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Jesse Jackson on Samuel Alito, Domestic Spying and Poverty in America

by Democracy Now (reposted)
Sunday marked the start of the Rainbow/Push coalition's economic summit in New York City. We speak with the group's founder, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, about Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, the government response to Hurricane Katrina, Ariel Sharon and more.
Sunday marked the start of the Rainbow/Push coalition's economic summit in New York City. The four-day summit, called the Wall Street Project, has brought together African-American business executives, politicians, ministers, labor and civil rights leaders from around the country. Each day a different issue will be addressed including, increasing minority access to capital, minority participation in pension plans and building the church as a community development organization.

The opening day of the summit was focused on the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The theme was “Rebuilding After Katrina: The Right to Relocation, Reconstruction and Return. We caught up with the founder and president of the Rainbow Push Coalition, Reverend Jesse Jackson. He talked to us about a few topics including his thoughts on Supreme Court nominee, Samuel Alito.

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According to an excellent book, An Act of State, by a lawyer for the family of Martin Luther King, William Pepper, Jesse Jackson is clearly a government agent who helped the US government murder Martin Luther King. He warned a local group of armed black supporters of MLK staying at the hotel with him 11 minutes before the 6 p.m. assassination that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) would no longer pay their hotel bill and they would have to leave immediately. Since this is absurd on its face, and check out time is 11 a.m., this is a highly suspicious activity and could not be a coincidence.

Jesse Jackson is a lifelong con artist and is paid by the Democratic Party to make sure the black community never votes Red (or Green). Religious parasites, e.g. preachers, are by definition con artists. He uses religion as a cover for his despicable act. This is the same man who condemns gay marriage as he prefers his own family values, that of womanizing and have a child by a girlfriend while married to another woman.

It is long overdue that Jackson not be interviewed on Pacifica and that he not be invited to any peace rallies as he is just as reactionary as George Bush. After all, he is promoting the twin party of capitalism, war and fascism with the Republicans, namely the Democratic Party.

It is also irrelevant what any other preacher says as they are all superstitious rantings.

You will notice that Jackson did not condemn Ariel Sharon as being the butcher of Palestine. That is because Jackson is a good Democrat and therefore a strong supporter of Israel.
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