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San Francisco Opening of the Exhibition of Master Wan Ko Yee's Achievements

by Zhaxi Zhuoma (zhaxiz [at]
February 5, 2006: Hundreds of people crowded into the renovated historic structure at 1822 Eddy Street today to see the exhibition of "Master Wan Ko Yee's Achievements in the Form of World-Class Treasures. This free exhibition of the works of Dharma King Yangwo Yisinubu Wan Ko for the people of the San Francisco area will continue daily through February 27. Hours are Monday-Thursday 10-6 and Friday-Sunday 10-8. Phone 415-673-2311 for more information.
Dr. Leland Yee, Speaker Pro Tem of the California State Assembly, Fiona Ma of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, Mark Church, of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors and other dignitaries congratulated the Great Dharma King and the Master Wan Ko Yee International Cultural Institute for the outstanding exhibit and great gift to the city of San Francisco. They expressed their highest admiration for Master Wan Ko Yee and his works of art and urged everyone to come and see these masterpieces for themselves. Several visitors were so excited they went home and brought back their friends to see what they could only describe as "unbelievable."

Although there are 18 different categories in the exhibit, one of the most praised works includes a spectacular painting of "Monk Jigong," an eccentric 12th century Zen hermit. This eight foot tall painting is from a series of vivid and dynamic super-sized paintings done by Master Yee while he was in China. Reproductions of 90 other realistic and expressionistic Chinese paintings of figures, birds, animals, and landscapes are also presented that provide a glimpse of the range of painting styles and techniques of this great master. One elderly gentleman at the exhibit explained that he, too, was an artist, but in China you only learned to paint in one style, that of your teacher. However, he explained, Master Yee's work was all very original and in many, many styles and mediums. It was truly amazing!

Equally overwhelming are the three otherworldly original "Yun" sculptures. These extremely rare and exquisite works represent a new form of art that has never been seen in this world before. The work, "Mysterious Boulder with Mist" is especially fascinating. Using his skills as a master sculptor, Master Yee has created a work of art that appears to be two simple adjoining stones, until you look inside them and realize that there are intricate and beautiful carved worlds inside. But that is not the most fascinating part. One cavern or grotto appears to be filled with mist, while the other is quite clear even though they are carved of identical material. It is truly a magical piece.

Also of great interest were the 'Yun" frames that surrounded the Master's three-dimensional paintings. One was a vivid, organic and asymmetrical “King Coral," while another was aptly titled "Jade of Sharp Steel." There are also "Yun" wall hangings including a particularly charming piece entitled "The Bone of the Earth and Ganoderma."

The large artful jade plates are also unbelievable. Each comes with it's own poem that captures the essence of these fabulous pieces of jade "from the tip of the Master's brush." With names like "Dragon Deep-Pond Jade" and "Rare-Reef Jade" these masterpieces of subtle beauty and elegance must be seen to be believed. Every noble home should have one. Real jade, if it could be found, could not compare.

The western abstract paintings are truly beyond description. They come to us from another realm. Only the photos we have seen from outer space of the creation of galaxies and stars come close to the creative genius of Master Wan Ko Yee's work. We see these images in paintings, and on glass, ceramic, enamel, etc. in an amazing array of colors and designs, and with titles like "Spirit Resonance Will Live Forever," "Loofah in a Purple Bamboo Grove," and ""Heavenly Treasures in Motion."

Extremely profound couplets, which grace a local temple, are included that reveal not only the Master's skill in writing, but offer insight into the depth of his realization as a great Dharma King. The exhibit also includes other examples of his writings, philosophical sayings, and poetry.

There are also amazing calligraphy, decorative building materials that translate Master Yee's designs into tiles of various sizes and shapes, and inscriptions from hand carved stone and bronze seals.

However, the most revealing of all the exhibits is a simple display of some health care products and fine tea. Although these innovations by Master Yee proved to be very successful and profitable, they are included in this exhibition as an example of the Master's great virtue and moral character, because the profits from these inventions were given to charity. The Master and his family also made a very large contribution to the victims of Katrina and other causes.

It is clear that this is not an ordinary exhibition nor does it represent the work of an ordinary being. Master Wan Ko Yee is a great Dharma King. He has achieved the level of realization and understanding that enables him to effortlessly create great art, innovations, and anything at all. Although the works of art are very beautiful and highly original, it is what is back of them that is important. It is as Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche said: "Every piece of this artwork is speaking to us. Those of you who are clever can understand what these works of art are saying. Those who are not clever cannot. You clever ones can hear the works say, 'I’m born on this earth in such a beautiful and exquisite way. Who or what kind of artist gave birth to me? I could not have been given life by a mundane person. A non-clever person can only see me and feel surprised. They only feel surprise. They won’t see what is behind me and know what the real truth is. Since they cannot consider how I was created, they will not find as beautiful and exquisite life as me.' We should deeply ponder the significance of this exhibition."

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