absolutely necessary.
by Becky Johnson
As a colleague of Lee Kaplan (I'm a member of DAFKA and Lee has appeared several times on my television show, Club Cruz), I keep hearing about all of Lee Kaplan's "lies". Yet, despite the title to this article and all of the subsequent comments, I have yet to see a single "lie" exposed.

In fact, it appears that the opposite is true. Lee Kaplan has exposed the lies of the ISM and other groups such as Barbara Lubin's Mid-east Children's Alliance and now there is a rush to discredit him. However you will have to do better than a bunch of name-calling.

How about a specific example of an untruth and the evidence of what the real truth is. Or is that too hard?
by Kysse
Not only are your points about Kaplan looking to expose that he was the dubious Abu Abubu, which is used as a mocking title at arabs who oftentimes are referred to as Abu (Father of) their eldest child.

Additionally in the email responses that you got from Kaplan, some of the words attributed to "Abu Abubu" are almost verbatum from what I got through email interchanges with Kaplan. The guy is a joke, a racist, a bigot, and thankfully has very little power. He probably got picked on by an arab when he was a little boy, and hasn't forgotten. He'll show us though! He'll live by his version of noble Jewish standards as he rips the rest of the world for being Anti-semites. He's an embarrasment to Jews, and an embarrassment to free thinkers.

He's also been aligned with groups that preach violence against peace demonstrators.

This guy makes Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson look rational. He's a joke with no punch line, not funny, and a waste of time.
by get a hold of yourself
As a Jew I'm telling you not to dare presume to know what's an embarrassment to Jews. I establish that Kaplan is a source of pride for many Jews including myself. His journalistic work exposing the ISM/PSM malevolents for what they truly are should be applauded. His efforts at containing these freaks who sacrificed Rachel Corrie as a pawn in their anti-Israel campaigns must really geet your goat. After all, his new website encourages people to think for themselves rather than slavishly follow the one-sided propaganda doled out by the ISM and their ilk.

That you rate him as worse than Falwell and Robertson speaks volumes about your own ability to rationality assess individuals and their political positions.
by um
"As a Jew I'm telling you not to dare presume to know what's an embarrassment to Jews. "

I'm also Jewish and not embarrassed by him but would be embarrassed to be him or be associated with him. Paranoid right-wing views are embarrassing but not something that should embarrass others who just happen to be of the same religion.

This whole New AntiSemitism / "Leftism is AntiSemitism" thing that seems to have sprung up a few years ago seems more like a Rove talking point than anything to do with real antiSemitism or even anything really to do with Israel or its policies. In the 80s the Republicans realized that they could gain election by courting working class voters who would go against their class interest if the Republican party pandered to cultural conservatism (anti-abortion and homophobia). In the past few years there seems to be a similar effort by Rove and friends to force divisions into the traditionally progressive Jewish community through fear mongering. Remember what Rove did to McCain in 2000 and its hard to know what dirty tricks are involved in the campaign but it seems to be working.

Real antiSemitism does exist in a variety of forms. What's strange is that while real antiSemitism (such as neoNazis, right-wing attempts to define the US as a Christian state...) is an actual problem somehow groups that used to focus on real antiSemitism are now shooting themselves in the foot by alienating progressives through the smearing of non-antiSemitic individuals for purely political reasons. Ken Livingston is a Blairite asshole who isnt very polite but only Jewish groups outside of London (and not this who actually know the local politics) would assume that his calling someone working for a rightwing paper (that backed Hitler) as being a Nazi was antiSemitic (unless you also want to equate Rush Limbaugh's feminazi screeds and every person who compares Arab government and Islamic fundemtalists to Nazis as equally antiSemitic) Crying wolf and focusing on symbols over substance has real risks and with worldwide focus on Israel due to its relationship to the politics of a region the US is lighting on fire... equating being Jewish to supporting the actions of Israel, and equating opposition to Israel's actions with antiSemitism seems seems pretty dangerous.... I doubt any Shiite advocacy group would go around equating criticism of Iran's government to hatred of Shias or equate being a Shia with supporting Ahmadinejad (before the US took over Iraq, Iran was the world's only Shia state but nobody interpreted that as meaning Shias around the world had to have their identity tied to that of Iran).

Aside from an actual PR campaign originating with Rove in DC (which does exist) another explanation for the current state of how Jewishness is being redefined by the Right could perhaps be traced to intellectual secularism combined with less insitutional antiSemitism in the US and Europe for much of the past 20 years. Being religious has become equated with being rightwing and so the majority of the Jewish community (which is left of center) dont wear their religion on their sleaves and as a result Jewish conservatives are prominent and known to be Jewish whereas those like Chomsky, Goodman, Berstein, Al Franken.... are seen as outside the Jewish mainstream even though someone like Franken is much closer to the political center of American Jewish thought (maybe even a bit to the right when you hear him talk about Iraq) than those rightwingers who claim to represent the American Jewish community. Ask someone to name a Jewish politician and these days you are much more likely to hear a name like Liberman than Barney Frank or Bernie Sanders who have both been in office for quite some time (why is that?)
by Liar Hater
On several occasions I have seen accusations that Lee Kaplan has "Advocated violence against Jewish "peace acitivists" yet I can find no such thing anywhere. Likewise, I see no racism in his writings or comments. This displays the smear job this article is.
The only lies I see in here are the supporters of this Ehud Appell and the Indymedia editors who permit the posting of libelous material.

By thw way, thank you for introducing me to Lee Kaplan's articles that I have found well researched and insightful. I look forward to reading him more.
by TW
Let's talk about that

from :

"What puts the "new" into "new anti-Semitism"? The answer, in a word, is anti-Zionism. The "vilification of Israel," Iganski and Kosmin argue, is "the core characteristic" of Judeophobia (their term for "new anti-Semitism"). In his contribution to their book, Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Britain and the Commonwealth, explains: "What we are witnessing today is the second great mutation of antisemitism in modern times, from racial antisemitism to religious anti-Zionism (with the added premise that all Jews are Zionists)." Sometimes the point is made by equating the State of Israel in the "new" anti-Semitism with the individual Jew in the "old" variety. Rabbi Sacks himself draws this parallel in an article in the Guardian: "At times [anti-Semitism] has been directed against Jews as individuals. Today it is directed against Jews as a sovereign people." In the same vein, Dershowitz argues that Israel has become "the Jew among Nations."

"Foxman defines Zionism thus: "Zionism simply refers to support for the existence of a Jewish state--specifically, the state of Israel." In a narrow sense, anti-Zionism is simply the antithesis: rejection of the very idea of a Jewish state, specifically Israel. Foxman's verdict on this position is uncompromising: "The harsh but un- deniable truth is this: what some like to call anti-Zionism is, in reality, anti-Semitism--always, everywhere, and for all time." He adds for good measure: "Therefore, anti-Zionism is not a politically legitimate point of view but rather an expression of bigotry and hatred."

"Foxman insists that he is not opposed to criticism of Israel. "In every public forum," he says, "I'm always careful to say that criticism of the state of Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitic." But "is not necessarily" implies "is possibly," and what this really means is "it's usually so." In his view, "most of the current attacks on Israel and Zionism are not, at bottom, about the policies and conduct of a particular nation-state. They are about Jews." This is conventional wisdom in the "new anti-Semitism" literature."

Lots more like this in this must-see debunking of "NEW anti-Semitism"
by Becky Johnson
REPLY TO UM: "...groups that used to focus on real antiSemitism are now shooting themselves in the foot by alienating progressives through the smearing of non-antiSemitic individuals for purely political reasons."

BECKY: People who have repeatedly singled out Israel for criticism while ignoring much more egregious cases elsewhere, who accept unreliable sources reporting Israeli atrocities as fact, and who repeatedly fail to condemn agregious acts committed against Israel are anti-semites. Merely criticising Israel does not make one an anti-semite.

"...equating being Jewish to supporting the actions of Israel, and equating opposition to Israel's actions with antiSemitism seems seems pretty dangerous."

BECKY: About 20% of the Israeli population are opposed to their govt. policies. These people are not called anti-semites.
Much of the new anti-semitism is to blame everything on "the Zionists" and to claim they are not against Jews, only Zionists.

The original Zionists were secular, socialistic Jews.
These same people condemn "the settlers" who are all religious Jews. These people specifically do not condemn the Arab Israelis who are Muslim.

The common factor is they blame the Jews!!
Substituting "zionist" for "Jew" doesn't automatically relieve a person of anti-semiticism.

I have been labeled a "zionist" though I am not one.
I may be sympathetic to the goals of Zionism, but that doesn't make me one!

people who call Israel "an apartheid state" or "colonial invaders" are anti-semites. Those who call to "Free Palestine" mean "Destroy Israel". Those who claim that Jewish residents of the West Bank (Samaria or Judea) are "illegals" are anti-semites.
Why can't a Jew live on the West bank provided they have displaced no one?

Some anti-semites you may know: Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, Edward Said (deceased), Alison Weir, Wendy Campbell, Joseph Anderson, Scott Kennedy, Dalit Baum, Noam Chomsky,
Barbara Lubin, David Duke and (although I like her reporting on other issues) Amy Goodman.

Note that Finkelstein, Baum, Chomsky, and Goodman are Jewish themselves. One can be Jewish AND an anti-semite.

All single out Israel for criticism while ignoring more egregious examples in other cultures/peoples. All present a biased and unfair portrait of Israel.

In Amy Goodman's case, her grandfather was an orthodox rabbi, so she obviously has personal issues.

Re: Lee Kaplan
Neither Kaplan nor Dafka has "threatened" any peace activists anywhere. to say so is libel.
by Only in the arped view of a fanatic
Do they no no shame? Anyone who has the courage to criticize Israel is an antisemite, huh? You make your own case for being ignored.
by TW
Becky: "I have been labeled a "zionist" though I am not one."

You support Israel's existence, don't you? If so, Abe Foxman says you're a zionist: "Zionism simply refers to support for the existence of a Jewish state--specifically, the state of Israel." Foxman's word on this is good enough for me.

The real buzz about Becky is that she's a *Jewish* zionist fanatic all dressed up in leftist goy drag, which is very compelling when you consider comments like this:

"In Amy Goodman's case, her grandfather was an orthodox rabbi, so she obviously has personal issues."

Anybody this hung up on Amy's "betrayal" of her own Jewishness (and believe me, Becky is VERY hung up on it) has to be either 1) Jewish themselves or 2) a total psycho
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