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Indybay Feature

Espanola Jackson to run for Supervisor in District 10

by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
San Francisco has 11 Districts and one of them District 10 needs leadership. Sophina Maxwell the current District 10 Supervisor has been a huge failure. District 10 has over 40% unemployment, Black on Black violence has increased in District 10 and contributed to lack of Safety and Health. Poor folks in Public Housing are treated like second class citizens while Mayor Gavin Newsom goes once in a while to shoot hoops. Poor children and folks are dying and no one in paying any attention.
Espanola Jackson a long time practical and political activist will file in her application tomorrow, December 3, 2006 at City Hall around 12 noon. She brings over 45 years of political activism and a vision to help those that need help most in District 10.

Espanola Jackson once lived in Public Housing and knows how it feels not to treated fairly. Today, she is a home owner but continues to help those that need help most all over the City and particularly in District 10. By throwing in her hat and running for Supervisor she is putting Sophina Maxwell on notice.

Sophina Maxwell has chosen NOT to return calls and has failed her constituents. During Sophina Maxwell's term as Supervisor corruption has been on the increase. Millions of dollars given to Community Based Organization through her good offices have failed to serve the constituents.

Again and again she has bent back wards to help corrupt organization like Bayview Hunters Point Advocates, Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ), Arc Ecology which is under investigation. These organization get millions but fail to serve the constituents.

In recent months Sophina Maxwell has joined hands with corrupt developers and San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to build thousands of housing units on toxic sites. Sophina Maxwell has worked with Marcia Rosen and other corrupt officials to declare thousands of acres as Survey Areas. In turn these Survey Areas will become Project Areas with SFRA earning millions by way of Tax Increment.

The Health and Safety of most constituents in District 10 adversely impacts thousands of constituents. Thugs are on the rampage and Sophina Maxwell looks the other way - when Black on Black violence goes unchecked. Sophina Maxwell thinks she has it good but the time has come for this corrupt woman with no leadership to step down and fade away.

Right now Sophina Maxwell panders to the mostly White constituents that live on Potrero Hill.
She has NO real support in the Bayview Hunters Point, Portola, and Visitiation Valley.

Sophina Maxwell has favored the placing of 3 Combusition Turbines that will spew very harmful particulates into the air when placed by Pier 80. The air quality in and around District 10 has reached dangerous levels but Sophina Maxwell has not lifted a finger to address this dangerous situation.

Sophina Maxwell helped Lennar BVHP LLC and the conveyance of Parcel A. Sophina Maxwell failed to address Cumulative Pollution factors at the Shipyard and that of Pacel E which is very toxic and has serious radiological issues.

Soon a number of schools will be closed forever and Sophina Maxwell has not lifted a finger to help our children.

There are a number of serious candidates running for District 10 because they are all fed up with Sophina Maxwell. Espanola Jackson has monitored Sophina Maxwell for a long time, has tried to work with Sophina Maxwell to no avail, the time has come for change and Espanola Jackson is geared to take the leadership and serve her community well.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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by District 10
it is sure nice to see a candidate sponsored by Norcal and Sunset Scavengers. The trash should be smell free.
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