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C.Schwab: Senator Bennett's favorite constituent,Patrick Byrne buys Yahoo for cyberfraud

by Tony Ryals (ncanscam [at]
Just as he apparently bought Senator Bennett to tout Global Links penny stock fraud as a victim of 'naked shorting',and to insinuate his stock was the victim of some 'Sith Lord',( I kid you not,do google search) who has been 'naked shorting' it,Patrick Byrne and his daddy Jack's economic clout appears to buy Yahoo collusion as well.
Senator Bennett's favorite constituent,Patrick Byrne buys Yahoo for cyberfraud

Yahoo automatically either deletes your email account or gives your messages to the crooks.Who knows ? And the alias 'ftd_is_a_crime' who threatened my life as well as 'mhelburn',or 'Mary Campbell Helburn', president of, who makes fraudulent claims about naked shorting and 'rev_jim_jones_lives' and all the other aliases related to Bob O'Brien's and Patrick Byrne's and Yahoo OSTK and nfi 'message boards' maintain free reign.Why ?

Just as he apparently bought Senator Bennett to tout Global Links penny stock fraud as a victim of 'naked shorting',and to insinuate his stock was the victim of some 'Sith Lord',( I kid you not,do google search) who has been 'naked shorting' it,Patrick Byrne and his daddy Jack's economic clout appears to buy Yahoo collusion as well.

Senator Bennett can deny all he likes about not receiving favors from this lying and maybe even dangerous son of insurance billionaire Jack Byrne, but Patrick and Jack Byrne did indeed add at least one million dollars to Republican Bush election coffers by funding an entire anti-John Edwards campaign with their,( or shareholders own money). Byrne money also flowed to fund Swift Boat Captains Against Kerry.

I have received threats as I explain below from the very stock mafia Patrick Byrne funds as well.He placed a $100,000 ad along with his anonymous buddy who uses alias 'Bob O'Brien' and lied to his own shareholders about how he met this internet con artist and cyber terrorist.

He also uses a fraudulent claim that is a victim of 'naked shorting' rather than the bad and deceptive management under his 'control'.You may do a google search,'tony cabby guatemala machete' to see the kind of people Senator Bennett coddles and aids and abets.Senator Bennett should ask his colleague Patrick Byrne to stop funding an anonymous penny stock mafia on the internet and on Yahoo who issue anonymous death threats to his critics. You can find much of the details by doing a search 'ryals' r on utah.indymedia or other indymedia sites.

All of this fraud is the result of a penny stock I bought through Charles Schwab in 2001 that Charles Schwab's Alma Mater Stanford and its researchers Heeschen and Cooke made a substantial sum from the illegal pump and dump of called Endovasc.Charles Schwab as I have already documented here and on the link below continues to protect these 'select clients' even though they are probably involved with and 'Bob O'Brien'.In fact I suspect James Dale Davidson who promoted Endovasc through his Agora Inc. of Baltimore and was a major shareholder in the fraud and also founder of far right National Taxpayers Union is behind and its secret Wells Fargo Bank account in San Diego.

Mary Helburn even acknowledges having a Schwab account on Yahoo's NFI message board and continues to promote penny stock frauds and tout NFI there.Thanks Charles Schwab for supporting and profiting from cyberfraud and cyberterrorism just like Yahoo.(Do google search 'mary helburn ncans ohio' and 'mary helburn nfi los altos madison county' , to get an idea of the death threat frauds I'm involved with .)

Tony Ryals

repost from message board :

The power of the Yahoo,Ragingbull cybfraud mafia....
By Patrick Byrne buys Yahoo on 11/13/2005 2:36:40 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)

Note the message below from alias 'tammythumb',no doubt part of 'Bob O'Brien's' and Patrick Byrne's cybberfraud operation,from Yahoo's OSTK message board.

That message was the last on the board to be posted until I posted my brief opinion at approximately 1:00 PM.

What I noted was that the 'the' in his,her,or its email was just like that of Dave Patch's 'teh' of and it really does remind me of the way an uneducated mafiosi would speak.I don't believe I even said that though,I only noted the similarirty to Dave Patch's aliases posting on the boards,particularly on the Jag Media Holdings
or jagh 'message' board as well as on

Now note when I returned only a short while after and looked my message had disappeared and only the message below was in its place.I noted that all my messages have been deleted and this alias,'mesohornioma' knew it immediately and was celebrating the fact as if he,she,it was responsible.

Yahoo automatically either deletes your email account or gives your messages to the crooks.Who knows ? And the alias 'ftd_is_a_crime' who threatened my life as well as 'mhelburn',or 'Mary Campbell Helburn', president of, who makes fraudulent claims about naked shorting and 'rev_jim_jones_lives' and all the other aliases related to Bob O'Brien's and Patrick Byrne's and Yahoo OSTK and nfi 'message boards' maintain free reign.Why ?

Can anyone guess whether the ncans mafia complained to Yahoo that fast(about nothing) or could it be they have themselves a direct control over Yahoo's boards by another means and are able to over ride even the need to bribe or complain to Yahoo and delete and censor who they like.

What I particularly don't like about this very sick cyberfraud and stock fraud game Bob O'Brien Patrick Byrne are playing is deletion of my accounts,and possibly reading my emails for all I know.

And it goes without sayiing but I will again,the SEC does nothing.Also I never see individual SEC officials email addresses publically available and when an alias has in the past posted them and I have tried to communicate with that person or official at SEC,I GET AN AUTOMATIC COMPUTER GENERATED REJECTION OF THE EMAIL I SENT.How do these crooks get those email addresses in the first place ?

Email address for Naked Shorting!
by: tammythumb 11/13/05 10:03 am
Msg: 48578 of 48580

The person most suredly responsible for regulation SHO is Annette Nazareth. Ms. Nazareth became director of the division of market regulation in March of 1999 and was part of the evaluation team that received over 300 comment letters pertaining to naked shorting abuses during teh open comment period for the 1999 Concept release on Short sale reforms. Nazareth directed her team in what to da and was Director of market reg at teh time SHO was released. hersidekick was James Brigagliano who has responded to all Congressman pertaining to requests on naked shorting.

These two can be reached at:
nazaretha (at)
brigaglianoj (at)

As for Chris Cox; he can be reached at;
coxc (at) or
chairmanoffice (at)

The SEC has a seperate Inspector generals Office that resides at the SEC but does not report to the SEC. The head of teh office is walter Stachnik and he is well aware of this issue. Well aware!

They can be reached at:
oig (at)
stachnikw (at)

All correspondence to these individuals must have your state
regulator on Distribution. Go to to get to your State

If you want to fight back, these people need to hear your message as does your state regulator. We are told the State Regulators are hearing the message loud and clear. We simply need to keep up teh pressure.

buh-bye, tony
by: mesohornioma (56/F/Late Night Lawyer commerc) 11/13/05 01:14 pm
Msg: 48580 of 48580


Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Yahoo protects stock mafia death threats

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