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Indybay Feature

Join the No on 73 Campaign for Teen Safety!

by Campaign for Teen Safety
Proposition 73, an initiative that would require parents of teens to be notified 48 hours before an abortion, is on the November 8th Special Election ballot. While all parents rightly want to be involved in their teenage daughters' lives, good family communication cannot be imposed by government.
August 24, 2005

Proposition 73, an initiative that would require parents of teens to be notified 48 hours before an abortion, is on the November 8th Special Election ballot. While all parents rightly want to be involved in their teenage daughters' lives, good family communication cannot be imposed by government.

If a teenager gets pregnant our first concern must be for her safety. Parental notification laws force teenagers to choose between talking with parents or having illegal, unsafe abortions. If the proposition passes, the safety and health of our teenage daughters will be put in serious danger.

Proposition 73 also puts our most vulnerable teens -- those who live in troubled homes -- in harm's way. If our daughters can't come to us, for whatever reason, we must make sure they get safe medical attention from qualified doctors and nurses.

The real answer to teen pregnancy is prevention and strong, caring families -- not new laws that endanger our daughters. The best way to protect our daughters is to begin talking about responsible, appropriate sexual behavior from the time they are young, fostering an atmosphere that assures them they can come to us.

Please join the doctors, nurses, health care providers, educators and millions of parents including the California Medical Association, the California Nurses Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, California District IX and the League of Women Voters of California to defeat this dangerous initiative. We need your support -- this issue is too important to lose!

What can you do to help the No on 73: Campaign for Teen Safety?

Tell a friend about the dangers of Prop 73 and what how important it is for them to vote NO.
Kathy Kneer Amy Everitt
President, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California State Director, NARAL Pro-Choice California

555 Capitol Mall Suite 510
Sacramento CA 95814

A Project of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California

Contributions to this committee are not deductible as charitable contributions.
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by Womens Building meeting date is wrong
It says the Organizing meeting in the womens building is November 8th...that must be a typ...that's the date of the special election!
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