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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

SF: Public Candlelight Vigil & March When 2000th Soldier Dies

by UFPJ-Bay Area
WHAT: Public Candlelight Vigil & March
WHERE: Veterans Building (corner of McAllister & Fulton)
WHEN: 7:00 PM on the evening after the 2,000 soldier falls
Two Thousand Too Many
"Not one more death, not one more dollar for war!"

WHAT: Public Candlelight Vigil & March
WHERE: Veterans Building (corner of McAllister & Fulton)
WHEN: 7:00 PM on the evening after the 2,000 soldier falls

Join all of San Francisco and concerned citizens in cities across the US in a
public candlelight vigil to mourn the loss of the 2,000th US soldier in Iraq.
Two thousand is too many, and we call upon the Bush Administration,
Representative Nancy Pelosi, and all our elected officials to pull our men and
women immediately out of this needless war.

On the evening after the 2,000th death, we will meet at 7:00 PM at the Veterans
Building (corner of McAllister & Fulton) in the city of San Francisco. We will
line up shoulder-to-shoulder along Van Ness Avenue with lit candles for a moment
of silence and reflection. Military veterans and concerned citizens will be
sharing their heartfelt grievances and thoughts on the ongoing war.

After the vigil many mourners will be expressing their righteous outrage by
marching in a "trail of tears" from the Veterans Building to Nancy Pelosi's
house. We will march to call upon Nancy Pelosi to de-fund the war and
call for the troops to come home now to prevent one more death in Iraq.

1,983 soldiers are no longer with us as of October 19, 2005. We all hope that
somehow the 2,000th death will not happen, but are sadly assuming that it will.
To view the most current "official" US military death toll with the names and
details of the dead, please visit the US Government website at -- In addition, UFPJ Bay Area will be
posting information on its website and sending e-mail notification as the date
gets close.

Attendees please bring candles and matches if possible. It is advisable to
protect your candles from the wind using a paper cup or another translucent wind

Sponsored by United for Peace and Justice Bay Area
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by found on afsc website
by Luci
just an observation- it makes UFPJ sound like a secretive organization.
by Ratz
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