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Indybay Feature

PoliceWatch Responds to Racist SFPD Videos

by Ella Baker Center (reposted)
Bay Area PoliceWatch is condemning the offensive videotaped “parodies,” apparently filmed by dozens of uniformed San Francisco police officers, which demean women and people of color, as well as homeless and transgender people.

PoliceWatch held a press conference at 10a.m. on Thursday, Dec 9.
Bay Area PoliceWatchs' Five Demands

1. FIRE THE OFFICERS responsible for the demeaning videos, including and especially the senior officers.
2. NOTIFY ALL DEFENDANTS who have been convicted (or entered guilty pleas) based on testimony of officers involved, so their attorneys can file appropriate motions.
3. CONDUCT A BIAS REVIEW of all legal proceedings in which the involved officers have taken part over the past five years.
4. CLEAR THE BACKLOG of wrongful death disciplinary cases in which Black families allege racial bias in the police killings of their loved ones. Clear the backlog by end of 2006.
5. INCLUDE GRASSROOTS VOICES and perspectives on the “Blue Ribbon Commission.”

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by See the whole video
We need to stop This kind of racist stereotypical bullshit, see the whole video here:
by pigbusters
Does any have a complete list of the 20 officers involved? If so, please post.
by where's the video?
Before we form opinions lets look at the video. Anyone got a link?
by What about the Chief?
I assume you are calling for the firing of Chief Fong too, right?
by Saw the links--fire the pigs
Not becuase the juvinelle humor was offensive to me personally---but because, as a taxpayer, this is just another instanc eof piss poor, buffonery style judgement on the part of the cops--and maybe this may send a message about their hubris....
by a lefty
I saw the video (though I heard their is more), at worst it was mildy offensive, but probably harmless. There may have been some waste of taxpayer money but hardly anything that doesn't happen in many many other workforces. Maybe we should give the cops a bad time when they really cross the line.
by take a look
by take a look
by Uh, obviously you're a cop, doing PR
This time they just got caushgt--this plays to a culture of idiots who think they can do whatever they want. Well-not this time.
I work in a public hospital and we would never do this crap--it's called professionalism. It's also calle dcommon sense and having a brain..these guys clearly were lacking in these areas. Piss poor decision making.
by a lefty
So your criticism is that they used bad judgement for fucking off on the job. I hate to break it to you but if that's your argument, 90% of the population won't give a shit.

by Thought you were a cop
We're tlaking about total lack of professionalism---and a culture that says "I can do whatever I want" that is what is the real issue. Like I said, I work in a public hospital, and would never be dumb enough to 1. Make a video that anyone MAY be offended by (expecially after the recent '49-ers issue around this
and, 2. Certainly woulnd't be dumb enough to post it, too! LOL!
What imbeciles.
Most importatnly---we expect the cops to be at a HIGHER level of judgement/professionalism.
And quit pretending to be a "lefty"--
by TW
and as such are a structural condition of state power. You don't put touchy-feely social worker types on head-bashing detail. Until you understand this about them, meaning until you understand the staggering full scale of the problem of "their conduct," you just don't have a clue as to what you're up against or what a real solution entails

Here is an AWESOME audio presentation by Paul Davies, a British ex-cop who really is a lefty (which explains the ex- ). He lays bare the class dynamics behind police work and the way this inevitably leads to racism within the institution
by Schmecky
The biggest joke of all is being pulled by Mayor Gavin Newsom and Chief Heather Fong.

Isn't it funny how the release of this video came on the heels of San Francisco's 92nd homicide. Didn't Gavin Newsom say that if the murder rate in SF didn't go down this year that the voters of SF should "recall" him. Hasn't the murder rate increased? That is not the fault of the cops. If someone wants to kill another person, he/she will do it regardless of stepped up patrols or more "beat cops" on the street. Gavin Newsom does not care about the murder rate because the people who are getting murdered are young, black, men who didn't/wouldn't vote for Newsom in the first place. Newsom..the caring mayor who made SFPD officers stand in the plaza by the public library to kick the homeless out because he did not want to see them on his way to work or from his office window. Care Not Cash...great idea!! Has anyone noticed that there are more homeless people on the street now than ever?

Chief Fong has proved again and again that she is incapable of runnung the Police Department and does not have the respect/trust of the cops on the street. Her ineffectiveness is appalling and her lack of leadership qualities is down right disgusting. Sure the cops in these videos should not have made them on compnay time as they say. But, until I walk a beat in the Bayview District or ride in a police cruiser for an 8 hour shift, I will not pass judgement on the people who do. I do not think the videos are offensive to anyone except maybe the cops who were put in the video without their knowledge. They are obviously making fun of themselves. The real joke here is that if Chief Fong and Gavin Newsom hadn't made this video public, we would be talking about their pathetic performances at their jobs and not about 24 cops who have been suspended for nothing more than bad taste.
by shut up "schmecky" or is it "l
You are obviously a PR pig. Your diversions re: S.F.'s homicide rate won't work here.
by Schmecky
Diversions from what??? I am only stating facts. If you think these videos are that bad you either hate cops or need to get a life. These videos are nothing. I've seen Archie Bunker re-runs that are more offensive. It's 10 O'clock on a Saturday night...isn't time to turn off mommy's computer and go to bed? I'm sure you and your "anarchist" buddies will have lots to talk about tomorrow while you sit around in your "Che" t-shirts reciting lines from "The Breakfast Club".
by to "Schmecky"--STFU
It's not about Archie Bunker, or the homicide rate, or the offensiveness of the videos. It's about a culture of stupid cops that think they can do whatever the fuck they want. It's about a lack of professionalism and good judgement, that I, ask a taxpayer have aright and duty to demand out of any public servant---and supposedly, cops are suppossed to be held to even higher standards--although we know this is a joke.
by Schmecky
I am not a cop, but I am friends with some SFPD guys. And I doubt with every fiber of my being that YOU have ever paid taxes in your life.
by spell racecar backwards
by Schmecky Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005 at 10:27 PM

Diversions from what??? I am only stating facts. If you think these videos are that bad you either hate cops or need to get a life. These videos are nothing. I've seen Archie Bunker re-runs that are more offensive. It's 10 O'clock on a Saturday night...isn't time to turn off mommy's computer and go to bed? I'm sure you and your "anarchist" buddies will have lots to talk about tomorrow while you sit around in your "Che" t-shirts reciting lines from "The Breakfast Club".

So Schmeckey we'll see you at breakfast club tommorow my

varatious double agent, we'll be finished by 9:30 so everyone can

get home for curfew , and did I mention I got that Double XL Che t

shirt you ordered.

Anyway were reading random books tommorow so have your lines

that your gonna read ready.

by Notice "schmecky/lefty" has poor co
Notice he made some vague attack on me as a "taxpayer" rather than address what I said. Typical. LOL!
Get an education, shmeckma.
by a lefty
I've talked to a few lefties about this video. So far none of them thought it was particularly offensive. Most seem to say that we shouldn't bother with this petty ass Bullshit and we should focus on real shit like when the cops taser someody to death or shoot the mentally ill.

Of course the dimwitted posters here seem to think that this is a capitol crime. It's nothing, the informed public knows it's nothing, whining about it makes the left look like PC turds.

by I'm pissed off
Is the humor juvenile? Sure. Is the incident? Not at all.

These cops work in a neighborhood where all the people they mocked are people who deserve to be treated with respect. A 'joke' alone wouldn't make this impossible. But the cops racism doesn't stop with jokes. It extends to public humiliations, racial profiling, community wide curfews, checkpoints, and the occasional shooting. All the defenses being thrown out pretend this video happened alone. Look up the history; it didn't.
by 'lefty' isn't a 'lefty'-he's a pig
And just like schmecky, fails to address the real issue, that cops think they can do whatever they want--a culture of arrogance/hubris---when they are suppossed to be public servants--held to the highest of standards---this is total lack of professionalism and piss poor judgement----bunch of dumbassess
by Guy
The guy who "works" in a public hospital is very upset about this video. Maybe you should spend more time being concerned with your patients instead of being pissed off at cops. You must have gotten a ticket recently. Maybe a person like you would not make such an unprofessional video....but please make sure you give your patients the right medicine...I'd say hopsitals kill more people by human mess ups than cops do by shooting them. That is a fact.
by a lefty
I'm sorry you guys can't formulate coherent argument. When somebody pulls out the power + racism silliness I can only think that they should get a refund on their parents money at whatever dingbat college they went too. Obviously you guys can't critically think.

The released video is absurdly mild, I hear more offensive shit everyday on the bus.
by more than most
so we can run around pretending to be all upset and indignant about this video, but then you know, the cops shoot some black kid in the back in bayview or they beat patrick gaston to death in oakland, and not a peep out of people. nothing. and this happened a few weeks back, both cases, it aint hypothetical.

i mean, wheres the outrage? were you saving it up till the mayor had your back? till heather fong made a sour face and got on tv? till there was some convenient abstraction of the problem to attack? something that it seemed like you could actually win?

did you not realize that frankly, there are more offensive racial and sexist and etc problems within our own, left groups. that this police video aint shit. i could start singling out instances, but i wont.

GLASS FUCKING HOUSES, PEOPLE. i hate the cops and love to see them get screwed as much as the next person, but remember, GLASS FUCKING HOUSES, PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF, pick a cliche and repeat it to yourself until you get a grip.
by last post
this rant was NOT meant to apply to orgs like police watch, who do have their shit together, and are mostly trying to get a political gain out of the hype that this has generated, as they should.

[groups like PW are there when the cops do something truly bad, its the while liberal radical types that arent... the rant is directed at the latter]
by Were you there??/
The "innocent" kid shot in the back in the Bayview?? Were you there???? If you were you would have seen the kid point an automatic rifle at the police. The guy in Oakland that got killed choked on the dope he tried to swallow. You are ignoring the facts in both cases.
by Poor judgement is poor judgement
It's a culture of hubris (look it up, cop)
Cops are suppossed to be held to higher standards than the kids on the bus you referred to--you apologists continue to avoid this by minimizing the stupidity of this stunt and focousing on the content--I'm not even discussing the content---It was an extremely dumb move, esp. after the 49-ers fiasco recently---and as a taxpayer, I don't want idiots who are this stupid running around with guns---there ae already enough idiots running around with guns--I refuse to pay for more.
by Angry Man
Hi...I'm the angry tax payer and I refuse to pay for more cops who make below average comedy videos. have a rather high opinion of yourself...don't you.
by Angry Man
Hi...I'm the angry tax payer and I refuse to pay for more cops who make below average comedy videos. have a rather high opinion of yourself...don't you.
by Blown out of proportion
The 49ers "fiasco" as you say was blown way out of proportion as well. And unless you are a property owner in San Francisco, you don't pay for the police. San Francisco property taxes pays for that stuff.
by You
You are the only one here who seems to be living in a culture of as you say hubris. The high opinion of yourself and your belief that you have something really important to say it very hubristic. Look that up, bed pan changer.
and the gazzillion dollars of rent renters pay every year aren't in the kitty?

property owners just pay taxes out of their own personal slush funs and taxes they pay don't intermingle with their landlord profits?
by Not Unless
Not unless you are writing the check to the City and County for property taxes. If not, you don't pay for the police/fire etc. You pay your landlord for the privelige to live where you live. Rent money goes for RENT not taxes. If you don't like it...BUY some property.
by hate cops
gaston was in the custody of the cops when he died. they are responsible for his well being. thats a fundamental principle of law enforcement and military practice. but instead of saving a dying man, cops were busy... beating the shit out of him. funny, its hard to notice a person is choking to death when you are busy stomping on them, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE CUFFED.

as for the bayview situation, same situation. man shot in the back. that is evidence. not subjective opinion. no weapon is recovered. you manage to shoot the alleged gunman down, and yet, no weapon is recovered. strange, isnt it? if the weapon was an assault rifle, how hard is it to tell whether or not someone has an assault rifle on them at the time you open fire?

you sound like a fuckwit cop. cops are fucking liars, and bad at it, and thats about it. you lie so much you begin to believe yourselves. no different than any pathological liar.

but one day you will push the wrong kid and you will end up like those contractors in fallujah. we can hope.
by shut up blind cop defender-
The cops ar4e suppossed to be public SERVANTS--yes my servant, as a taxpayer. You continue to avoid talking about the culture of "I can do whatever I want, I'm a cop" this speaks to the heart of the matter. This was piss poor judgment, and posting it was even dumber. You are my public servants (I know that burns you up, huh?)
and I don't want monkeys like this running around w/ guns--
You're dismissed.
by They did
They did recover a weapon...if you read the acyual account of the incident. But, you won't believe the truth. As far as your hope that cops end up like the contractors in Fallujah, you are just a simple minded simpleton who hates the government because your life is a failure. Sound about right???
by Cops fault
It's the cops fault that gaston was out selling crack/heroin/ whatever?? Gaston did die in police custody. There is no evidence he was beat up...and I'm talking about physical evidence not the "word" of cop haters who say they saw something they didn't see. Gaston choked on his dope. That's how he died. If you show me an autopsy report that says he died by beaing beaten up by the police..I will shut my mouth and give you your props. You stated that you hate cops anyway, so you will always look for some foolish way to make the cops guilty. Yes..the man did die in the custody of police....unfortunate, but it happens, People also die at the hospital, in jail at home. But most of them haven't stuffed a big wad of crack down their own throats.
by We know what's up
by great pig pictures-- a must see
Good one
by stupid cop
if the pigs werent there, gaston wouldnt have died. thats for sure. how he died, exactly, is irrelevant. i think he was beat up. you think he choked. either way, he was in the custody of cops when he died, and they were
a) responsible for his safety and
b) not interested in saving him. (at best, negligent. at worst, homocidal. probable scenario, maliciously negligent)

as for the kid that "shot at the cops" i reiterate.
when he was shot, IN THE BACK, was he a threat?
if not, if it was clear he wasnt, then the cop should hang.
an assault rifle is not a concealable weapon. keep that in mind. if you have one, ill know. if not, ill know that too. if i shoot you and say you had an AK, and then there is no AK there to pry out of your bloody hands, then i shot an unarmed man.
by Clint Eastwood
Well then...He should have armed himself
by dirty cop terrorist with police powers.
HEY, dirty cop terrorist with "police powers."

You are not in high school. Either turn in
your gun or resign, dirty cop terrorist with

"Police Powers." with IMPUNITY.

EXECUTE dirty cop terrorists with "police powers."
2005. Dec. 18, sunday.
by fight back 2005
hey dirty cop terrorist with "police powers."

either resign or shoot yourself in the head
with your own gun.

------------ dirty cop terrorist with "police powers."
dirt y cop terror ist with "police powers."

with impunity.

by Good Cop = Ex Cop
Why do pigs like Rick Bruce always sport that "I smell a fart" expression?

Oh wait, never mind.
by $
We, the taxpayers of San Francisco, paid for these vicious videos and the time it took to make them. Within 1 week of these videos being made officially public, the 24 stinking swine were returned to work. Most of the police are not San Francisco taxpayers and could care less about us.

Can you imagine taking time from your job to make despicable videos, using company video materials? That alone would get you immediately fired. Of course, you, like I, have a lot of work to do and would not dream of doing such a thing. Then, when these videos were deemed unfit for the Money Season Party, the thug producer put it on his website for all the world to see.

Clearly, these thugs do not have enough to do and that demonstrates the need to abolish the police department and transfer the millions spent on these armed thugs to the social services departments, which can prevent crime by eliminating poverty. These cops make $80,000 a year to around $150,000 a year plus benefits and retire with a pension that is 90% of their pay. They are not worth two cents. The police are not social workers; they are the armed thugs of the capitalist class, whose sole purpose is to terrorize the workingclass. And, of course, they, like the police chief and the mayor, are all good Democrats, just as despicable as the Republicans.
by Fire the pigs
The issue is that they are suppossed to be held to the highest of standards in regards to judgement and integrity--this falls far short.
by My Arse
We cannot wait until the cops "really" cross the line because when they do, someone usually winds up dead or in prison. If it were you, or someone you care about, you would wonder why we had to wait for a tragedy to do something.
In any case, police "really" cross the line on a regular basis. Pay attention! The video is a reflection of the attitudes that not only allow, but actually edorse the idea that police, as a militia, have the OK to screw over the most powerless people in our communities. You may notice that it only becomes an issue that so-called regular people care about when those with political ($$$$) power get interested.
That is crap.
These people are armed to the teeth and have a huge amount of personal power. They can kill or imprison. They obviously must be held to a higher standard of conduct than Joe Lunchbox. This good ol' boy rap is a load of BS.
If you ever had a stinking cop bust into your house and shove a cocked 45 calibur in your face (while you were asleep in bed, no less) when all the while you had done nothing wrong (aside from poverty), my suspicion is, you would find this video a little less harmless.
If you want to support police, support thier right to strike, as workers. Support their rights to fair employment and decent wages (along with everyone elses). We don't have to support their right to act like 12 year olds. If they want to act like children, we need to take their weapons away. It's really that simple.

Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, but this is too important for niceties. People are getting murdered here.

by oaklander
Yeah, so cops are racist, bigots, and pigs. That doesn't excuse this behavior, but it isn't a suprise. These cops are people nonetheless, and this video is merely harmless venting on their part. So we fight for freedom of expression in a world of media and art awash in violence, sex, and inhumanity and balk when a few cops try to have a good time. Give me a break. We have to focus our energy on the real institutions of hatred and inequality not waste our time on a simple prank video. When "progressives" whine about this stuff it's what makes them look like soft hearted wimps to everyone else.
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