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Belafonte calls Bush 'greatest terrorist in the world'

by Bay View (reposted)
"No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush, says, we're here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution," Harry Belafonte told Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during the broadcast Sunday of his weekly talk show, "Aló Presidente" ("Hello, President").
Belafonte led a delegation to Venezuela that included actor Danny Glover, Princeton scholar Cornel West, farm worker organizer Dolores Huerta and Malia Lazu of the Hip Hop Coalition. They had met with President Chavez for more than six hours on Saturday.

"We respect you, admire you, and we are expressing our full solidarity with the Venezuelan people and your revolution," Belafonte told Chavez and his radio and TV audience.

Belafonte, 78, was a close comrade of Martin Luther King and is now a UNICEF goodwill ambassador. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF issued a statement that Belafonte was speaking only "as a private citizen." Belafonte has also criticized the U.S. embargo of Cuba.

During the talk show, broadcast live from a farming co-operative southwest of Caracas, Belafonte said he had come to learn about Chavez's "Bolivarian Revolution," which includes a wide range of social programs for the poor and is named after Simon Bolivar, the South American independence hero.

He said that while U.S. news media portray Chavez as a "dictator," Venezuela is a true democracy and Venezuelans are "optimistic about their future."

"We have to defeat imperialism to save ourselves - and not only ourselves, to save the world," Chavez said. He called Bush "Mr. Danger."

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by Raymond Hill
The high numbers of the poor are citizens and deserve a portion of the wealth created by exploiting natural resources and manufacture.

Does it take a widely loved and aging performer to awaken the United States people to a reversal of big business policies of government in Bolivia?

The President of Bolivia has sympathy for his citizens and is working to provide Bolivians with a better life, a better living.

The President of the United States has no sympathy for his citizens and has behaved like a poorly tutored bullying child. He has given his country great debt plus a demonstration of poor leadership that has created more problems on the home front than just the dispossessed of New Orleans.

What news is available to the citizens of the United States that is not praise or criticism of our Fearless Leader? A political revolution at the ballot box that escaped our attention succeeded in taking the government of Bolivia. The result of the success is a government opposed to the bribery practiced by the IMF and the United States who insist that privatization of former publicly regulated or provided utilities, like potable water, is necessary for economic success and strength.

Capitalism works. But, without chains, capitalism turns into pure greed!
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