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Indybay Feature

Pro-Choicers lets Rock

by a TG person
Do you stand for Reproductive Justice?
If so join us January 21st to confront the anti-abortion religious extremists.
Please clink on that link to watch a cool photo montage. Some of the images are from last years confrontation. Sorry if your image appears on the video. It is not my intention to blast a person's picture all over the web.
It is my intention to rally and urge pro-choicers to come and join the proud who feel women deserve equal rights and protection from religious extremism.
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by Glen (thenewglenaxp [at]
Will it be possible for Anti-choice and Anti-life people tobe in the same place at the same time? I hope the liberal left will let the christian right conduct their march in peace. Why is it Leftist portestors cannot ever let the other side view their opinions, be it on this issue, Death penalty, or the War in Iraq? I don't remember seeing protestors at Bill Clinton's Inauguration or the Democratic National Convention (except of course when liberals went nuts in 1968).
by 'cause there were plenty there
Sounds like you're towing the party line and not investigating the facts for yourself. This is the typical way of the right wing sheep. If the religious nuts want to be provacative and come to SF, then we will excercise our right to free speech, too.
by Glen (thenewglenaxp [at]
Well I was there where were you? 16,000 "pro-lifers" and very few (not sure of the count) "pro-choicers". Free speach is one thing. Linking abortion to the war in Iraq, the Nazis, and fascism is something else. I would love to have an intelligent conversation with a pro-choicer, but that is not what the ones I have encountered want. That was my point.
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