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Indybay Feature

Save The Fong Building Fax Blast Action

by James Tracy via Beyond Chron
Friends, Allies and Social Justice Activists- The San Francisco Community Land Trust is proud to join with the Asian Law Caucus and Chinatown Community Development Corporation in a campaign to save the Fong Building. The building now houses dozens of working-class Chinese tenants, and is one of the only non-SRO residential buildings in Chinatown. Sadly, City College of San Francisco, the owner, is moving forward to trade this public land to a for-profit developer, for a small piece of land close by. Yes, you read correctly, City College, has the nerve to trade the security of tenants for a slab of concrete.
Our demands are simple: Stop the Swap. Transfer the building to a non-profit that can preserve the affordability in perpetuity. Stop the displacement. It is a rare moment that a simple fax or phone call to a public official can turn the tide. However, with CCSF turning to the voters for 245 MILLION dollars in bond money this November's election they are particularly susceptable to public pressure.

To that end, we have made it easy for you to do so. Thanks to Dean Preston, friend of tenants, all you have to do is click on this link to Local Impact, an online activist resource. From there you can send a fax to CCSF Chancellor Day, and make his office hum all afternoon with the sounds of housing justice.

We really need these faxes to go out in the next 24 hours. Please let me know when you have sent yours.

In struggle with a smile.
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