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Indybay Feature

Another F**ckup by FEMA live on TV

by CA
People trying to flee hurricane Rita are stuck in traffic, some for over 15 hours, people are running out of gas on the freeways while the southbound lanes are wide open with just a few vehicles on them. Why are not the opposing lanes on the freeway not being opened up to help relieve traffic congestion? All that emergency vehicles need in the southbound lane is perhaps two lanes.

Are we watching another FEMA F**kup in the process? And are we going to watch another catastrophy live on TV?
Are we going to watch these people being caught live in hurricane force winds and perhaps, flood waters?
by Incista
In answer to your question, "Why are not the opposing lanes on the freeway not being opened up to help relieve traffic congestion?"

The answer is, the government is brain dead. Ever since 911, no one has been prosecuted or demoted. Some have been promoted. There is no more initiative, everyone is waiting to be told what to do.

by a US citizen
Now is the time to take up arms. This government who supports a hateful religious right is out of control and needs to be brought back to reality.
No more poverty, no more religious extremism, no more tax dollars being spent on bombs.
Lets do it. At least large scale civil disobedience. We need to get the Feds attention.
And yes this is an example of brain dead shit.
by cp
Here is a study where they were developing models for how many cars could evacuate cities with various conditions such as number of traffic lanes, merging, population size etc.
You can calculate that that many million people cannot feasibly get out on I10 with 20 feet between cars at 20mph or faster
by b
"Now is the time to take up arms. ...........Lets do it. At least large scale civil disobedience. We need to get the Feds attention.
Long live the revolution brother. But how did you go from "taking up arms" (meaning guns) in the first sentence to "at least large scale civil disobedience in the last? Why didn't you sum it up with " Well ok, I'll sit on the side of the road and shake my puny fist at cop cars"? I guess the answer was in your last line.
"And yes this is an example of brain dead shit."
I recall one news report that stated that opposing lanes were opened at some point. I do not know the geography of Houston so I cannot tell you where. I do know that this whole debacle is an excellent example of the complete lack of public transportation in this country, actively promoted by the auto and oil companies to maximize their profits. We had a train system, the Key system, on the Bay Bridge until 1956 or so, when the auto companies won the propaganda war and the tracks were removed. BART replaced the Key system in 1972, but this time going under the Bay, a more expensive method. The same is true with train systems in Los Angeles and elsewhere. Obviously, the private passenger auto is not only extremely wasteful but it cannot possibly serve as a means of mass evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people.

Going beyond all this is the global warming issue, caused by the excess use of oil instead of solar, wind and water power. Clearly, global warming is the cause of the increased intensity and frequency of these storms, the result of which is that we now have a major port city, New Orleans, that is paralyzed, and all the rest of the Gulf Coast in a constant state of crisis, unable to function as normal, healthy communities.

The cause is the private profit system, which only an organized labor movement can eliminate and establish a planned economy, where labor shares the wealth it creates as equitably as possible with everyone.

The need for a labor movement is urgent. If you cannot organize labor, at the very least, march in labor contingents at all peace marches. All of the many social problems we face such as global warming, the death penalty, rotten schools, no national healthcare system, no serious national public transportation system, no affordable housing for the workingclass, endless wars, and much more, are definite signs that labor is weak. The public school system and the healthcare system we do have are all thanks to labor's struggles. The death penalty was abolished in all of Europe because labor is much stronger in Europe; their empires have come and gone while ours is still in the process of dying. The capitalist class must feel that its profits are threatened, which only labor can do, in order for us to win all demands that benefit the workingclass.
by kim
<i> mass evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people.</i>

try millions, in this case.
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