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Foothill Anti-Capitalist Action Committee Shuts Down Military Recruiters by Default

by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
The Foothill Anti-Capitalist Action Committee <i>spread the word</i> of a protest on November 1, 2005 against the military recruiters who table in the quad every Tuesday at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California. However on this Tuesday, the military recruiters failed to show up. It looks like the military learned about the protest and thought it would be a better idea to stay away from it, rather than be the focus of the demonstration.
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About 15 people marched from the
Smithwick Theater plaza to the quad where people eat lunch and take breaks between classes. A lot of people were very supportive of the demonstration, which included a mobile sound system.
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Who's In Charge? Nobody's In Charge
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§Military Recruiters are Opposed
by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
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(1:25 minutes / 1 MB)
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§Interview with James, Greg and Megan
by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
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Students at Foothill College who oppose the military on their campus (11:08 minutes / 5.1 MB)
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by Mr. Democracy
Why in the world would you want to do anything to stop the Military from recruiting educated Men and Women for the Armed Forces of this great country.

The Military is what protects us from the terrorists and islamic animals that want to deny rigths to women and anyone else that doesn't subscribe to this backward and barbaric religion.

You should be welcoming recruiters and thanking those brave enough to join. This country was founded with the blood of brave men and women, they should be honored and celebrated, not shouted at and turned away.

Remember, the only thing keeping this country safe is a strong military, which by the way is really the only job for the federal government (provide for a common defense). So stop protesting and start celebrating our US armed forces, they are brave, compassionate, and the best in the world.
by Mr. Dumbocracy, just like Steve
How about this anti-muslim bigotry:"islamic animals that want to deny rigths to women and anyone else that doesn't subscribe to this backward and barbaric religion."

He Mr. D?? what about the US armed forces that rape and torture--oh then it's OK?
by Mr. Democracy
Don't buy into that anti-military propoganda. No one in the military condonse supports or tolerates rape or any other criminal activity. Contrary to some unfounded statements, those incidents are very low and when anything happens, the UCMJ is tougher on offenders than civil law is.

So again, the military is a shining example of good and should be supported. And can you tell me that islam doesn't preach hate, and intolerance, and the oppression of women. You can't.
by no heroes save ourselves
> No one in the military condonse supports or tolerates rape or any other criminal activity.

Oh please. Wake up, will you? That's just ignorant.

>And can you tell me that islam doesn't preach hate, and intolerance, and the oppression of women. You can't.

Actually, most muslims don't preach or practice anything of the sort, just like most christians, jews, buddhists, and so on. That being said, most organized religions have a spotty at best history when it comes to tolerance of people who don't adhere to their creed.

Nevertheless, is it the intolerance of fundamentalists that you have a problem with, or muslims? It sure sounds like the latter from this side of the wire.

by no heroes save ourselves this:

Five US marines have been detained in the Philippines, accused of raping a local woman.

The woman, 22, was allegedly raped by troops who were in the Philippines for joint military exercises.

Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo said he was "deeply concerned" about the claims, and the US embassy in Manila said it took the report very seriously.

Analysts say the incident could fuel local opposition to America's military presence in the Philippines.

US troops often take part in counter-terrorism training in the country, together with Filipino soldiers.

According to the French news agency AFP, the Subic Bay authority said the alleged victim had been visiting a karaoke bar when she met the five men, on 1 November.

They had then reportedly invited her to get into a rented van with them.

A few hours later, witnesses said they saw the woman being dumped from the van into a road.

"The perpetrators of this heinous crime shall be brought to justice," said Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo.

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by Mr. Democracy
Come on, one example of rape. I never said crimes don't occur, but I am sure that those accused marines will be treated harsher than in any civilian court. Also, on that same day, how many rapes do you think happened outside of the military, I would bet alot.

Remember, the military thrives on discipline and order. As a Marine, I can tell you that honor, faith in God, and allegiance to country are the things that are important to Military people. Are there dirt bags that get into the military, sure, just like everywhere else in the world. But once found out they are dealt with accordingly.

So again, I would suggest you honor and thank the military, they risk their lives everyday for you and me to protect us, and they deserve your support.
by no heroes save ourselves
>Come on, one example of rape. I never said crimes don't occur, but I am sure that those accused marines will be treated harsher than in any civilian court. Also, on that same day, how many rapes do you think happened outside of the military, I would bet alot.

OK then. What about Tailhook? What about Abu Gharab? I trust you see my point. You painted the military as being beyond reproach, now prove it.
by c'mon no heroes......
Mr. Democracy can't prove his assertions. Everytime he gets backed into a corner he disappears or changes the subject....
by no heroes save ourselves
>Mr. Democracy can't prove his assertions. Everytime he gets backed into a corner he disappears or changes the subject....

Interesting that someone who is so unabashedly pro-military runs the moment things get hot, no? Let's see what he does.
by Mr. Democracy
Prove what? That the military is full of honorable professionals that are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect your freedom. I think history has done that. Prove that the military treats crime within very harshly, ask anyone ever accused and committed of a crime in the military, the Uniform Code of Military Justice is much harsher and does not guarentee the same rights a civilian court does.

As far as iraq goes, what was done in to iraqi prisoners was nothing more than humiliation. For anyone to make more of that is just crazy, it is like saying the sky is falling. And what happened to those who made prisoners pose naked or walk on a leashs (all, effective and non lethal means designed to break people down for interrogation by the way and alot nicer than what is done by the enemy) the people responsible have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail. What more do you want? If you ask me, these people should not have been punished at all, but just my opinion.

As far as tailhook, you have to go back that far to find something to support your alligation of lawlessness, that is stretching it. Besides, all it ever turned out to be was a drunken party where both men and women acted poorly. And again, those responsible for being drunk and embarrassing the military saw their careers end. So again more accountability. Honor is a very prized commodity in the Military and wants it is tarnished you are over.

As far as the Marines in the Phillipines, if they did rape this woman, than they will be punished very harshly, many years of hard prison time, again, we don't have bleeding hearts running the military prisons, so you can be assured they will pay their dues.

But hey, they could always get a good lawyer and they could be proven innocent also, it happens, remember OJ Simpson and Robert Blake.

Now to change the subject if you really are looking to expand womens rights then you should support the Military. Promotions are based on performance and women have been given greater roles than ever before. The fact is, the Military is great at forcing social change, just look at blacks and military integration, was ahead of its time. And remember, when America goes off to these crazy islamic countries and throws out these horriblely oppressive regimes, women end up with more rights. So again support your military, thank god you live in the greatest country ever.

Mr. Democracy
by Mr. Democracy
Prove what? That the military is full of honorable professionals that are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect your freedom. I think history has done that. Prove that the military treats crime within very harshly, ask anyone ever accused and committed of a crime in the military, the Uniform Code of Military Justice is much harsher and does not guarentee the same rights a civilian court does.

As far as iraq goes, what was done in to iraqi prisoners was nothing more than humiliation. For anyone to make more of that is just crazy, it is like saying the sky is falling. And what happened to those who made prisoners pose naked or walk on a leashs (all, effective and non lethal means designed to break people down for interrogation by the way and alot nicer than what is done by the enemy) the people responsible have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail. What more do you want? If you ask me, these people should not have been punished at all, but just my opinion.

As far as tailhook, you have to go back that far to find something to support your alligation of lawlessness, that is stretching it. Besides, all it ever turned out to be was a drunken party where both men and women acted poorly. And again, those responsible for being drunk and embarrassing the military saw their careers end. So again more accountability. Honor is a very prized commodity in the Military and wants it is tarnished you are over.

As far as the Marines in the Phillipines, if they did rape this woman, than they will be punished very harshly, many years of hard prison time, again, we don't have bleeding hearts running the military prisons, so you can be assured they will pay their dues.

But hey, they could always get a good lawyer and they could be proven innocent also, it happens, remember OJ Simpson and Robert Blake.

Now to change the subject if you really are looking to expand womens rights then you should support the Military. Promotions are based on performance and women have been given greater roles than ever before. The fact is, the Military is great at forcing social change, just look at blacks and military integration, was ahead of its time. And remember, when America goes off to these crazy islamic countries and throws out these horriblely oppressive regimes, women end up with more rights. So again support your military, thank god you live in the greatest country ever.

Mr. Democracy
by no heroes save ourselves
>As far as iraq goes, what was done in to iraqi prisoners was nothing more than humiliation. < Any thorough reading of the mainstream press will tell you that we've only seen the tip of the iceburg.

Look, the military does *not* protect my freedom. It may protect *your* freedom -- although somehow I doubt it, unless you're the wealthiest troller to ever hit indybay. What the military does do is protect US *interests* -- AKA corporate interests, or when the state department pulls out its PR machine, "our way of life." It's brainwashing, pure and simple. You're being duped. Sorry. Or do you think that the Soviet Union and China are the only superpowers to ever have engaged in mass propoganda?

Question: have you served in the military? I think its important to distinguish pride in your service -- which after all, you were told from day one was to "protect our freedoms" -- and the reality of the situation, which is anything but that. It may be a hard reality to face -- but trust me, you'll be the better for it.
by Mr. Democracy
Like any good American, I joined the Marine Corps to give back to my Country. After six good years of service, during the first Gulf War I moved on to other interests.

And yes they do protect your freedom. If not for the Military you would not have the freedom to be critical of this country. If you lived in Red China, you would be sent to prison or executed, same with Cuba, and several other countries. What keeps you free, is a mighty military that keeps our enemies at bay. Remember those animals that killed 3000 on 9/11, they thought a woman had no place to work, speak in public, vote or do anything other than serve as a slave, that is the kind of crap we are fighting against in the Middle East.

You can try and fight it all you want, but the bottom line is, you would not enjoy the kinds of freedoms you get in this Great Country anywhere else in the world. So say you disagree with policies all you want, but don't paint the men and women of the military or the military itself in a negative light, it just isn't warranted. A little respect and appreciation is more in order.

As for thinking and not being brainwashed, I think you should look in the Mirror, this is the Greatest Country in the world, are their problems that need to be addressed of course. But by god, in this country it is ok to try and fix them. And enough with all this corporate bashing, what do you think has brought us so much progress in the last 100 years, the developments of Corporatge America, not to mention all the charitable good deeds they do. So stop thinking in terms of black helicopters and the US working for a select few, the truth is, this country is run by Americans. Every two years we have elections for congress and every four years for the President, if things are out of whack, people can always vote new people in.

The fact is, people voted for Bush and they voted for a Republican Majority in Congress, they have since 1994, so until someone makes a good arguement that a change is needed, it will probably continue to be controlled by Republicans. And they will probably continue to demand that Recruiters have access to High Schools and Colleges, so good people can be recruited to serve our Country. If this is offensive to you, try and get the votes to change it.

And finally, the prison "abuses" in Iraq again pale in comparrison to what is done to our POWS, last time I checked we don't cut heads off. We humilaite sexest muslims, that is not inhumane torture, that is called dopping them down a peg or two.

So think about what I said, and wake up already.
by Houston Chronicle
WASHINGTON - For the first time in his presidency a majority of Americans question the integrity of President Bush, and growing doubts about his leadership have left him with record negative ratings on the economy, Iraq and even the war on terrorism, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

On virtually every key measure of presidential character and performance, the survey found that Bush has never been less popular with the American people.

Currently 39 percent approve of the job he is doing as president, the lowest level of approval ever recorded for Bush in Post-ABC polls.

Bush has always retained majority support on his handling of the U.S. campaign against terrorism — until now: 51 percent disapprove.

The CIA leak case has apparently contributed to a withering decline in how Americans view Bush personally.

The survey found that 40 percent view him as honest and trustworthy — a 13 percentage point drop in the past 18 months.

Nearly six in 10 — 58 percent — said they had doubts about Bush's honesty.

This is the first time in his presidency that more than half the country has questioned his integrity.
by Mr. Democracy
I guess Bush now knows how Clinton must have felt during his whole 8 years in office when no one trusted him for lying. At least Bush is an honest man and has nothing to worry about, so I am sure the poll numbers aren't bothering him. He will bounce back and his administration will continue to do good things for this country.
by change mr. dumbocracy's diaper
it's very smelly again.

someone. please.
Nearly six in 10 Americans, 58%, said they had doubts about the president's honesty, a 13% rise in 18 months. Only 32% believed Bush was handling ethical issues well, a significantly worse score than Bill Clinton achieved in his last scandal-besmirched year in office. His overall popularity has plunged to 39%, a new low for the Washington Post/ABC survey.

Bush is no more popular in Argentina, where a protest by several thousand demonstrators turned ugly. In the coastal city of Mar del Plata, where he is attending a regional summit, protesters set fire to a bank, looted stores and battled riot police.

Earlier, the tone was struck by the former football star Diego Maradona, who wore a "Stop Bush" T-shirt to an anti-Bush "counter-summit" that drew about 4 000 protesters from around the world and easily eclipsed the official summit in the public's attention. "I'm proud as an Argentine to repudiate the presence of this human trash, George Bush," said Maradona.

Maradona's anti-Bush sentiment was replicated across a country driven to a near standstill by tens of thousands of people angry at the Iraq war and the US president's push for a region-wide free trade deal. Hospital and subway workers went on strike in Buenos Aires.

by Mr. Democracy
Well I guess I am wrong, if a very small criminal element in Argentina decided to use his visit to rampage and loot and riot and destroy things, then I guess Bush must be a bad guy. Hell, they are rioting in France too, maybe that is because Bush is a bad guy also....Common, how can you tolerate or support lawless thugs destroying a country, peoples property and assaulting law enforcement and citizens. Those people should be ashamed, it makes argentina look like a third world country. I saw a lot of interviews with people in that country that were embarassed and humiliated at the violent and out of control actions of such a small minority.

It is no different than the trash at the WTO conference in Seattle, you get some doped up loosers that stand for nothing and love to be high and destroy things because they can't think for themselves and are so easily manipulated by the last thing they read or are told, they then go off and do stupid things that hurt good people and companies. And yes, McDonalds, Starbucks, and all the other Corporations that provide millions of jobs, benefits and untold good to the world are good companies.

So I would say, the rioting in Argentina is nothing more than what it was, an explosion of the criminal element that was an embarrasment for the rest of Argentina.
by McDonalds?
You're serious, man? I suggest you read Fast Food Nation by Eric Shlosser. You'll get acquanted with how that company exploits minority laborers working for it at minimum wages, abysmally neglecting safety concernes, mistreating the workers at its chains, being sloppy about sanitary both at factories and chains, serving up feces' laced burgers, etc. Not to mention that it contributes mainly nutrient lacking, health damaging junk food to the world. And this is a mere synopsis.

In the sum total, such a company can't be considerd good. The faster fast food outlets like Mc, Burger King and all the others go bankrupt, the better off the health of countles people the world over will be.
by Mr. Democracy
First, McDonalds and the like are great companies. Anyone that applies themselves can make a good living and there is an opportunity for career possibilities through the management program. In fact, I paid my way through college working nights at a Burger King. So don't give me any bull about it being bad for its workers.

Second, McDonalds and others provide millions in charitable contributions and untold amounts of tax money, so again, they are a huge positive factor in alot of communities. In fact, in my old town, we had the highest sales tax per capita in the county because of all the fast food places. And its tax dollars that pay for all those freeloading programs like Welfare, food stamps and other programs.

And finally, I love my number 2, a quarter pounder with cheese meal, and I like the ability to buy it anywhere in the freakin country and know it will be the exact same thing. And for obesity and health issues, no one is telling anyone to eat there 3 times a day, every day, people need to be responsible for their own choices. Nothing I like more after driving my SUV through the woods hunting and four wheeling than going to McDonalds and getting something supersized.

So, yes I like McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wal Mart, and all the other Companies that have made food and consumer goods cheap and readily available.
by Good for you, but...
Sir, it's lovely to hear the positive experiences you and your old town enjoyed due to faast food outlets. And I certainly agree with your right to enjoy all the fast food items you crave.

But alas, others have been much less fortunate than you due to fast food companies, either in factories (coming down with diseases, losing limbs or lives) or at the outlets (being cheated out of due salaries, taken advantage of...), and the book I cited provides proof that you can't shot down no matter what you say. So I definitely will confuse you with pertinent facts, like it or not.

As for people consuming fast food items, it's also a fact that many social-economically poor people have little choice but frequently eat the junk sold in McDonald's and the others. This isn't something you can just dismiss with a "to hell with them and their problem" statement. Secondly, children gave been aggressively targeted in commercial campaigns by these companies, and many parents end up being swayed one way or another by their children's pleas to eat out there often, which is one more issue you can't casually dismiss. Your view of the issue is simplistic and doesn't cut it - the problem is not about people like you.

And no offense, but ultimately, most people, given the right education, would care more about making heathier food choices and frequenting a fast food establishment far less than you appear to opt for.
As far as cheap, outside of the 3rd world cheap food is mostly healthully inferior and/or detrimental. We'll have gone a long way toward health if a way is found to trim down the costs of healthier foods.
by Mr. Democracy
Many, many people, the vast majority probably have the same positive experiences I have. Your problem with McDonalds just comes from the fact that it is a Corporation and as such is somehow evil. Face it corporations have done a lot of great things.

As far as eating healthy, who are you to decide who eats what, if people are stupid enough to eat McDonalds day and night, than they probably will get sick. But come on, you can say the same for any food item.

I never once saw a McDonalds commercial that said eat us 24 hours a day, and if parents are too lazy to make good food for their kids that is the parents fault not McDonalds, and besides, those poor parents shouldn't be eating out anyway, it costs too much money, they should be more frugal and eat at home, and save some money to better their lives.

Stop blaming others for problems that people create on their own.
by mr. dumbocracy
now he's here to tell us what to eat.

get that big government off our back, mr dumbocracy, the corporations want ot stand there!!
by Nazi Shmazi
No dear psychic, my issues with McDonald's and most other fast food corps. aren't because they're corporations. Your feeble attempt to imply I'm some sort of anti-corporations leftist just won't fly because I'm pretty far from answering to that definition.

If some folks eat mainly or frequently at these chains and then fall back on Medicare and the like when they come down with chronic diseases, then all other Americans have every right to demand nutritional accountability from these companies. No one should have to foot the bill for treating these "stupid" people with their taxes. Instead, let McDonald's et al introduce adequate nutritional improvements to their fare that maintain the flavors in all the well known "foods" but would be more expensive to them and those patronizing them. (The improvements they've introduced thus far are hardly sufficient.) While such improvements would go a far way to solve much of the problem, it won't be eliminated, for the health compromising qualities of a beverage like Coke for instance simply cannot be vanquished.
And don't compare apples and oranges, like the mostly processed foods sold in McDonald's to just any food item. For example, there's a tremendous gap health-wise between the white flour made buns at fast food establishments and sprouted whole wheat (or rye) breads.

Moving to the fast food commercials, if you've studied or read a bit about how commercials are designed, the issue isn't so much the exact content like the subliminal messages the young viewers are inundated with.

As for problems with parents influencing their kids' nutritional choices properly, many are way too busy working in one job or more just trying to make ends meet to prepare healthier food for the children, so it'd be very strained to claim it's their fault. And what about all those parents who've never gotten the details of nutrition 101 for any number of reasons? These people can't honestly be blaimed for lacking responsibility. Only when said person does have adequate knowledge and fails to use it to their kids' advantage can you blame them of defaulting on exercizing responsible judgement.
by cp
yeah - I grew up where my family's attitude was that eating out was a special thing you do once or twice per month, and even getting school lunch was a treat where we could pick a day off their menu every two weeks. Making lunch was cheaper. However, there are some places where eating fast food is *definitely* cheaper. When I visited my friends in New York, ordinary canned food such as a can of beets or green beans, which isn't that appetizing, was $1.25, and fresh food was typically $3/lb or higher except for many one or two items on the stand.
Go to Safeway, and produce prices will be higher than the price of fast food. A cheeseburger at Burger King is .69 cents, while Safeway will typically have one special fruit item of the week priced at .99cents/lb, and everything else is $1.50/lb. If you are buying your kids each a pear plus a sandwich for lunch, it will be more than burger king burger plus fries. This is doubly true in certain cities.
. . . . to my personal experience growing up in midtown Sacramento in the 1970s

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