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Daniel McGowan just released into the custody of his sister - judge cited support letters

by reposting medic
great news - eco-defender ensared in witch hunt released on bail - our letters matter!

PLEASE take a moment TONIGHT to write and send a support letter for the other eco-defenders - their bail hearings are coming fast!
newswire article reporting oregon & cascadia 25.Jan.2006 16:35
environment | prisons & prisoners

Daniel McGowan just released into the custody of his sister

author: Jane Doe

Minutes ago, Judge Ann Aiken released political prisoner Daniel McGowan into the custody of his sister, despite the urgent plea from the prosecutor for continued detention until trial.
Although the DA expressed fears that Daniel McGowan "presents a serious flight risk," and may be "violent," the judge asserted that she would follow the law and "protect the interests of all parties." To that end, she released McGowan on condition of $1.6 million dollars in bail, put up by Mr. McGowan's sister. She imposed the condition that McGowan would reside in his sister's custody in New York, that he would wear an electronic monitor, and that he would report weekly to pretrial supervisors in Manhattan.

Judge Aiken stated that she had received at least 60 letters from people in support of Mr. McGowan, and this appeared to have some impact upon her decision. Incredibly, the DA had attempted to assert that one of the factors showing that McGowan was unworthy of being released was the fact that he had supported political prisoner Jeff "Free" Leurs. Apparently, the judge was not buying that.

Much more on this later, when I have returned home to the roost. For now, I would just like to say that Daniel McGowan has an incredible family. The courtroom was filled with supporters, and with family members who had come all the way from New York city for the hearing. Family members went out of their way to come over and introduce themselves to me, and all were in tears when the judge read her decision. There is much to say, but I have a long drive home now, and the battery is running thin on this computer. More later.

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by via Jenny/Friends of Daniel McG
Dear friends,

Today in court Daniel was granted release on bail into the custody of his sister. He
will be out after all the paperwork is taken care of and we can't wait to have him
back home in NYC soon.

THANK YOU ALL SO, SO MUCH for all of your support, love and well wishes.

All of your support has been so appreciated I can't even put it into words.

More to come, but for now we just need to get a little rest!

Thanks again so, so much.

With love,


Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist, unjustly arrested
and charged in federal court. Neither Daniel McGowan, nor his support group "Family
and Friends of Daniel McGowan" are affiliated with any other organization or group
and any claim to the contrary is speculation and is strongly discouraged.

Questions and concerns can be directed to FriendsOfDanielMcG [at]
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