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Xmas 9-11am, Matt Gonzalez interviews anti-war Sen Candidates Todd Chretien & Kevin Zeese

by More Choice - Building Coalitions
Matt Gonzalez interviews Todd Chretien and Kevin Zeese KPFA 94.1 fm
Former President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and Green Party candidate who "lost" the mayoral race by 53-47 in a very hotly contested campaign that energized the progressive movement is guest hosting for Larry Bensky on Sunday Salon Christmas Day.

First Hour

This week on Sunday Salon (Guest Host -- Matt Gonzalez)... In our first hour... Does the Bible charge humans with the task of preserving and protecting the earth and its creatures? Or does it give the planet's resources to humans to use entirely for their own benefit? Author Stephenie Hendricks joins us to discuss her new book, "Divine Destruction: Wise Use, Dominion Theology, and the Making of American Environmental Policy." (Melville House)
Second Hour
In our second hour... Running to unseat an incumbent Democratic Senator: a discussion with California Green Todd Chretien, and Maryland Independent Kevin Zeese.

It is a good opportunity to talk about the importance of enacting IRV legislation at all levels including state and federal elections. Matt is very supportive of it, and helped organize the political support for its implementation in San Francisco, working with Steve Hill, the Center for Voting and Democracy, and many other organizations..Let us have a good discussion about the importance of using IRV to end the spoiler problem. We can educate those who don't know about it, not limited to, but especially progressives. They are not going to hear about it on the corporate media.

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by @
Matt Gonzalez won the 2003 mayor's race and Tom Ammiano won the 1999 mayor's race. The Democratic Party committed massive election fraud, exactly the same as the election fraud as the Democratic Party committed in the 49er Stadium Swindle election of 1997. See

Please note the supporters of anti-rent control Democrat Willie Brown who committed election fraud against pro-rent contrl Democrat Tom Ammiano in 1999, and the supporters of anti-rent control Democrat Gavin Newsom against Green Matt Gonzalez in 2003 included Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Rep. Barbara Lee, Senators Feinstein & Boxer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and all the rest of the stinking rotten crew that call themselves Democrats.

As to the US Senate race, it is a shame that Matt is not interviewing the excellent Peace & Freedom Party candidate, Marsha Feinland, as well as the Green Todd Chretien. The main reason I am voting for Feinland is because she and her party are openly socialist, while the Green Party is not socialist. Chretien claims to be socialist but his party platform is not. I look forward to a program with both Feinland and Chretien on it, discussing their program as US Senate candidates.

As to the "spoiler problem," I always vote socialist and therefore it is not a problem. What Americans have to be taught is to vote their conscience. The people I know who vote Green never vote Democrat, and that is good. Please always remember it is the Democratic Party which exists to take votes away from the Reds and Greens so that the capitalist class wins. It is the Democrats who are the problem; it is those parties like Peace & Freedom Party which oppose the private profit system that are the solution.

One issue I wish Matt would address is the continuing lie of the Democratic Party, particularly its current San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, that there has been any solution to the homeless crisis when there has not been any such solution. The homeless are sleeping on the sidewalks everywhere, as always, since 1980. Nothing has changed.
by if you missed it
Todd Chretien and Kevin Zeese talk about their political campaigns with Matt Gonzalez in the second hour.

(Larry Bensky is on vacation.)

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