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Tonight in Alameda: 'Theft of an Island' (town hall mtg on development)

by repost
I went to the planning board meeting on the Megaplex the other night, and the only people really supporting that thing are the business people and a handful of their friends. Everyone who spoke out against the project was an average resident. One guy who seemed to just be a regular guy supporting the Megaplex, let it slip that he had actually worked on the development of the project! The city officials seem completely bought off. This event seems like a healthy response to the outrageous situation. The project will be right across from a high school - a SIX STORY GARAGE! Someone who was a professional tried to talk about the likely increase in child crimes that will occurr but a Megplex supporter then tried to smear her by saying she was talking about 'mass rapes.' That's the level of this thing, how emotional and extreme this thing is. Someone else got up and corrected that statement, but the wife of the guy who said it was yelling comments in the back.
Alameda: 'Theft of an Island'

October 1st, 2005, 7 to 9 p.m.

Home of Truth Center
1300 Grand Street
Alameda CA 94501

ACTION: Attend the Town Hall Meeting

The Alameda Public Affairs Forum will present a
special Town Meeting on "The Future of Alameda " on
Saturday evening, October 1st, from 7 to 9 PM, at
the Home of Truth, 1300 Grand St., Alameda.

Local Alameda speakers and activists will make
presentations on the "megaplex project", housing,
the future of Measure A, the use of eminent domain,
proposals for the future of Estuary Park, proposed
housing at Alameda Point and problems of
contamination, the Beltline, and the traffic impact
of redevelopment, as well as the proposed Target
store at Southshore.

All are welcome and everyone is encouraged to
participate in the discussion. For further
information, please see the website,, or contact chairperson Dr.
Arthur Lipow at 510-814-9592.

This special Town Meeting will give Alameda
residents who have tried to present their concerns
to the City Council a chance to speak about their
worries and hopes for Alameda.

"It is clear that big changes are in store for
Alameda," said chairperson Dr. Arthur Lipow, "and we
want to make sure that concerned Alamedans have the
opportunity to find out what these changes are and
how they will impact all Alameda residents. We don't
want to see Alameda subjected to the decisions of
irrresponsible developers, whose plans are not in
the best interests of Alameda. Traffic is just one
of our concerns. Cost is another. Using the
undemocratic powers of redevelopment, the City
Council has burdened all tax payers with
indebtedness which benefits only a tiny minority.
Taxpayers ought to have the chance to vote on taxes
that the city is imposing on them, as in the case of
the proposed "megaplex" and other costly changes."

The Alameda Public Affairs Forum presents programs
on issues of local, state and national significance.


Group: Alameda Public Affairs Forum
Email: jrufo [at]
Phone: 510-814-9592

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by repost
Citizens for a Megaplex-Free Alameda


As many of you already know, the Planning Board voted Thursday night to approve the megaplex use permits, with five votes in favor and Gina Mariani abstaining. At the meeting our side was well represented, with many compelling, fact-based arguments. We turned in a unified statement, [view pdf file], with 50 names under it. We raised a number of issues—from the lack of publicity in crucial stages of the project, to safety concerns, to violations of the City's Municipal Code and General Plan. The opposition, after spending thousands of dollars on glossy mailers and advertising in the papers, had a somewhat bigger representation than at the August 16th hearing but still failed to pack the room to the degree our supporters did that night. We firmly believe that the majority of Alamedans would prefer to see a much better alternative than the one in the pipes right now.

The discussion of the Board went along the lines of the extended hours permit, sidestepping all other issues. The final decision was disappointing of course, but hardly unexpected, given the relentlessness with which both Planning Board and City Council have pushed this project through, despite the swell of public opinion against it.

We are just as equally determined to put the project on hold so that a better, smaller alternative can be considered. We are working on many fronts to do that. We invite anyone wishing to see that better alternative come true to get involved by contacting us via email or coming to our meetings. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, October 4, at 7:30 pm. at the Home of Truth, main auditorium, 1300 Grand Avenue. We continue to accept contributions of any amount. Click here [link to donation page] for information on how to donate.

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, and to all who continue to support our cause and work for a superior alternative. We could not have gotten this far without you.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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