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Indybay Feature

Fremont Mosque Under Surveillance as Spying Targets Muslims

by New America Media (reposted)
FREMONT, Calif. - On the back wall of a store in a shopping complex on Fremont Boulevard, a surveillance camera points directly at the parking lot of a local mosque.
The camera was installed there about a year ago, and worshippers at the Islamic Center of Fremont say they don't know who put it there. But they believe Uncle Sam could be behind it.

"Given the overall political climate, I wouldn't be surprised if an (federal agency) installed it," asserted Dr. Agha Saeed, national chairman of the American Muslim Alliance and a worshipper at the mosque.

"A perfectly moral activity of praying to your God has turned into a suspicious activity," he told India-West. "This kind of spying undermines our community."

Last week, following the revelation a few days earlier that the government has been secretly spying on U.S. citizens without court permission, federal law enforcement officials admitted that FBI agents have secretly monitored radiation levels at mosques, Islamic businesses and homes for several years in large cities to see whether nuclear or chemical bombs were being assembled.

Up until now, no suspicious radiation levels have been found in any of those places.

The disclosures have angered Muslims in the U.S. and elsewhere.

"The fact that radiation spying is targeted only at Muslims shows an erosion of our civil liberties and human rights," Saeed, who is also the statewide coordinator of the California Civil Rights Alliance, told India-West.

Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C., said her organization has invoked the Freedom of Information Act and has asked the U.S. government to release documents that detail the spying program. CAIR is the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties group.

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by ?
CAIR is the front group for Hamas in the US. Do the research and read about it. Glad the camera's watching.
by why not?
I say let them watch the mosques, but lets expand this anti-terror policy to also watch the synagogues who are supporting the state of Israel. And lets also watch churches that support Bush.

Anti-terror policy is good, we just need to expand the effort so that everyone is watching everyone. We should set up neighborhood groups - with Muslims, Jews, Christians watching and reporting on each other.

And we can also have the Hindus get into the action - and Dalai Lama Bhuddists (who, by the way, is on record supporting the "war on terror"). It is all good. We are all Big Brothers and Girls
by ;
i was nearly fatally assaulted by a christian fundamentalist who is working for the state.i know this persons history and he is just like a nazi and is getting paid by the state.
by ARoberts
Radiation spying should never ever require a search warrant of any kind. There's no reason for citizens / green card holders / work visa holders / illegals to personally own nuclear material on U.S. soil.

Another interesting note: They have Geiger Counters in the Holland tunnel and nobody complains about them.
by TW
Spying OF ANY SORT by INVADING THE PRIVACY of U.S. citizens should require third-party review of 'probable cause' elucidation as per U.S. law set down in FISA. Geiger counters in the Holland Tunnel is D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T

You're a FUCKING TRAITOR to the American people. Wherever the right-wing dictatorships are these days, you should move there right away -- YOU'LL LIKE IT
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