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Vandalized liquor store gutted by suspicious fire

by Oakland Tribune
A West Oakland liquor store targeted last week by vandals went up in flames early Monday in a deliberately set fire, authorities said.

Vandalized liquor store gutted by suspicious fire
By Kamika Dunlap and Harry Harris - STAFF WRITERS

The New York Market on Market Street in Oakland was damaged in a fire Monday morning. The business also was recently a target of vandalism last week. (Nick Lammers- STAFF)
OAKLAND - A West Oakland liquor store targeted last week by vandals went up in flames early Monday in a deliberately set fire, authorities said.

Authorities said that they would be looking for a link between the vandalism at New York Market and San Pablo Market last Wednesday night and Monday's fire, but have not ruled out other possible motives.

Monday's single-alarm fire was reported at 1:19 a.m. at New York Market at 3446 Market St. Arson investigators with the Oakland Police department and Fire Department are investigating the blaze as suspected arson.

Authorities said evidence found so far suggests the fire was started inside the store with an accelerant and there was no sign of a forced entry.

Piles of destroyed merchandise laid openly on the sidewalk in front of the neighborhood store. The store's marquee and other signs had been melted by the heat.

Store owners could not be immediately reached for comment.

Jodi Hamilton attends church across the street from the market. When she left

Children, on their way to school Monday stop to look at damage a fire Monday morning at New York Market on Market Street in Oakland. The business also was recently a target of vandalism last week. (Nick Lammers - STAFF)
the church the night before she didn't see anything out of the ordinary, she said.

``The store has had many different owners and has been around for years,'' she said. ``This is so sad and I hate to see something like this happen.''

Last Wednesday, about a dozen men wearing dark suits and bow ties invaded and trashed New York Market and the other store, demanding the businesses stop selling liquor to African Americans.

Police are trying to positively identify the suspects from the vandalism incidents, but believe


that Muslims associated with Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland were involved. So far, no arrests have been made.

Abdul Saleh, the owner of San Pablo Market said Monday he is still concerned about last week's vandalism. News about the fire makes him absolutely nervous, he said.

``I'm worried,'' Saleh said. ``The police should do something about it and find out who did it.''

The Yemini American Grocery Association share his sentiments. The association represents about 300 store owners in Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond and is encouraging authorities to step up their investigation.

Mohamad Saleh Mohamad, president of the association said that the owners of New York Market just purchased the business and were making plans to renovate. He was unaware if the business was having financial problems.

``It's frustrating that it's taking so long to get the folks caught on videotape apprehended,'' said Mohamad Saleh Mohamad. ``Merchants feel unstable and are unsure how to react or what kind of support they can get.''

Staff writer Cecily Burt contributed to this report

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