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by (Protest tonight at 6PM at KPFA)
To: KPFA Program Council, Berkeley, CA
From: Larry Pinkney
Date: November 28th, 2005

Dear program council members:

A comrade friend of mine and fellow former Black Panther Party member recently made the insightful comment to me re the de facto efforts at KPFA, to get rid of William M. Mandel; that there are those who want to oust Mandel because, among other gutless and hypocritical excuses, "Bill Mandel knows precisely where (figuratively speaking) the bodies are buried at KPFA."

Indeed, Bill Mandel might very well know where "the ( entrenched KPFA) bodies" of hypocrisy, racism, and ageism , etc., can be found, for he is certainly a target by some at KPFA. Unfortunately, these putrid, "buried bodies" consisting of hypocrisy, ageism, and racism, etc., at KPFA have been allowed to transform themselves (like some deadly hybrid mutative virus strain) into various sham caricatures of progressive/radical humans----pretending to be genuinely concerned about none other than "young voices of color," and the like. The usage of the KPFA process of "review" to allegedly determine whether or not to retain William (Bill) Mandel on the air, is understood precisely for how it is actually being utilized: as a transparent sham on the part of some at KPFA to dump and silence William Mandel from the station once and for all.

Having (at the behest of US authorities), been a political prisoner for many years; having been on the receiving end of consistent physical and emotional brutality & torture in prison [reference United Nations UNHRC case annex VII, comm. #R.7/27]; and having been (and continuing to be) a target of the infamous (and ongoing) de facto Government/police/and citizen provocateur program (to frame, discredit, imprison, and/or murder)---known as COINTELPRO; I have seen firsthand as an ongoing target, how the despicable game of silencing and/or discrediting a person or persons (by the Government, the police, and/or provocateur individuals) actually functions.

Having served in the former capacities of Black Panther Party (BPP) member, CoChair-San Francisco Black Caucus (SFBC), Minister of Interior--Republic of New Africa (RNA), and Chair---Black National Independence Party BNIP etc.; the callous, ruthless, hypocritical, and ruthless game/strategy being utilized by some at KPFA to manipulate the undiscerning with a view towards OUSTING WILLIAM M MANDEL, all in the disingenuous name of supposedly making room for "young voices of color" at KPFA is obvious.

If in fact there is a genuine desire at KPFA to make more room for young voices of color, then it is suggested that the program council consider immediately removing certain entrenched staff persons such as the manipulative and steely longtime KPFA "news" director Aileen Alfandary, known to myself and hundreds of other former prisoners of color--for her very real, active racism, and her manipulative attempt to ignore and thereby complicitously murder hundreds of prisoners of color, including myself [reference the book entitled, SAYING NO TO POWER, by William M Mandel, Introduction by Howard Zinn, pages 500 through 504]. [ Editor's note: see ].

I and others are also cognizant that Ms. Alfandary is recently reported to have stated that Aristede, (the deposed and kidnapped democratically elected former President of Haiti), was supposedly "not (really) kidnapped since he walked on the airplane" that the U.S. Government coerced he and his wife onto. Perhaps, Ms Alfandary would have preferred that President Aristede and/or his wife have been tortured and/or murdered, rather than "walk onto the plane" under US armed coercion. What an incredibly racist position for this supposedly progressive, non-racist news director of KPFA to have demonstrated re the democratically elected Black President of Haiti!

Of course this is not surprising to those of us who experienced as prisoners of color, Ms Alfandary's racist indifference which assuredly would have cost us our very lives had it not been for the forthright actions of political activist and broadcast journalist William M Mandel.

Finally, where was the much missed timely coverage by news director Aileen Alfandary, her co-director, and/or the KPFA news department, pertaining to the incredibly important and very relevant protests against that 'negro' surrogate, former Secretary of State, and war criminal---General Colin Powell at DeAnza College in Cupertino, (South Bay) CA, on November 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2005 (and of which the KPFA news department had also reportedly been informed of well in advance)?! Indeed, where also was KPFA's timely, relevant, and important news coverage of the fact that that police authorities overwhelmingly and disproportionately arrested and jailed protesters who were people of color at that event?! As the afore examples demonstrate, the supposed concern on the part of certain entrenched KPFA staff such as Aileen Alfandary and cohorts (and certain others) to manipulatively participate in laying the foundation for getting rid of the people's warrior William M. Mandel in the name of making room for young voices of color-----is disingenuous, hollow, hypocritical, and insulting on the part of certain persons at KPFA.

The voices of people of color, regardless of age, who are legitimately concerned about the struggle of humanity for real justice and equality are, and have always been, strongly, genuinely, and tangibly supported by Bill Mandel. There are however, those at KPFA who are opportunistically masquerading---who are in fact anything BUT genuinely supportive of people of color, and it is they who should be held accountable, even if some of them are members of the KPFA program council. Moreover, it is unthinkable that this scapegoating of Bill Mandel in this masquerade at KPFA continue.

It is time to stop being ageist and simultaneously manipulatively racist--KPFA style. William M. Mandel is not the problem. He has consistently demonstrated, and continues through word and deed, to demonstrate why his perspective, analysis, and experiences are still very much needed on the air at KPFA. He should not only be kept on the air, but should also be demonstratively and genuinely respected. Clearly, William (Bill) Mandel continues to be a much needed messenger, who some at KPFA are apparently diligently, (under various guises), intent upon neutralizing/ousting.

The time is here and now to stand with Bill Mandel, as he does and has done for so many for so long, including numerous people of color. The struggle continues. Lasima Tushinde Mbilashaka! (We Shall Succeed Without A Doubt!) Yours.....

In struggle,
Larry Pinkney


TUESDAY, November 29, 6:00 pm Sharp!
1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley

Demand that we continue to hear Bill's voice and wisdom.
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by For both Larry and Bill
Too bad both of these men are being used as pawns in the usual anti-KPFA posturing of Ms. Enteen. Bill Mandel's show is being evaluated as any other program would be, and as he himself requested.

As Ms. Enteen pointed out when it was a cause for finger-pointing over the DN issue (as it seems all she is capable of doing), the Program Council is a democratic, decision-making committee of the general manager's. Same goes this time.

I wish Mr. Mandel the best of luck with his program evaluation.

I wish his "supporters" would stop lying about KPFA. And I especially wish they would stop lying to well-meaning people in order to coerce them to attack others in Ms. Enteen's sad little proxy war against KPFA.
by More civility and facts needed
Ms. Enteen is and her supporters (including Daniel Ellsberg) are not sad. What they are, only time will tell: if we are to have a free and responsible media!

Bill Mandel's supporters are all concerned that justice prevail-- and that KPFA be the anti-war Free Speech radio that it was first created to be.

Today KPFA is still struggling to be true to itself.

Ms. Enteen and others care very much that it find itself-- they profit nothing by their support for Bill Mandel-- except by knowing that they did their best to do the right thing:

Bill Mandel epitomizes one who always tried to do the right thing by his conscience: that is why he is a treasure at KPFA.

by sadder still
I also fought for democracy at KPFA, marched in the street and got arrested. I want to see Bill Mandel's show evaluated on an equal basis with every other show being evaluated. I hear Bill does, too. If Daniel Ellsberg objects to that, or is even aware of the democratic construction of the same Program Council that endorsed a DN time change, then the celebrity endorsement might mean something. Somehow, I doubt it though.

What I've seen from Riva Enteen since she has been on the LSB is someone who works every angle to destroy democratic process. I don't know what has driven her to attack KPFA at every turn, but I no longer care.

She uses people, not the least of whom are Bill Mandel and Larry Pinkney, and that is tragic.

by Peace Now
It's terribly sad to see Enteen and her cohorts appeal to the ego of Bill Mandel and force him out into the cold night.

It's sad, but clear that Enteen cares nothing for Mandel save the publicity that he gives her.

It's almost as if she wants Mandel to be the new Mama O'Shea, work him until he keels over, then claim that KPFA "killed" him...then shamelessly use him as an unwitting martyr to further her own political goals.

As for her not taking money; apparently she submitted applications for various media-based organizations to fund her as she sits on the station board...and not all of these groups are friendly to KPFA or Pacifica.

Enteen's an opportunist, looking to make a buck out of her alleged "activism"; how else can you explain her ability to send her kids to private camps and schools on an "activist's" salary?

She got less than $10,000 as a buy-out to get her out of the National Lawyers Guild, after spending the Guild's money without permission (and it still hasn't all been accounted for)...but that was two years ago, and private schools and camps and plane rides around the country aren't cheap.

Bill Mandel is her meal ticket right now, and she's probably got grants to pay her expenses and fees...and none of it is going to Bill Mandel, who needs it a lot more than she does.

It's just a pity that Bill's ego gets in the way of his intellect, or he would see her for what she is...and for what she is doing to him.

by then you wouldn't carp
It is obvious to me that the last two posters don't listen to Bill Mandel's program.

His programs are great! I love listening to one who stood up to and survived the McCarthy "witch hunts". I love to hear someone with his intelligence and erudition discuss important issues in context to the past, and also converse sympathetically with persons holding brave political opinions or who took "paths less traveled."

His telling the story of his experiences during the McCarthy hearings is not about ego, but about instructing young people what it was like... and how they too can stand strong if they should ever be targeted by blind intolerance.

Mandel has participated, and witnessed much in his 80+ years-- and he has many good ideas and opinions today that need broadcasting. There should be as much room for him at KPFA as Davey D-- who is great also!

I hope Mr. Mandel has the last word. You posters seem to patronize him and with such a disrespectful mixture of raw and passive aggressiveness that it makes me wonder how you treat others.

As for what you demonize Ms. Enteen--what carping! Rather than looking for a constant "meal-ticket" (good Lord!), she has been loyal to Mr. Mandel so long-- she can't be anything other than a true friend!

But even if a fraction of your calumniations are true: Who is perfect? Are you? As for any flaws in Ms. Enteen, surely she has them like the rest of us, but that hasn't stopped her from fighting for this good cause!

As for yourselves: Who has not felt chafed by stronger souls that press on for good causes when we and others cop out? I think that is the source of all the sadness you report.

Bill Mandel is perfectly capable of deciding who his own friends are. As for myself, I think Ms. Enteen is great!

We who appreciate Bill Mandel as the Treasure he is to our community and KPFA (which is still a treasure in American radio broadcasting in spite of its and Pacifica's ups and downs)-- hope, naturally, that KPFA keeps him on the air.

He is needed especially now-- when the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh rule the airwaves and rewrite American history in ways that idolize the evils of the past and the evils we progressives see today. Mandel is needed especially now-- when many progressives mistakenly believe that the only way to fight fire is with fire: more razzle dazzle and provocation. I appreciate the way Mr. Mandel presents his program as if he were a respectful guest in our homes, yet without putting on airs, or posturing in a phony way. (That is what I like about Larry Bensky's Sunday Salon as well.)

Most importantly, Mr. Mandel knows the terrain of a country in darkness, and his experience, wisdom, and life-tested convictions offer us a lamp we may well need today!
by KPFA Volunteer
As a volunteer and listener to KPFA I am disgusted by this letter Larry Pinkney who seems to think nothing of engaging in character assassination of Aileen Alfandary claiming that she is a racist and complicitously involved in the "murder hundreds of prisoners of color, including myself".

This part-Arab woman is both a dedicated, respected, and hardworking news director (who was one of the journalists who broke the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster) and an activist who in recent years been working to raise money for a school for severly disabled children like her own teenage son. This smear by Pinkney is self-serving and appalling. His evidence for his libelous claims is that the KPFA News Department didn't report on his own particular story for 8 days! (Yes, I followed the link in the letter at That's murderous and racist???

If this isn't disgusting enough, a KPFA board member is reposting this libelous crap on her website. I am deeply sickened by all of this.
by It's Riva-tastic!
Actually, the Cupertino story is THE MOST important story *of our time* because Fadi Saba was an organizer of it and HE WILL NOT BE IGNORED! KKUP covered it! Of course, it was on Fadi's own show (why is one DJ from another station dictating news values to KPFA anyway?) If I get one more copy of this self-serving crap in my inbox I will start notifying ISPs of abuse.

The demos were covered by KPFA, for days, yet not enough for the ever self-promoting Fadi Saba and any ole Rovian smear job on KPFA is always good enough for Enteen.

It's unbelievable to me that Riva, a board member, organized picketing of KPFA in order to prevent a democratic decision from being made.

Congratulations, Riva. Your goon squad scared enough people away from the meeting that the word is there wasn't a quorum to do business. Not for Bill, not for the other shows being evaluated. Not for KPFA.

I think a recall is in order for this alone.

by Tom H
I have listened to Bill Mandel over the years and thought he was an interesting commentator in his heyday. But no one is saying what is glaringly obvious: his show is terrible. It's some of the worst radio on KPFA and cringe out of embarrassment for him whenever I catch the show. He seems disoriented, like he sometimes doesn't realize he's on the radio, and he rambles and is unlistenable. He doesn't seem to remember how to conduct an interview and he spends most of the time praising himself.

I feel really bad for him that after his storied history he will be remembered for this incoherent finale. It's not fair to do to an old guy.
by links to Mandel's downloadable programs
KPFA archived programs of Bill Mandel's "Thinking Out Loud":

(Note: 4 of 12 programs lack description; and the November 25th program is still unavailable from KPFA at this time of posting.)
by The Link:
Here is the link to Mandel's "Thinking Out Loud"
by The Carpster
I've listened to Mandel since before Time was invented, it seems. He helped to develop my political sensabilities and question the world around me.

I have cassettes of his programs, and fond memories of what he used to be.

That's right...USED TO BE.

Since his wife's passing, he has been careening from position to position on the scale of rationality; anyone who has ever worked with him knows that the way to get him to agree and work with you is to appeal to his considerable and massive ego.

The worst way to become his enemy is to interfere in the desires of that ego.

Enteen has framed this in a manner that will only spiral Mandel into obscurity, making him a ranting loon who wants nothing more than to die with his hands on the microphone.

If he does, Enteen wins political popularity; her stint with the National Lawyers Guild proves that beyond any effort to rewrite history.

If he doesn't, Enteen can then point to KPFA and say "They killed him by denying him his due!", and she wins political popularity again for "being his champion".

We have seen this all before...the same thing was done to Mama O'Shea.

And now, we have Larry Pinkney, chiming in so as to gain some of that same political capital. Enteen can't deny that to him; he's too useful to her.

But it also would not at all be surprising if Pinkney is being groomed by Enteen as Mandel's "replacement" if her plans fall through and Mandel dies unexpectedly...and Mandel himself is already throwing hosanahs over Pinkney, which makes this even more probable.

"All Revolution, All the Time" seems to be the format that Enteen wants, and screw what the people want to hear on the issues or events.

And if she wins? It won't stop in Berkeley.

by If you don't respect elders, then who?
"Enteen has framed this in a manner that will only spiral Mandel into obscurity, making him a ranting loon who wants nothing more than to die with his hands on the microphone."

I have never heard such cruelty! There is no affection or concern for Bill Mandel in such a statement.

I hope rational minds can see through to the spite and desire to hurt that motivates you.

Bill Mandel speaks well enough for himself. Free Speech radio should allow him to do it.

You should be ashamed.

by Debbie Speer
I guess I'll be the first to sign my name here.

I'm not exactly one of the "youth and beauty" at KPFA as I only stumbled across it after Bill was off the air. Even then, it was some 10 years after being first exposed to Pacifica in L.A., in a journalism class where we listened to Larry Bensky moderate the Iran Contra hearings as a class assignment.

I learned about Bill Mandel mostly through Mama O'Shea and eventually heard his HUAC speech on the air. I knew *somebody* said "you are insane!" to HUAC, but didn't make the connection it was the Bill Mandel until I heard him on KFCF. I was lucky enough to meet him through KFCF in Fresno, which gave him a monthly show for some time via phone. I've developed a relationship with him that I value more than almost any other I've been privileged enough to have since getting involved back in 1995.

I also fought tooth and nail for KPFA's democratization -- as well as for that at KFCF. Part of that effort was the establishment of a representative Program Council.

I think the picket for Bill was misguided. It assumed Bill's show would not survive a fair, equitable evaluation and did him a real disservice. In fact, the e-mail blasts about it even claimed the PC was voting on his "cancellation" when it was just as much voting on its extension, as I understand the evaluation process. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. There were other shows up for "evaluation" this week..not "cancellation." Semantics matter.

I have no stake in this individual decision, but I do have a stake in the long-term independent and democratic function of the Program Council. Actually, the stake is not my own but for all who rely on KPFA and Pacifica for many years to come.

This argument feels to me like a demand for an exception to democratic process. I understand even Bill has voiced his objection to this campaign, despite his own son being a signatory to it.

I have too much love and respect for Bill Mandel to support the opinions brought forth in this thread. It's not only antagonistic to KPFA, but disrespectful of Bill Mandel as well, in my own humble opinion.

Debbie Speer
by Tracy Rosenberg
The following is a) a reply to Larry Pickney's comments and
b) an update on the situation as a whole:

Hi Larry,

I don't know you personally, but since I do know of you and respect your history and your work, I wanted to give you the courtesy of a reply. Obviously, I speak only for myself and not for the program council as a whole.

The suggestion that there is a de facto effort to get "rid" of Bill Mandel's program does not seem accurate to me. There is an effort to evaluate it - not to evaluate Bill Mandel's career, identity, and importance to history - those things need no evaluation from anyone; they are well-established - but to evaluate this particular program at this moment in time and how good a piece of radio it is.
That's our job on the program council and we're trying to do it.

We review all new programs after their initial runs, not just this one. Some we continue and some we don't. I think we've canceled (4) and renewed (4) if I am counting correctly, so its averaging about 50%. Bill Mandel requested to be treated like everybody else and so he is. The comment going around about "making space for younger folks of color" was a profoundly inappropriate
remark that attempted to short-circuit a fair evaluation process and really has nothing to do with the program council's review - which is focused squarely and only on the merits of the program as a piece of public affairs radio - as it should be.

I cannot state for the record who is and isn't being ingenous, but speaking for myself, I am not. I appreciate receiving your input, but I cannot make a decision on this program based on other programs or other programmers. Whether Mr. Mandel's program is or isn't renewed, please understand that he is welcome to continue to participate in station life and that I, at least, would seriously entertain any suggestions he may make for one time or special programming going forward, if that is how things work out. There is no gag rule, there are no bannings, and no attempts to silence, in my book.

I can assure you that I have listened to every program that Mr. Mandel has produced on KPFA during this series in order to make sure that my vote is fully informed, and I would not waste my time that way on a masquerade. If Mr. Mandel's program is discontinued, it will be contingent on the program council to replace it with something meritorious and I take that responsibility seriously.


Tracy Rosenberg
Facilitator/Community Rep
KPFA Program Council

For those of you who were following this story at KPFA, I just wanted to write in with an update:

The program council at KPFA did not review, discuss and then vote on whether to extend a new contract to the "Thinking Out Loud with Bill Mandel" program on Tuesday, August 29th as previously scheduled. The process has been rescheduled for the following Tuesday (the next meeting) on December 6th.

The reason we did not vote is that the meeting did not achieve quorum due to the planned absence of six department heads, one of whom needs to be present for a vote to be binding. I do want to stress that although I did not receive the information prior to the meeting, an attempt was made to communicate this decision to me before the meeting as the facilitator. I apologize that I was not available to get that message.

My understanding is that due to the prescence of a picket/protest of about 20-40 people (depending who you ask) in support of the show, and some of the strong feelings that exist about this and other issues, there was concern about the decision-making environment being difficult. No one, me included, wants to taint a review process with bad behavior from either side of the aisle.

It's always a difficult line to draw between standing up for democratic decision-making, transparency and the right of others to lobby and persuade, and to be realistic about human
frailties and the toil that conflict and debate and passionate feelings can sometimes take on us. I regret that we all didn't feel comfortable enough to go ahead with what I continue to think is a fair decision-making process.

I want to stress that the demonstration that occurred on Tuesday night was civil, and did not, in what I saw of it, create that difficult environment or cross over any lines into intimidation. That is, of course, a personal opinion and they can differ. I hope any repeat will keep to the same high standard, not only with regard to me personally, but with all of the members of the program council.

The program council is committed to completing this task, among many others, and wholeheartedly apologizes for the one week delay. It will not be repeated.

Tracy Rosenberg
Community Representative/Facilitator
KPFA Program Council
by South Bay Sal
>>"Enteen has framed this in a manner that will only spiral
>> Mandel into obscurity, making him a ranting loon who
>> wants nothing more than to die with his hands on the
>> microphone."

> I have never heard such cruelty! There is no affection or
> concern for Bill Mandel in such a statement.

Looks like lots of affection for Bill, but none for those who would use him and make him look less than what he truly is.

> I hope rational minds can see through to the spite and
> desire to hurt that motivates you.

I'm rational, and I see what was written. You obviously can't.

> Bill Mandel speaks well enough for himself. Free Speech
> radio should allow him to do it.

I followed the links; I hadn't heard Bill in years, but this sounds terrible.

He's being pushed beyond his capacity; and he's what? Coming up on 90 years old?

Would you subject your grandparents to such treatment, trotting him out for show, then using him to make political hay?

My grandkids did that to me, I'd cane the little bastards.

> You should be ashamed.

You should learn to read.

These "activists"...I looks like they WANT him to keel over, so they don't have to hustle him from sideshow to sideshow anymore.

I'd say, give him a big and memorable farewell, have him available for commentary (and not forget him again), maybe make a commemorative CD or DVD of his works, let him sell his books and split the premiums between him and KPFA.

Hell, make a "Bill Mandel Day" in Pacifica, bring on guests and interviews, play his memorable moments and speeches, and let him rest. There are people in the other stations areas who haven't heard of him or from him in years...make it a national program.

He's had a long life, he's got a lot of experiences, and he never got properly recognized for his historical legacy.

But he's also not long for this world, either.

Treat him with respect instead of like a trained circus animal, like these picketers are doing. Let him program at his leisure, and let him know he is not forgotten.

Short of a time machine or a million bucks, what else can we really offer to him that recognizes both himself and his work?


by Wm Leslie Howard ( [at]
Sign the latest petition to keep Bill on the air at KPFA. A copy of your message goes to the programming staff at the station. It's not too late. Do it now!

Wm Leslie Howard
Web master

"Bill Mandel is a National Treasure whose wisdom, experience and continuing insistence on telling truth to power is needed more than ever in these dismal times." - Burnis E. (Gene) Tuck
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