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Indybay Feature

Diamond Dave's Fifteenth Show

by Diamond Dave Whitaker & David Grace (dmndv [at]
Jan 5, 2006 - A quiet night in the city. Dave reads pleasurable poems from Garrison Keillor's "Good Poems for Hard Times"
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Poems in order:
Jeanne Marie Beaumont "Afraid So"
May Swenson "All That Time"
Mary Oliver "When Death Comes"
Charles Bukowski "The Con Job"
Galloway Kinnell "A Three Line Prayer"
John Berryman "Minnesota Thanksgiving"
W. S. Merwyn "Berryman"
Stephen Dobyns "Thelonious Monk"
Mauria Simon "Angels"
Charles Simac "Classic Ballroom Dances"
Wesley McNair "The Future"
Jim Harrison "Easter Morning"
Rexroth, "Winter Night"

19th Street Red "Ridin' in the Moonlight"
Dick Justice "Henry Lee"
Badawi "Voices From The Sky"
Bob Dylan "License To Kill"
Model Americans "The Atmosphere"
Darryl Cherney:"Xerox The Money"
A Certain Ratio "Tumba Rhumba"
Frank Zappa "I'm the Slime"
Submerged "Core Anomaly Mix"
Stella "The Harbour"
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