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Indybay Feature

11/4/05 - More Pictures from Fresno Police Raid on a Tower District home

by upton sinclair (irlandeso [at]
This is more pictures and follow up on a raid that I witnessed on a Tower District home on the morning of Friday November 4th.
The police raided the home without a search warrant, without warning the neighbors, and while high school students were walking to their high school only 2 blocks away. The police claim that the raid was part of their anti-gang crackdown, and that they were able to invade the neighborhood and raid the home based on falty information that placed a "gang member" there.
Looks like a Captain on the far left, and a Lieutenant and Sergeant on the right.
By asking all the questions that he wants her to ask, and none of the questions that she should be asking as a so called "reporter".
After listening to him a bit and taking pictures of the press conference that he was having with the media's help; I decided to ask them if they had a search warrant for invading the house. The Sergeant said that they didn't, and I asked him if they had search warrants for the other houses that they raided recently in their "war on gangs". He said that they didn't and tried to explain that they didn't need a search warrant, and then the embedded reporters turned on me and told me to shut him cause it was their press conference.
Asking for the communities help because the 200 police officers and the SWAT team can't find the people that they want the most. Even though they say that they have good intelligence and can find the so called "gang members" responsible for the violence in our community.
§A reflection on the raid...
by upton sinclair (irlandeso [at]
If only the police would pay more attention to what it says on the back of the animal control vehicles; instead of going into peoples neighborhoods and homes with grenades exploding, and trigger fingers eagerly awaiting a fire fight.
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by ?
Who's dog was it? Did the corporate media say anything about the dog?
by JD
The police need to look into "Peace Fresno" This group supports terrorists, criminals, child molesters --> (FSO caught one a few years back but dropped charges, yeah you know who you are) and any other scum in Fresno.
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