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Indybay Feature

11/7-25: Sacred Site/Shellmound Peace Walk

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Beginning at Sogorea-Te' Shellmound-Glen Cove (Vallejo, CA) traveling
through the Bay Area
ending at the Emeryville Huchium Shellmound (Bay Street Mall)
Sacred Site/Shellmound Peace Walk
sponsored by Indian People Organizing for Change (IPOC) and SSP&RIT
November 7-25, 2005

Beginning at Sogorea-Te' Shellmound-Glen Cove (Vallejo, CA) traveling
through the Bay Area
ending at the Emeryville Huchium Shellmound (Bay Street Mall)

Itinerary: Sogorea-Te' Shellmound-Glen Cove / Pt. Pinole / El Cerrito /
Oakland / Hayward / Tuibun Shellmound-Coyote Hills / Fremont / Alson
Shellmound-Alviso / San Jose / Urebure Shellmound-Mt. St. Bruno /
Amuctec-Tubsinta-Hunters Pt. / West Petlenuc Shellmound-Sutro Baths /
Petlenuc-Crissy Field SF / East Petlenuc-Aquatic Park to Alcatraz Island
/ Huchiun Shellmound-Emeryville

Indian People Organizing for Change along with Vallego
Intertribal/SSP&RIT invites all to join in a journey of walk and prayer
to remember our ancestors that lived on this land for thousands of
years. The walk will be lead by traditional Native American leaders amd
Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhists. We will walk and pray with our ancestors in
areas where shellmounds and sacred sites have been desecrated by

Needed for the walk:
* Bring a good attitude
* Please bring your own utensils, bowl, plate and cup. Sleeping bag and
small tent if you have one (we will be camping at least one or two
nights). Clothes for all types of weather, including rain gear. Money
for Alcatraz Ferry on Thanksgiving morning $16-$18 and any other
incidentals that you may need.

For more information contact:
Corrina Gould at 510-453-9002
Johnella Sanchez at 510-772-8332
or email:
shellmoundwalk at
savetheshellmounds at
or sfbayshellmounds at

IPOC and Vallejo Intertribal are nonprofits, all donations are
appreciated and tax-deductible.
No alcohol or drugs.

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by Francisco Da Costa (frandacosta [at]
On behalf of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe we would like to thank all the Shellmound Peace Walkers for visting San Francisco and paying their respects to the Shellmounds.

The Shellmounds are Sacred Burial Grounds and we have many in the Bay Area.

In San Francisco we had two very large Shellmounds at Hunters Point that were completely destroyed by the United States Navy.

We have a large Shellmound that is NOT protected near the Cliff House and under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. The NPS motto is Preservation and Protection.

At the Presidio of San Francisco there are several Shellmounds. One is on Crissy Field which I helped preserve. Shellmounds are Sacred and the land on which the Ohlone are buried should be respected. I find it difficult to understand why some folks will disrespect the Burial Sites of other tribes, the First People just because they do not see some sort of monument or grave sign as do many Western grave sites.

Once again I want to thank the Shellmound Peace Walkers and all the organizations and people that supported this movement.

Espanola Jackson and I, Francisco Da Costa that represent the Muwekma Ohlone have participated in a few ceremonies as part of this Sacred Walk and appreciate the sincere movement to bring this important issue to the front door and open windows so that many may fully understand that for over 13,000 years the Ohlone were living all over the Bay area and beyond.

Thank you for your sacrifice and love. I have met you all and have felt your love. Today, you have taken a stand to make this world a better place.

The Muwekma Ohlone were placed on the Federal Register until 1927. Then they were illegally removed from the Federal Register by L.A. Dorrington a corrupt and ill informed Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent. Today, the Muwekma Ohlone is in Court trying to reaffirm the rights that were once their legally. This battle has cost the Muwekma a lot of pain and money to restore what was theirs, the right to their land, the language, the culture, the spirituality, and most importantly respect for the Elders.

The City and County of San Francisco has 3 Resolutions signed by the Mayors of San Francisco and affirmed by the SF Board of Supervisors stating that the Muwekma Ohlone are the First People of San Francisco. This is a step in the right direction. How ever, the Muwekma should have their own land right here in San Francisco and that is the crux of the issue at hand.

Towards this end the Muwekma exercised their Right of First Refusal on all military, Base Closure properties at the Presidio of San Francisco, Hunters Point, Oakland Army Base, Alameda, and so forth.

Ownership would have come fast if the United States Congress put the Muwekma Ohlone on the Federal Register. The Department of Interior and the Bureau of Indian Affairs could help - but refuse to do so. They fear the implications of their mistakes.

The Shellmounds are Sacred Burial Grounds that should be respected by all. Today, this is NOT the case and the Shellmound Peace Walk has tried to educate and inform many. Kudos to you all. Aho

Francisco Da Costa
Espanola Jackson
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