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Schwarzenegger Is Shrimp Toast, Aloha!

by Jamie Court via Huffington Post (reposted)
woke this morning at 5:50 am to some low level cries of my two year old son. When I rubbed his back, said "It's okay," and put him back to sleep, I felt deep in my bones the world was a little better after Arnold Schwarzenegger's Goliath-like collapse in yesterday's special election.
The LA TImes online banner headline describing Schwarzenegger's defeat read like my toddler's vocabulary: "No,No,No,No,No,No, No,No"
Around mid night last night I watched the final returns show Schwarzenegger lose all 6 ballot measures he backed in the special election he called as I drank Mai Tais with the California Nurses at their Trader Vics' "Aloha Arnold" Lua. Schwarzenegger had spun survival from the jaws of defeat for the cameras earlier, before the final tally was in, on the other side of the Beverly Hilton. When the nurses watched unionbusting Prop 75 fall from 50% support to 49.9% we finally tore into the roasted suckling pig with the face of Arnold's corporate donors on it that had been layed out all night under the "Aloha Arnold" banner in anticipation of Arnold's sendoff. The nurses in their aloha scrubs and money leis celebrated after walking precincts that day. And after kicking the butt of the Governor who publicly called them special interests about a year ago and said then he was giving them a butt kicking. As California Nurses leader Rose Ann Demoro told her troops, "The shoe's now on the other foot."

Schwarzenegger's fall from grace and his disgrace in yesterday's extra California election could be a rallying cry for progressives across the nation to seize on the populist anger at the arrogance of power that Arnold initially exploited for his own ends. If progressives look closely at last night's Schwarzenegger slaying, they could topple Goliaths of all kinds that threaten their mores, their money, their planet, and sometimes their lives. Arnold rose and fell based on the power of populism he stold from progressives who have been happier in their arm chairs than putting their ideas on ballots for the people to vote on. The nurses, cops, teachers, and firefighters beat Arnold by displaying their humanity. By showing they were the true action heroes that protected the public and they had the right to organize for unity through unions, to stop Schwarzenegger's budget power grabs for the rich and wealthy, and to be represented by a system of checks and balances not merely a celebrity with a grudge and 70 million in corporate cash. And they could only do it by putting aside their grudges and working togther. Sure they spent a lot of money on tv, but they proved once and for all the public doesn't buy Schwarzenegger's notion that working people are special interests.

What's next after the luau? The hardwork of keeping unity among progressives and forcing Democrats to advance an agenda that deals with the public's real anger. The need for getting money out of politics and public financing of elections. The lack of universal health coverage and high cost of health care. Gas prices. The real problem with public education. Last night I did a see a wherewolf howl over pina coladas at trader vic's. It was the heart and soul of progressive populism coming back to life.
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by Hahahahahaha----I love it!
It's always nice to see the right wing, big business agenda fail, in spite of the hundreds nof millions.....What a waste of money that could have been used to help someone...
by Becky Johnson
Governor Schwarzenegger should be humbled by this. He has run rough-shod through his office, bypassing the usual way our electeds deal with the budget and the law.

He got his comeuppance yesterday for sure!!

Too bad he wasted another $80 million dollars that Californians don't have to spare. My guess is that he will take it out on the school system and I can kiss goodbye ever earning a living wage doing the work of educating California's public school children.

How about legalizing marijuana and taxing it? That ought to balance the budget in 6 months!!
by kept their rights somewhat intact
for now. Prop. 73 did not pass. Thank God. I was extremely relieved this morning- but it was close. Cali is not a safe state for reproductive/abortion rights...We beat this one back, but I'm sure there's some pretty ugly stuff that will come up.
by cheering for?
How pathetic that we complacent americans clap and cheer when politicians craft a multi-million dollar political aussault weapon but fail to hit their mark.
Its like being in prison and cheering when the guards decide not to beat you.

by not a sour puss
let people feel good for a victory they have achieved for one day at least. damn. no one is claiming that the revolution has been won.

to follow your metaphor a little more closely, the prison guards have been indeed been beating inmates for some time now. more and more inmates are getting beaten and the beatings themselves have been getting worse. yesterday, the inmates pushed back and the progression of worse and worse beatings has been stopped, at least for the time being. that IS something to cheer about, and something to take forward as the inmates move on to future battles.
by slam dunk
to all future politicians that want to have a "special election". Never again will they try to waste so much money in an arrogant power grab. Arnie, the schoolyard bully, can go back to school and do his homework now. 2006 is looking much better now.
As a young woman beginning a career in education I hear people comment, you must love children and education. I have to say that all teachers have already encountered numerous obstacles. To become a teacher the obstacles are a series of testing programs that only allows the capable become teachers. For Arnolds information teachers are the lowest paid and having in mind we educate the country we should be making more. We do it for love; therefore we do not need to go to work at schools and feel intimidated or scared since a school is not a war zone. I am glad his propositions are a NO, NO …
by Daniel
It was only about a year ago that Schwarzenegger arrogantly boasted that he could put down the nurses. He said, "I kick their butts every day!"

A classic example of arrogance. The nurses helped lead the fight against Arnie. And this is the result. So much for Arnie's boasting.
by PiratePrentice
Schadenfreude: German noun Joy in the misfortune of others -

Way to Arnie, I haven't felt this much schadenfreude, since G. Bush Sr. threw up on the Japanese trade delegation.

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