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Indybay Feature

Is the Creepy Veep's Cabal in its "last throes"?

by DLi
With his chief underling 'Scooter' Libby under the cloud of possible indictment, in addition to numerous financial scandals surrounding his 'old' firm Halliburton, could it be that the slimy Dick's days are finally numbered? Can fair-minded citizens dare to label the Creepy Veep's gang as "dead-enders in their last throes?"
Only time will tell whether the NeoCons in the Bushwhacked regime are losing their dictatorial power. Despite suffering sharp & deserved body blows to their political fortunes(the latest online AOL poll shows that 80%(!) of the public see the Bushed 'pretzeldency' as either a major--72%--or minor failure, the fundamentalist PNAC(Project for the New American Century)clique still possesses immense loyalty from its many ultra-rightwing nuts in the GOP, as well as the infinite war chest of its many complicit corporate supporters...
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