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Indybay Feature

Arnold Lies, Tookie Dies

by Casey Mills via Beyond Chron (reposted)
Last May, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger changed the Department of Corrections to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, a renaming many believed signaled a shift of the state from exclusively punishing criminals to a belief that with help, prisoners could turn their lives around. Last night, Schwarzenegger refused to stop the execution of a man who, while locked up, went from a gang leader to a prominent crusader against guns, drugs and violence. It's hard to imagine a better example of rehabilitation than Tookie Williams, and the Governor's failure to recognize this man's achievements reveals that when Schwarzenegger claimed to believe in rehabilitation, he simply lied.
Williams' quest for clemency represented the only time in recent California history when a criminal on Death Row's identity as an individual superceded their identity as a murderer. Williams' work to stop gang violence, as a role model for inner-city youth, and as a peacemaker in some of America's most violent neighborhoods are what made his case so compelling. They're also what makes the Governor's decision to execute him such an outrage.

Californians have consistently shown a belief in rehabilitating prisoners, and the Governor took advantage of that belief when he tried to tell voters he felt the same way. Schwarzenegger used centrist rhetoric and a willingness to grant prisoners parole to convince people he'd be different than former Governor Gray Davis, who followed a notoriously harsh, 'tough-on-crime' agenda.

In fact, when he gave his State of the State address last January, Schwarzenegger emphasized reform of the horrific conditions at the state's youth prisons and changing the Department of Corrections' violent culture as priorities. He convinced a lot of people that he really believed in working to heal the communities across California destroyed by crime and incarceration, and would do so by making rehabilitation, not just punishment, a goal.

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by Ernestine Thompson (patchespre [at]
I Was Very Disappointed in the Decision that the Governor made i thought this was inhumane, i know that the Governor personal opionion of Mr.. Williams showed. He believes he was not remorsful enough he believes he not rehabiltated that really sucked was not justice served by putting someone to death people like himself the governor needs to pay for the decision that he made by siding with everyone else to have some killed he should also be condemn to death becuase arnold responsible for putting someone to death, so he took matters in his own hands he really lived up the role he played the Terminator who did'nt give a damn about killing i think Mr. Williams skin color played a big part in his death also if he was white he would have won a fair trail it seemed to me that no one wanting to hear anything no new evidence it was clear that their minds was made up about the death sentence.
by Ernestine Thompson (patchespre [at]
I Was Very Disappointed in the Decision that the Governor made i thought this was inhumane, i know that the Governor personal opionion of Mr.. Williams showed. He believes he was not remorsful enough he believes he not rehabiltated that really sucked was not justice served by putting someone to death people like himself the governor needs to pay for the decision that he made by siding with everyone else to have some killed he should also be condemn to death becuase arnold responsible for putting someone to death, so he took matters in his own hands he really lived up the role he played the Terminator who did'nt give a damn about killing i think Mr. Williams skin color played a big part in his death also if he was white he would have won a fair trail it seemed to me that no one wanting to hear anything no new evidence it was clear that their minds was made up about the death sentence.
by CDC-renta-pigs--all cowards
I'd love to see them spend 1 week in their own prisons. They'd be begging for protective custody.LOL!
by John Smith
In my opinion a state or country that executes a (multiple)Peace Prize nominee isn't any better than any dictatorship in this world. It puts it on one level with countries like North Korea, Iran and Syria. What can you claim to have as a moral advantage over those states if you kill your own people?
by Corcoran C/O
Don't count on it Tough Guy! First you've got to do the crime to do the time! Believe it or not, the vast majority of us are law abiding citizens. And, believe it or not, I have NEVER beaten or assaulted an I/M in over 20 yrs., but I have been assaulted a few times simply due to the uniform I wear and had to defend myself and others, which I hope I am correct when I assume that you would support my right to defend myself and others against physical attack. And my time has been spent mostly in Max. security. I would allow ANY I/M I have associated with during my career to speak freely as to my veracity in this matter. Thank You.
by Renta Pig exception then
Most are assholes--the vast majority--but there are exceptions who are actually just nice guys who need a decent paying, secure job who manage to resist the culture of the good-ol-boy network.
by Corcoran C/O
It's late. I will respond to you by Monday night. My schedule is tight until then. Thank You.
by centinela sgt
This sight is sad. I read these comments and am sadly disappointed to see that there is all this sympathy for tookie williams. What about the victims? If it was your familly member would you feel sympathy then, I seriously doubt it. One last thing, for those that think that the men and women that put on the uniform of a c/o do so, so they can beat up poor defensless inmates, get your heads examined. Never heard of a officer stabbing an inmate.....but we all know inmates will stab an officer, and hell he will probably smile about it. I think some people should get there priorities straight
by oh yeah
but I've heard of plenty of inmates getting physically abused and even shot and killed on prison grounds

I've also heard of many dieing due to inadequate health care. that's a big deal in CA now

I've also heard of many being executed (and I've heard that over 100 inmates on death row or with life sentences have been exonerated with DNA evidence in the last ten years. without DNA, all of those on death row would have been killed eventually, innocent people). and I've also heard that the death penalty is unevenly sentenced, falling much harder on those convicted of killing whites

what have you heard of? or are your ears shut?
by centinela sgt
Death penalty for killing whites? Have to justify ignorance by using the race card. Thats a topic I wouldn't touch. Inmates that get killed or shot by officers in prison, yes that has happened however if you knew how tough the use of force policy is, you would realize mr. inmate was more then likely trying to kill another inmate or officer. He would definately not be an innocent bystander. Health care...geez give it a rest. These inmates get seen by a medical tech and nurses faster and just as efficient as anybody on the streets, and they don't have to wait a week to get an appointment,oh and they get it FREE. To get to come to prison, you had to work real hard. I don't feel sorry for anybody in prison,I didn't invite them. I feel sorry for the inmates family(sometimes), but I have all the sympathy in the world for the victim these inmates targeted. Until you see these predators for what they are and quit feeling sorry for the GUILTY inmate, We will continue to have victims, and I hope you don't become the victim of the predator you feel sorry for.
by tough love
that says it all

thank you for your honesty, pig
by Justice for the Bush admin. now
The real terrorists and murderers.
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