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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Whittier "Trigger Happy" Cops at it Again!

Last Friday night, the usually peaceful and upscale Whittier neighborhood of Mar Vista
Heights was abruptly awaken by the sirens of approximately 23 squad cars and a volley of
about 10 shots from policemen's guns.

<><><><> Los Angeles, Alta California <><><><>
November 28, 2005
Whittier "Trigger Happy" Cops at it Again!

Last Friday night, the usually peaceful and upscale Whittier neighborhood of Mar Vista
Heights was abruptly awaken by the sirens of approximately 23 squad cars and a volley of
about 10 shots from policemen's guns. Little is presently known about yet another
Whittier police shooting involving a young Latino couple that were cornered up against a
trash bin at a dark residential intersection and shot. The only information presently
available is what was captured by a KCAL Channel 9 News helicopter of the police

At approximately 9:00 PM Friday, the Los Angeles KCAL News Channel 9 interrupted its
normal broadcast to show a car chase taking place in the City of Whittier. The news
picked up the slow chase through their helicopter's cameras towards the end when the
young couple's vehicle was being rammed and trapped up against a large trash bin on the
curb at the intersection of Mar Vista Avenue and Bacon Road. Soon after the couple's car
could not move, the Whittier police got out of their squad cars and rapidly fired
approximately 10 shots hitting the young man who was driving. The shots went through the
side and back windows. Miraculously, initial Channel 9 news is reporting that the young
girl was not hit by the volley from police assault weapons. From what could be seen from
the helicopter, it appears that it was absolutely not necessary for the Whittier cops to
utilize such overwhelming lethal force in the situation.

Many questions have arisen out of the incident. If the young girl had been blue eyed and
blond and the young driver a "white boy", would the Whittier cops let loose 10 shots at
them? The answer, from many Mexican-American residents of Whittier, is "NO". Was this
incident possibly a case of "DWB" (Driving While Brown) through Whittier? The answer is
probably "Yes" because the city has a history of it. In a La Voz de Aztlan article
published on December 3, 2003 titled, "Whittier Police Anti-Mexican Operations Continue"
Ernesto Cienfuegos wrote, "There is danger even if you are just passing through as a
motorist. On January 7 of this year, 23 year old Marcos Alfonso Vieras of Los Angeles was
severely beaten, in a Rodney King type incident, and sent to the hospital for an extended
stay. In a routine traffic stop, Whittier cop Jim Uhl severely beat Marcos Alfonso Vieras
and later bragged to the pro-cop Whittier Daily News that Vieras was a no show in court
because he was still in the hospital."

The Mexican community here in Whittier is presently in shock over what occurred Friday.
No one knows if the Latino youth shot by the cops is dead or alive. No one knows his name
or place of residence. Was he merely out on date with his girlfriend and had a little too
much beer? Why was he being chased? Was he running in fear because of the bad
anti-Mexican reputation of the Whittier cops? Why has the pro-police Whittier Daily News
remain silent and, as far as we know, not reported on this serious police incident in the
city? La Voz de Aztlan is hesitant to contact the Whittier police for information
because, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, they will definitely retaliate against
us. They have already done so on two separate occasions.

One thing for sure, Mexican-Americans and other Latinos in the city better start
organizing politically to quickly make changes at the "all white" city hall. We must boot
out the Zionist police chief and the all white city council including the "coconut". This
must be done with all deliberate speed because "brown youths" are presently in dire
danger in this city!


Related La Voz de Aztlan articles:
Whittier Police Anti-Mexican Operations Continue

Whittier police covers up assault by off duty cop


Towards Harmony In the Family of Humanity!
Peter S. Lopez {Peta}~Field Coordinator
Sacramento, California, USA
Yahoo Email~ sacranative [at]
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by Pedro Mendoza

Incredible! The 20 year old had also been chased
and shot about a week before by the cops.
They were hunting for him and were out to
execute him on sight. He and his teenage
girlfriend have been identified. This is the worse
case of police abuse I have ever heard of.
Another report is at:

Pedro Mendoza
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