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Indybay Feature

Organic Sacramento Update!

by Dan Bacher (danielbacher [at]
Here's the latest update from Kim Glazzard of Organic Sacramento.
December 14, 2005

Hi Everybody,

As some of you know, a week ago yesterday the Sacramento Yolo Mosquito and
Vector Control District (SYMVCD) held the first in a series of workshops
to review the SYMVCD Mosquito and Vector Control Plan for possible
revision.   There were only three people from the public there at the
workshop (all connected with Organic Sacramento), and it turned out to be
more of an informational and strategizing workshop for future workshops,
rather than to work on the actual issues of concern in the Plan.  What was
resolved and agreed upon is to also make the next workshop an
informational workshop to bring the public up-to-date on what the SYMVCD
actually does and its current processes, while also getting input from the
public on what they want discussed at future workshops.  (They agreed to
try to hold the majority of future meetings in the evenings.)  Then the
future workshops will be used to address specific itemized issues of
concern, with time for general discussion as well.  The next workshop was
tentatively scheduled for January 10 in the evening (location and other
specifics to be determined).  Yesterday, Steve Zien attended the SYMVCD’s
monthly meeting, and apparently there was serious discontent expressed by
members of the SYMVCD Board of Trustees at the seeming lack of community
interest in the process right now.  (Apparently there were only four
people from the public at that meeting.)  Steve gave a synopsis (included
below) of yesterday’s meeting, and is telling people that it is really
critical that the public attend these workshops in order to give their
input and demonstrate that large parts of the public still have concern.
Steve’s notes say that the date for the first of the series of workshops
may be on January 12, instead of January 10, but the specifics (including
location) have yet to be decided.  The SYMVCD Board is a hardcore group of
people, and it is really critical that we (members of the public) be at
these meetings to express our concerns, or the SYMVCD will ignore any
concerns and will spray pesticides in Sacramento and Davis next year like
they did this year.  I know it is a hassle and something noone wants to
make the time for, but I don’t think we really want to re-experience what
we experienced last year – it was too unreal and ugly.  Please read what
Steve has written below and attend as many of the Mosquito and Vector
Control Plan Re-Evaluation workshops as possible.  And whether or not you
can attend the workshops, take the time to call, write/e-mail, and fax the
SYMVCD to tell them that you want these workshops to continue, and to be
held at times and locations that are convenient to the majority of the
public.  It is critical that we put a stop to any future urban
adulticiding with pesticides in our area, and it appears this is one of
the only tools we have to potentially do that.

Also, on a lighter note, a joint party by the Sierra Club and ECOS will be
held tomorrow night (December 15) at the Shephard Garden and Arts Center
in McKinley Park, beginning at 6:00 p.m.  The cost for the event, which
includes entertainment and dinner, will be $12.00.  Participants are being
asked to also bring a side dish or dessert to complement some tasty main
entrees.  It sounds like a wonderful event, and well worth supporting.
(See additional details below.)

Thanks for everything everyone is doing.  I know this is a difficult time
of year to be focused on all of the complex issues that we have, however
we have to continue to be vigilant and attentive in order to help to
mitigate the problem areas before they become worse.  At any rate, I hope
everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and has a very special
Christmas and New Year !!  (Although you will probably be hearing from me
before then, as well.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Items below include:

· West Nile Virus Spraying Letter
· The Sierra Club / ECOS Holiday Party Announcement

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Urgent !!!!

To all,

Attended the board meeting yesterday. Board members are extremely upset at
the lack of pubic interest shown by less then minimal attendance by the
public at board meetings and more importantly the first workshop.

If you don't want them to spray pesticides from the air next summer, you
better get yourselves and all your friends and even all your enemies at
all of the future meetings, especially the workshops!!!

Due to lack of public involvement (3 folks showed up at first workshop and
4 at yesterdays board meeting) some of the board members tried to cancel
all future workshops. One member is trying to keep them all during the day
and only at the "centrally located district office." Many board members
are seriously considering halting the workshops. They do not think they
have to bother with 3 or 4 people because they don't represent the million
plus people that live within the district.

If you need the meetings/workshops to be held at specific times (i.e.,
evenings) to enable you to attend, let them know!

If we don't attend in greater numbers we will have little to object to
when they spray us next summer. They are providing us the opportunity to
have input into amending the working plan. If we give them our input and
they don't change the plan, we can scream next summer. If we do not tell
them how to amend the plan to make it acceptable to us, we will have no
justification to say much of anything when we get sprayed!

Please tell all your friends about this critical issue asking them to
attend the next workshop. We must be at the next workshop in large
numbers. Hundreds would really send a message. Less then ten will also
send a message, and it is not the one we want to send.

The next workshop is tentatively set for Jan. 10, but that may be
rescheduled for Jan. 12. Time and place are to be determined. Go to
<> to see the schedule of future workshops.
Note the dates may change. Check the website regularly for possible
changes in day, time, location. Things could change at the last minute,
you know the district. Check before you head to the meeting to make sure
your going to the right place at the right time.

If you cannot go to the workshop, go on line and read the work plan. Send
them emails, call their office and let them know that you cannot attend
the workshop but you have concerns. Express your concerns and tell them
how you would like the district to address those concerns.

It is vital that the district and board members know that there are a lot
of us that want things changed.

Note that they also put out a series of tables that try to show their
adulticide program worked. It was partially published in the Bee on the
13th (see attachment for what the district sent me and discussed at the
board meeting yesterday).

We must let them know in mass that their are a lot of people in the
district that want to help change the working plan.  Do something about it
today! Let them hear from you - Today.

Do it now!  Read their working plan now! Email them right now! Tell them
you need evening meetings to attend, say something to let them know people
are interested and want to change the way the district functions!

Email all those who opposed forced spraying of pesticides and let them
know that they must act now to change how the district operates.

Do it now!!!!!! It can't wait!!!

Naturally Yours,
Living Resources Company
Steven M. Zien

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Sierra Club Newsletter got held up at the printer and this may be the
only announcement you and your friends receive regarding the Sierra Club /
ECOS holiday Party, so please forward on to all that may be interested.

Sierra Club & ECOS Holiday Party
Thursday, December 15 at 6 pm
Shephard Garden & Arts Center
3330 McKinley Blvd, Sacramento

Please join us for a fun evening with food, music, art, and celebration.

We're asking folks to bring their favorite side dish or dessert to add to
Tim Nosel's tasty main dishes of herb-roasted beef tri-tip, pasta with
shitake mushrooms & dried tomatoes, glazed green beans, and
garlic-rosemary whipped potatoes.

ECOS will offer wine.

Bob Garrison and Jeanne Clark will sign their recent book Northern
California Nature Weekends.

The new-fangled, old-timey California band the Spillit Quikkers will play
for us.

Linnea Fronce will offer matted and framed wildlife prints for sale with
proceeds benefiting the Club.

To offset the costs, we will request a $12 donation. To make sure we have
plenty of food, please RSVP to postmaster [at]

Hope to see you next Thursday!

Vicki Lee

Kim Glazzard
Organic Sacramento

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by promoting safe wetlands
The spraying of wetlands with pesticides can have negative effects on the entire ecosytem. The predatory insects are also at greater risk than the target species. We need to promote safe wetlands that don't suffer from eutrophication and resulting stagnation. Mosquito larvae cannot breed in moving water. All wetland are effected by tide and gravity when functional, though when infiltrated by eutrophication from fertilizer runoff, the excess algae in the water promotes stagnation and mosquito larvae excess. Further spraying with petrochemical pesticides reduces the population of mosquito predators like dragonflies and frogs..

People also collect various tule reeds and other wetlands grasses from the few remaining wetlands throughout the valley. They most certainly appreciate not having to touch toxic pesticides when working on the grasses/tules to make baskets..

California Indian Basketweavers;
by charismatic megafauna
West Nile has caused serious problems for local bird populations, from endangered songbirds to the recovering Swainsons Hawk populations. Pyrethins have been shown to help control the spread of West Nile, and are harmless for mammals and birds. As for fish and insects (besides mposquitoes...who need to be controlled), pyrethin is kept at low levels and spraying is done once a year. Certainly it is not ideal, but it seems to be the best option at this point. It seems to be helping bird populations.

Utilizing many methods of controlling the spread of West Nile is a good way to stop over-spraying. Support your local bat cave- see what is going on as far as construction proposals, etc.

If you see a dead bird (that hasn't obviously been killed due to predation or a car accident), please call the DHS dead bird hotline at (877)968-2473.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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