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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Call In Days to Stop the Budget Cuts

by Lynda Carson (mbatko [at]
Use the toll free numbers to reach your Representatives 1-800-818-6641 or 1-800-828-0498
No tax cuts for the rich!
Tell your Representatives that all Hou9sing Programs must be fully funded and that you oppose budget cuts to SSI, Foster Care, Food Stamps, Medicare, Children's Programs
Please Forward Far & Wide...


November 1, 2005

If you don't call, who will?

Please take a moment to call your Representatives!

Join us this week to oppose all budget cuts! The
House & Senate are on the verge of looting $50 billion
from existing programs for the poor!

Call Your Representative Now To Say No!

The GOP schemes to loot the nations humanitarian
domestic programs, to cover a $70 billion tax cut for

Join us to oppose the tax cuts and the looting of the
nations domestic programs!

Use the toll free numbers below to reach your
Representatives on Capital Hill!

1/888/818-6641 or 1/800/828-0498

No tax cuts for the rich!

Call Your Representatives Now!

Tell your Representatives that all Housing Programs
must be fully funded, and that you are in opposition
to any budget cuts to SSI, Foster Care, Food Stamps,
Childrens Programs, Medicare etc...

Call Toll Free Now! 1/888/818-6641 or

From, NOW:
Congress to Vote on Budget Cuts

October 28, 2005

On Wednesday, October 26, the President urged Congress
to "push the envelope" and make deep budget cuts in
order to pay for hurricane relief and "show the
American people we’re capable of being wise about the
money and at the same time meet our priorities."

Tell Congress these cuts are not wise and that
reducing human needs programs like foster care, food
stamps and Medicaid are not our priorities.

Committees in both the House and Senate have passed
various versions of a budget reconciliation bill and
votes are likely to occur early in November on both
the House and Senate floor. Members from both parties
are concerned about these cuts and our voices must
support their protests. Our concerns have resonated
and we must continue the pressure.

Send an email to Congress today, demanding that they
not cut aid to the poor, uninsured, hungry and

Click below for links to reach your Representatives...


Thanks to the Bush Regime, the nations Treasury has
been looted because of tax cuts for the rich and an
illegal War in Iraq.

Now the Bush regime plans to loot the nations domestic
programs, to cover more tax cuts for the super rich...

The national debt on November 01:
Your share of the national debt: $26,995.78

More tax cuts for the rich means that your share of
the burden increases...


Update: Republican Reconciliation Package Cuts
Services to Fund Tax Cuts
October 28, 2005 -- The last of the eight House
authorizing committees are completing work today on
reconciliation submissions that will cut spending by a
net total of approximately $50 billion – thus cutting
a number of key services, including Medicaid, student
loans, child support, and food stamps.

Click below to read about the GOP reconciliation
package of budget cuts...

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by jessica guadalupe tovar (jesheekah [at]
Hello Friends & Comrades,

This is it! The HOUSE is voting this THURSDAY & the
SENATE is voting the following week to determine the
fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the
caribou & the Gwichin Indigenous peoples way of life.

I have been volunteering with the Gwichin Steering
Committee doing outreach in Washington DC & in San
Francisco on this issue and we have reached the last
two weeks left to put pressure on our reps. We need
you to do the following:

1) call your local representatives
2 )call Sen McCain Arizona and Sen Snowe Maine and
tell them that you want them to vote against the
"budget reconciliation bill" which includes drilling
in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!
*these two senators are crucial because they are
teetering on thier vote-they both have interest in
running for higher positions ie presidency and so they
want your votes & support in the future!
3) please fwd this email and ask your friends and
family to do the same!

If that is not enough, the budget bill also includes
cuts in education, medicare and welfare-we must put a
stop to this!

for more info on the Gwichin and this issue:

In solidarity,

Jessica Guadalupe Tovar
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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